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Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 7 Jun 2008 18:20

Ignore the pros and anti's on here Carole just go and and see what YOU think


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 18:13

Its amazing the things you get told when you are a member.

Better on the inside looking out than vice versa.

And no, no one will ever guess the name I am registered under, but then again, them being psychics and all that, will know that I'm an impostor.

Won't they :-)

And yes, Jenpen - going to see Colin Fry. Looking forward to it.

He wont be though, him being psychic and knowing whats coming :-)

Mrs.  Blue Eyes

Mrs. Blue Eyes Report 7 Jun 2008 14:59

hey Eldrick, probably missing the point (again) why are you a member of ISM when you are so obviously anti mediums.
This is not an aggressive question just an honest one. xx


Jenxx Report 7 Jun 2008 14:30

You going to see Colin Fry


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 14:05

Me too.

With some friends - or should I say colleagues :-)


Jenxx Report 7 Jun 2008 14:00

Hi Carol
Hope you enjoy yourself tonight
Let us Know how it goes
Jen x
going to see him later in the year


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 12:12

Sorry, I should have said...

ISM - Institute for Spiritualist Mediums.


Dianne Report 7 Jun 2008 12:09

Hmmmm...........I've heard of them.

Well folks, you'll have to excuse me now I'm afraid, lunch to cook for little one.

Dianne xx

Mrs.  Blue Eyes

Mrs. Blue Eyes Report 7 Jun 2008 12:07

Eldrick what is ISM?


unsub Report 7 Jun 2008 12:04

I just read a bit about colin fry - and i did not like what i read to be honest.

There was a story about a man called Ron, whose daughter had killed herself. Apparently, she came through as a direct voice and said she hadn't meant to kill herself but she's happy where she is.
Then this poor Ron's father found out he had cancer and killed himself.

This then is a direct quote from the end of the article -

Both Jenny and Ron's father are together now and have since both come through at direct voice seances, but this took it's toll on Ron Gilkes so much so that he almost took his own life.

Am I alone in thinking colin fry did this man no good at all?

I don't wish to look into this man's claims about Aberfan. A lot of my family died that day and for him to cash in on that is painful beyond imagining.



Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 12:00

And the SNU have no more powers than the ISM, of which I am a member by the way.

Thats how hard it is to be an official medium. I met all their requirements although I have not, admittedly, sat their practical tests to be a 'registered medium'. The only reason for that is because I really cannot justify the time and expense to travel all the way to London - I have no doubt that I could very easily pass their tests. And use my membership to add credulity to my claims and therefore charge lots more money.

Anyway, the SNU relates only to spiritualist churches, not cabaret acts. I have no grief with churches, although I have no belief in them either. The SNU has no jurisdiction over stage acts at all. That is the arena of Trading Standards and the law of the land.


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 11:51

I think you will find that they won't be in the press and as it is ongoing, it is not open for discussion for anyone but the parties concerned. Once they are finalised, I will be more than happy to reveal the details.

However, as a hint..and that is all it is....look at this one and see how much longer he carries on...and if you think it acceptable to claim that you can cure cancer for a large sum of, I'm sure you won't.

Bear in mind that it is illegal, under the Cancer Act 1939 to advertise a cure or treatment for Cancer unless you are a registered and qualified medical practitioner - a part time Elvis Impersonator doesnt fall into that category.

Anyway, look here.....purely as an example :-)

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 7 Jun 2008 11:38

Eldrick which three cases are with trading standards I am interested in following them


Dianne Report 7 Jun 2008 11:28


I think you will find that the SNU is a legal body.

If you had a problem with anyone else you would report it to their governing body surely??

So why shy away from the SNU?

They are there to help you, and I am merely trying to help you by pointing you in the right direction.

If you genuinely feel that Colin Fry is a fake, then the SNU are the people to report it to.


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 11:23

I prefer to use the law of the land.

I already have complaints against 3 'mediums' on the go at the moment via trading standards offices. They will be upheld and the mediums will be put out of business.

The law is tangible. Self styled regulatory bodies with no standing in law are not.



Dianne Report 7 Jun 2008 11:15

Spiritualists National Union
Stansted Hall
CM24 8UD

That's what.


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 11:12

National Union...of what...?

Hey, believe in woo all you want!

I prefer to believe in the real world, not the fantasy land of spirits, ghosties and ghoulies. Nor do I care to give money to con artists. But, whatever, if thats what floats your boat, go for it.

Randi's name is always mentioned because he is an acknowledged authority on fraudulent psychics. It was Randi who proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that Uri Geller was a fake. I know, some people still believe he was for real, sad as it may seem.

And why is it that a dissenting voice always gets howled down on these boards? As soon as a challenge to these fake psychics is made, the old arguments resurface.- 'prove that it is not so'

I, personally, would like to see discussions on these charlatans banned, but as long as they continue, I will give my views. Just to keep the balance of things, you understand.

And before we go any further, please take note that I have not been abusive in personal terms to any poster. Please keep it that way.

And Colin - you cannot escape the inescapable fact - and it is not an opinion, it a a fact - that no one has ever ever ever been able to reproduce any paranormal or psychic behaviour under controlled conditions. Not an opinion - a fact. One conveniently overlooked.


Dianne Report 7 Jun 2008 10:44


May I suggest that if you have such a problem, then you take it to the National Union, not to these threads.


Jenxx Report 7 Jun 2008 10:43

Hi Tory
James Randi 's name has been thrown up on every
thread that has had anything to do with the paranormal
Have seen and read most of his findings
Micheal prescott Looked into some of Randi.s finding
all I'm saying
for every 1 person who believes there will be 1 person who disbelieves


Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 7 Jun 2008 10:41

Eldrick - just a quick point, 1 website and 1 article is not vast amounts of evidence that you have repeatedly promised and repeatedly failed time after time to deliver.

We all know your views to which you are rightly entitled but remember they are your views and opinions and just that - not fact.