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Cholesterol! - UPDATE

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AnnCardiff Report 17 Jul 2008 11:23

Roxanne - have you any friends?!!!!!


Taff Report 17 Jul 2008 11:22

Bc , yep, its under the same thing as fruit juice, believe it or not!!. So I guess its because of the sugar content?


Roxanne Report 17 Jul 2008 11:22

Mine was over five bit under 6,I cant remember the exact figure.
My doctor said this was borderline and needed to be reduced,I too was at a loss what to do,I eat healthy,dont smoke,drink only red wine and only in moderation,Saturday nights only and then only 2 glasses,I exercise on a regular basis 5 days a week for 1 hour. I'm very active in my daily life !
Its now lowered,all I did was start eating raw garlic,It worked for me:-))


ButtercupFields Report 17 Jul 2008 10:50

I have asked for a month to get my cholesterol down. I do not want to take medication if I can help myself, so we will see. I have seen nowhere where white wine is bad, has anyone? (fingers crossed) lol

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 17 Jul 2008 10:38

Well - I like porridge - must eat more!

My fathers brother died of a heart attack - but he was a heavy smoker and an alcoholic.
Nobody else in the whole family (back to 1830 anyway) with any heart problems.


Taff Report 17 Jul 2008 10:34

Porridge is another great one for bringing it down, but if your diet can't bring it down, then statins are the answer!!

Mrs.  Blue Eyes

Mrs. Blue Eyes Report 17 Jul 2008 10:34

Well put Ann, my sil has the familial hypercholestrolemia she found out after she had a heart attack at the age of 52, this kind is always treated with statins as well as diet. You have to have a parent with the disease to have it yourself, you have a 50/50 chance of getting from a parent and the same odds of passing it onto a child, so your family should be getting tested too, all my husbands family have had the test and she is the only one with it.

The majority of cholesterol is created by your own liver with a small portion coming from the foods you eat, some people produce more than others. Most people can help themselves with a better diet and increasing exercise.
Oats contain something called beta glucen which helps to remove the cholesterol from your digestive system, you can have porridge or look for recipes that contain oats, or oat flour.


Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 17 Jul 2008 10:33

Hmmm - yeah thanks for that Eldrick!
I must get some more red in - I do live
next to a vineyard after all!
more red and more lean meat -like roo and venison and goat, of course.
Cant imagine ever getting mine down
to 3.5 though!


Bad_Wolf Report 17 Jul 2008 10:30

Have they figured out yet what cholesterol actually does?

I know it is needed by the body, but what does it actually do?

btw, I have heard that walnuts can help to reduce the cholesterol count; haven't proved it myself, but if you do have regular checks, why not try it out?


AnnCardiff Report 17 Jul 2008 10:22

7.6 high!!! That ain't high!! Mine was 11.5 when I had to go on statins - no, joking aside, as has been said, it can be familial, ant that's what mine is. Now I'm on statins and have been for over ten years mine is now around 4.5. It has nothing whatever to do with my diet. I proved that when I was first diagnosed with 9.5 - I asked for a month to bring it down and not to go on medication. After a month of cutting out all my favourites - cream, biscuits, crisps, cakes, it went up from 9.5 to 11.5!!


Eldrick Report 17 Jul 2008 10:21

I wouldnt worry, Mick

You need to drink some real beer instead of that Fosters stuff. I imagine that is the problem, to be honest.

If you cant find any real beer, I suppose you could drink a bottle of red a day, thats another old country remedy.


AnninGlos Report 17 Jul 2008 10:13

In UK the government has set a target i believe (so what is new). I think Drs are to get everyone's cholesterol down to about 3.5. 5 used to be acceptable.


Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 17 Jul 2008 09:56

Oh well - thanks all!
I will see what he has to say.
7.9 does sound pretty high!

xxxx mick


jgee Report 17 Jul 2008 09:39

I think it can be inherited when i was attending hospital a lady iwas talking to was extremely high under the doctor for years very slim active ate all the right foods nothing was bringing it down

mine was 5 doctor put me on pills said it was to high thought 5 was around normal 6 months on pills was down to 3 he says i got to stay on them to keep it low does anyone think we maybe Guinea pigs x


GI YID Report 17 Jul 2008 09:26

Mick....................more exercise might help

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸ Report 17 Jul 2008 09:22

a lot of it can be hereditary.......i'm lucky(at the moment)i'm overweight,don't exercise and eat plenty of meat yet my cholestrol is 2.7!!!!!!

Karen x

Blue Moon

Blue Moon Report 17 Jul 2008 09:09

At least the Doc's on the ball

I did'nt feel unwell untill I had a Heart attack,

so as they say, prevention is better than cure.


SallyF Report 17 Jul 2008 09:07

Mick my MiL has it. She has more or less cut out all fats and most meats from her diet. She's more or less a vegetarian. She drinks in moderation, doesn't smoke and is by no means overweight. yet she still struggles to get much below 8.

Running Bear

Running Bear Report 17 Jul 2008 09:06

too much roos milk bad for you

Mick from the Bush

Mick from the Bush Report 17 Jul 2008 09:03

I am not one to whinge about my ailments, but my Doc wants to see me because my cholesterol has gone from 7.4 to 7.9 in 6 months!
Why me? I feel very well. I am not over weight- dont drink (much), eat lots of vegies and try to balance my diet!

xxxx mick