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meeting Daff soon home again now

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Susan719813 Report 21 May 2008 18:05


Ann says there are none left.....and Daff says there are.......methinks maybe they had something more than milk in their cup of tea!



MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 18:03

lol Ann... I was fibbing... I said well, you can see what I said!!

*cackles at being caught in a fib* lol


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 18:02

Daff, I could have helped you fill the trolley, although I may have had a problem carrying it all along the road!! Yes their plants are good, we get a lot there. But, lucky us, there is another garden centre on the tewkesbury road where we also buy plants. then tomorrow we are going down to Blooms a huge garden centre in haresfield. thank goodness for plastic.



MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 18:01

wmsl Susan... don't sulk now... your face will stay like it one day, lol!! And there are loads of hind legs left... we made sure... we need to have some left for next time, lol!!

It would be lovely to meet up... name the day and place, and I'll collect Ann on the way?????


Daff xxxxx


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 18:00

One day, Susan, one day. well it would help if you were in shouting distance but we shall have to organise something some time!! Don't sulk it is not attractive!! and some hind legs left, we can both talk for England it seems. (And I am not that quiet, was on my best behaviour!!)



Susan719813 Report 21 May 2008 17:56

Are there any hind legs left on the donkeys left down your area Ann? :-)))))))

Not going to say how nice Daff is cos it will go to her head and we can't have that!

Sides........I am jealous cos I wanted to meet Ann and her too .....and buy plants........and yak for hours :-(((((((((

Susan who is orf to *sulk* and see if there are any hind legs left anywhere.


MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 17:55

Lol, Ann... I did go to the loo... and then took a wrong turn on the way out.... and there was this lovely little hydrangea crying to be taken home with me... so I picked it up... and then, there in front of me, was one of those trolley things.. all forlorn and lonely... now, one little hydrangea looked a bit well, naff really, perched in the middle of it lol!! so I thought I would get it some friends to keep it company.. and then I saw those log edging things with the stakes already attached so I bought a dozen of those... as you do!! So tomorrow I will make them into raised beds.. and then fill them with compost and put my lovely new plants into them....

The end of June sounds lovely... same place? Suits me... I will be needing some more plants by then!! (garden is rather large!! And was very empty!) We can look around together, I love to have advice and help when choosing.. I need someone to rein me in!!


Daff xxxx


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 17:43

glad you are home safe I was beginning to fret, all those miles of the M5 and whatever else!!

I think we must have got on three and a quarter hours talking. yes, i had my say too!! If I had known you were going plant buying (thought you said the loo!!! I would have come too.

OH was gardening when I got in, then he did some ironing (because I did some washing before I went out,) then he cleaned the windows.

anyway I enjoyed it and look forward to the next time. maybe end of June??



MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 17:34

ps TOR... hubby bought me a new camera to replace the other, which I didn't get back... so I am learning how to play with that one, lol!!



MrDaff Report 21 May 2008 17:32

Honey I am home... Sorry I am late... couldn't resist doing some plant shopping while I was in there... they have lovely healthy plants.

*blushes* you are all saying very nice things about me, lol!!!!

TOR... left my debit card behind when I paid for the plants and little log panels... the lady came running out behind me just as I was about to drive away, lol!!

Steve MWAH.. back at you!!

Well, I think we got on :¬D... Peggy you cheeky minx, I did sometimes remember to stop talking, take a breath and let Ann have a turn at talking!! lol

No chips!! :¬((

Puss... lurves yer too sweetie!!

Ann is lovely... it was wonderful to meet you at last... very quiet, and gentle and a lovely sense of humour. I took along meet photos that have already been published on the WWW, so there were none there that are blackmailable... Sue M... no whip, lol!! Those are yet to come!! ;¬))

It was a lovely day, and I really hope we can repeat it soon, well, in between Ann gallivanting all over the countryside, lol!!...

I have now got to nip across to Asda and get sommat for Lord Hunter Gatherer's dinner, lol!! But I might have a nosey on the threads first!!

Love to you all

Daff xxxx


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 17:16

Stray you have a big grin on your face.
TOR she very kindly printed off three A4 sheets of photos of all the meets. trouble is while some of them are notated with names, others aren't so I am a bit confused ( not hard to do).


(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸ Report 21 May 2008 17:00

glad you had a good time,

Karen x


TOR Report 21 May 2008 16:57

Oh beep

thought she'd lost that camera. lol


♥**♥Straykitten♥**♥ Report 21 May 2008 16:52

well i hope i was smiling lol

glad u had fun

weres that daff ?flashes pic of little old me about "tut"


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 16:47

also, pics of TOR (loved the hat) and Lorraine. Didn't see a whip Sue, probably hidden.

don't think she left anything TOR


Ladylol Pusser Cat

Ladylol Pusser Cat Report 21 May 2008 16:40

yeh i lurves her glad youve met xxx


Sue Report 21 May 2008 16:35

*oh no expects the blackmail letter in the post re picture any day soon*

Did I have my whip?


Sue x


NOG Report 21 May 2008 16:34

whats daft been doin with the crime watch pics again??

>>>>>>>>>>>>>. & hides


TOR Report 21 May 2008 16:33

So Ann

what did she leave in the Cafe ? - can't take her anywhere without her losing summit.

T.O.R. ;o))


AnninGlos Report 21 May 2008 16:32

yep, seen your photos too!
