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Do you think a baby that has died before birth sho

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Julia Report 30 Jun 2008 13:48

Sarah - yes I feel for you in this situation. Many of us have been there. Though you say you had a funeral, did you have a grave. Sorry, don't know how else to put it, and don't want to seem indelicate.
Julia in Derbyshire


TinaElizabeth Report 30 Jun 2008 13:46

Hi Sarah, sorry for your loss. I miscarried my daughter at 25 weeks, however 24 years ago we didn't any support from our local hospital. In fact we were only told wait 3 months before trying again.

We wasn't given any footprints, hand prints nor any photos, neither was we told if we could bury her. In fact we were never told anything. More worryingly we accepted it at the time.

I think as time goes on some sort of acknowledgement will be considered by the powers that be.

We still remember her and my children all remember that i had a daughter born too soon.


Sarah Report 30 Jun 2008 13:42

very true caz every child is different you could never make up for the loss no matter how hard you try

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 30 Jun 2008 13:39

Firstly I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your child.

Yes I do think there should be something official to mark the death of a baby......even one as immature (forgive the word, I couldn't think of a better one) as yours was.

Cumbrian Caz~**~

Cumbrian Caz~**~ Report 30 Jun 2008 13:38

Hello Sarah,

I feel very much for you, I lost babies at 10, weeks, 13 weeks and a twin at 15 weeks.It doesnt matter if you have other children { I have 5 } it still hurts.

We had our own little private meant a lot,

Take care,

Caz xxx


Sarah Report 30 Jun 2008 13:36

Hi i recently had a misscarrige i was 12weeks though and had a proper funeral but i didnt get a death certificate and didnt have to register the death you can only do this when the baby born dies within 24weeks of concieving do you think the law should be changed? as it seams to me this is saying your baby was never alive to start with and maybe forgotten by family in years to come ( i have 6 other young children they know about her but whats to say they will remember her in years to come) even though it looked like a baby at 12 weeks whats your views?