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Dianne Report 7 Jun 2008 10:38

Hi Carole

You go and enjoy yourself. My husband and I have seen Colin and the message he gave my husband was excellent.

In my 45 years of being a Spiritualist, I have seen my share of good ones, bad ones and wannabe ones, so I can safely assure you that Colin is on of the best.

Have a really lovely time.

Dianne xx


tory Report 7 Jun 2008 10:32

Hi Jen I'm not against someone making money .At the end of the day Randi is open about what he does .He doesn't make his money by leading people to believe he is something he isn't and thats the point isn't it .The mediums and psychics are claiming something that I believe to be untrue and that has repeatadly been show scientificaly to be untrue and the distress that there claims can cause people is unexcusable. :-)


Jenxx Report 7 Jun 2008 10:22

James Randi Has made a lot of money
jumping on the paramormal band wagon
try looking at Michael Prescott and see what he says about James Randi


tory Report 7 Jun 2008 10:14

LOL I see nothing aggressive about the comments at all... what I do see is someone who is trying to ask someone to make an informed choice by taking in all the facts .:-))


MaggyfromWestYorkshire Report 7 Jun 2008 10:10

Have reported it for your aggressive attitude Eldrick and have asked for your comments to be deleted, not the whole thread.

This will be my last comment about the thread.

Teddys Girl

Teddys Girl Report 7 Jun 2008 09:59

I do believe some people have the power of being contacted by the other side, but as a practising Christian, we are told in the bible 'not to consort with the spirits'.

So that is why I leave this alone, but I do believe, and have seen Colin Fry on TV.

I believe he brings comfort to people, who are not familiar with the bible, and know there is another place after we leave this earth.


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 09:50

For what?

You call this an argument? lol

Well, that typifies this place, doesnt it.

I agree, however, that threads that give publicity to psychics should be deleted. So well done.


MaggyfromWestYorkshire Report 7 Jun 2008 09:43

I just think that your attitude is slightly aggressive Eldrick and there really is no need for it.

I have also been to see mediums myself. No doubt some genuine, some fake. As long as I went in with a open mind and came out feeling better than I went in, what harm has been done?

By the way, I don't normally get involved in arguments on here, and have no intention of arguing this time, but I have reported the thread.


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 09:38

Sorry, Maggy, I have no intentions of spoiling any threads. But why mention that you are going to see this man if comment is not invited? If comment is indeed not wanted, add a rider to it to say that only people who believe in people like this should respond.

I am not forcing my opinions on anyone. I dont see how that can be done on an internet message board. What I am doing is pointing out that he is a total and utter complete FAKE.

But yes, people should make their own minds up. I think I have made enough points for anyone who is truly open minded to be able to judge.

You will always get those who will just believe regardless, contrary to all the evidence and, most importantly, science and common sense.


MaggyfromWestYorkshire Report 7 Jun 2008 09:28


You are entitled to your opinions, same as the rest of us. But why spoil a thread? Obviously you feel strongly about this, but please let Carole and the rest of us form our own opinions, and don't try to force your own on to us.

Carole, go and enjoy the show, think of it as entertainment, not to be taken too seriously and form your own opinions.

Enjoy, and don't forget to come back and tell us all about it!!


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 08:32

How many different ways is there to say this....

I have given you loads of evidence. Websites, articles. quotes from Magnus, you choose to ignore it - your choice.

What evidence do YOU have that he is real?

Easy answer to that...NONE, because he is fake, a fraud, a charlatan etc.

And if you think there are no grief stricken people in his audience, look again.

I dont need to jump in Loch Ness to know there is no monster. Similarly, I dont need to go and give money to a con man to know he is a fake.

You and all the other woo mongers always retreat to the same position - when the glaringly obvious is pointed out, the response every time is - 'Well you provide the evidence to show he is a fake' as opposed to 'He is not a fake because....'

Let me put it this way. No where in the entire history of the world has any claimed psychic ever been shown, under controlled conditions, to be able to communicate with spirits. Ever.

Every single time that one has sublitted to testing in controlled conditions, they have failed miserably. And you accuse ME of being close minded! You totally ignore that!

Sadly, some people will believe regardless of the evidence. logic and common sense. Try watching James Randi on You Tube for an impartial take on it.
His million pound prize for anyone who can demonstrate any psychic ability remains unclaimed. Meanwhile, this lot continue to do it for money in theatres. Is that not a clue in itself.....?

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 7 Jun 2008 00:49

No - I have seen Colin twice and on neither occasion in a 2000 seat theatre did I spot any grief stricken members of the audience.

...How many times have you seen Colin Fry or the make-up of his audience?

.If you want me then yes I do believe that Colin (and others) do communicate with the spirit world

and yes I'm still waiting for the evidence which despite your promises is still sadly lacking...hey maybe it doesnt exist


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 00:37

And Magnus comments...thats not evidence is it not...?

And all the rest of the stuff that you choose to ignore...?

Go for it, you believe in a parasitic fraudelent con man, but I dont know how you can sleep at night, condoning that degree of depravity

Perhaps you aren't grief stricken, but plenty of them are and that is his target audience. Non grief stricken acolytes are a welcome bonus. He'll take anyones money.

I note that not even you claim to believe that he genuinely communes with the spirits of departed people.

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 7 Jun 2008 00:33

The vast amounts of evidence you promised Eldrick nothing more, nothing less. But then you dont seem to have it, unless you count one article that actually backs Colin Fry in part (see earlier post) and an on-line enycopedia that can be edited by anyone without any form of checking.
Eldrick go and run your head under a cold tap....I nor my wife nor my elderly mother are grief stricken simply interested as are the vast majority of the audiences but then have you been in one to know?

I'm not posting anyomore on this, simply to say again; Carole, go and make your own decisions irrespective of the pro's and con's arguements on here


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 00:30

I am passionately against it because of personal reasons.

I KNOW they rip people off who are extremely vulnerable. It has been shown time and time again they are cold readers.

In my view, taking money off grief stricken bereaved people is nothing short of the most despicable thing anyone can do.


Ray Report 7 Jun 2008 00:28

Hang on,,hold up,,,,,pulls up chair and watches lol


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 00:25

Colin.....what more evidence do you want?

If what you already have isnt enough, then I hope to god you are on the jury if ever I have to fave a crown court!


Carole Report 7 Jun 2008 00:25

Eldrick, I'll look for Derren Brown, but tomorrow. I'm off to bed now.
But if you don't believe in all this medium ship why are you so passionately against others interest in it?


Eldrick Report 7 Jun 2008 00:23

Bands arent ripping bereaved and grief stricken people off for huge sums of money.

People like Fry are.

But, by all means, believe in what you want. It's a free country, mostly, and now you can get your money back and sue them if they dont deliver the goods.

I am actually doing a 'psychic' act tomorrow night at a charity function, as i have in the past. Some people really believe I am psychic - its easy to convince people with just a few simple tricks. Dead easy.

Difference is, I tell them its all fake and dont take money.

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 7 Jun 2008 00:23

Evidence Eldrick...still waiting. You promised, you didnt deliver...not getting boring and all will be resolved when the 'vast amount' of evidence you have arrives....eventually
And please please let people make their own minds up, people spend their cash as they wish and its not for you or me to inflict our views or opinions on them...Carole as I have said ignore both pro and anti messages and see for yourself , if you think Colin is a fraud great, if you think he is genuine great. Eldrick and I are only indivduals with our own opinions