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Cholesterol! - UPDATE

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Lindy Report 21 Jul 2008 09:39


Try the internet.


Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 21 Jul 2008 09:45

Ahhh - I see!

The juice of Morinda Citrifolia

Must be a few of those growing up in the bush!

xxx mick

Mrs.  Blue Eyes

Mrs. Blue Eyes Report 21 Jul 2008 13:04

Ah Mick I was reading up on low blood pressure problems and it's possible link to Thyroid and it said on there that you can get high cholesterol. xx

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 21 Jul 2008 23:44

Thanks Mac
I know we can buy Floras other stuff
I will have a look.

Yes Blue eyes, my blood pressure has never been high.


maggiewinchester Report 22 Jul 2008 00:01

I'm 5'3 and weigh 9 st 5. Developed high BP after starting my present job (previously lower than average BP -yet doc can't see the link!!)
He suggested I go on statins as my cholesterol was 5.3. I asked him what the 'good average' was - he said 5. I said no thanks!!
I smoke (more since starting this job) and drink red wine - quite a lot!!!! Take sugar in my tea & coffee, drink very little water (nasty tasteless stuff) but don't drink any fizzy drinks either.
Had my heart & lungs x rayed last October (chest pains etc - probably stress) - they couldn't tell I smoked and heart in excellent condition.
Found out I had one kidney in January. Was told last week that spleen, liver & kidney (now named Kevin) in excellent health.
I shall carry on the way I have been - but must change job - can't stand my line manager (stress factor LOL)!!!!

I don't drive either so tend to end up walking miles! - but I think the plonk is the secret - the cheaper the better :o)

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 22 Jul 2008 00:16

Hi Maggie

You cant beat a good $2 Red from ALDI! lol

xxx mick

Theresa (Cork, Ireland) 157164

Theresa (Cork, Ireland) 157164 Report 22 Jul 2008 00:22

This thread has been an interesting read! Thanks Mick!

I never knew my cholesterol level until we moved here. The first time it was done it was 6.9. I was worriedbut shortly after fell pregnant with Jamie and nothing was done. I had it re-tested about 6 months back again and this time it was 6.7. GP re-did the test (just to be sure and it was again 6.7 however he said that the 'good' cholesterol was high and the 'bad' studff was low so I shouldnt worry too much. I am a little overweight so I am tackling this burt my biggest concern was that my father died very suddenly from a massive heart attack whan he was 52. This sort of suggests that there may be a familial link but then other than war deaths and infant deaths, he was the youngest in my records to die. Both his parents were allive when he died although my Grandfather died 10 months later at 80 years of age from a heart attack....

By the way I am 37. I walk at least 2.5 miles a day and dont eat very much red meat at all!

I am interested that thyroid comes up as I am awaiting thyroid function test results as we speak!

love Theresa


Lindsey* Report 22 Jul 2008 00:27

Whatever did our ancestors do before these doctors invented cholesterol. We fried everything in lard, had fry-ups ,smoked drank did it all to excess and
lived to a grand old age .
Now we stress over our health which pushes up Bps and increases cholesterol ..........too much information is bad for your health!!!

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 22 Jul 2008 01:37

I think the food our ancestors ate was real plain unprocessed food without all the excess sugars and other rubbishy additives they put in these days.

Smoking certainly killed my grandfather- throat cancer at age 64.

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 23 Jul 2008 03:17


I dont want to upset you,
but our local equivalent of ASDI or ASBO
(I know one of those is a supermarket!)
has Jacobs Creek Shiraz Cabernet on sale
for $6.96 a bottle this week
- shall I email you a couple?

xxx mick

~~~Foxylady (with silverhair)~~~

~~~Foxylady (with silverhair)~~~ Report 23 Jul 2008 07:33

Hi Mick, my gp is keeping an eye on my cholesterol, told him since OH had heart surgery i try to follow his diet gp says 50% is what you eat and the other 50% is what you make, as someone has said best by safe than sorry.


Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 16 Oct 2008 09:41

Well, after giving up sex, drugs, rock n roll, milk, cheese, fatty meat, butter, bacon,
and eating more fruit vegies and fish,
my cholesterol has dropped 2 points!

The quack is pleased and there is hope for the old bugger yet!

xxxx mick


Ann Report 16 Oct 2008 09:46

its all a load of crap if you are fat or thin whatever is for is for you''

dont worry about things just live your life as happily as you can when your numbers up its up

Mrs.  Blue Eyes

Mrs. Blue Eyes Report 16 Oct 2008 09:49

Well done Mick, what you give up sex for???

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 16 Oct 2008 09:50

I didnt have to - lol
I think its given me up!


♥**♥Straykitten♥**♥ Report 16 Oct 2008 09:56

ya wil feel even better after 10 more ironed shirts lmao

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 16 Oct 2008 10:05

Yes - when are you coming over to iron em for me?


JaneyCanuck Report 16 Oct 2008 10:31

Can I ship some of mine over now?

See the doc on Friday ... well, my doc decided last week to take a sudden vacation, so I'm seeing somebody at the clinic named Kara. Sigh. At least it isn't Brandy or Tiffany. I dread the day when I encounter Dr. Chelsea or Dr. Tyler. I will know I am way old.

It is hereditary on my dad's side. Goes with the hypertension and arterial blockage that did him in and the cancer that was about to do him in that has so far struck my brother and sister. You had your colonoscopy yet? Oh, maybe you aren't 50.

Anyhow, my dad had his bad cholesterol under control but was having trouble with his good cholesterol being too low. Rather than starting more meds, he decided to try the red wine home remedy. But he was no drinker at all, and definitely no wine drinker. He was spending winters in Florida at the time, so he went and bought one of those big $2 jugs of domestic yankee red wine, and each evening had a lovely cocktail of half and half wine and 7-Up.

And with that nauseating thought, I leave you.

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 16 Oct 2008 10:45

Sounds like what I do - a $12 cask of delicate local red - (commonly known as a Moe Handbag around here!) - must be what made all the difference!
Our government sends everyone a free bowel cancer
test kit as a 55th birthday pressie!

xxxx mick

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 16 Oct 2008 10:46

Moe being a local town renowned for its ferals and bogans!
(pronounced Mowey)