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## Canucks International ##

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badger Report 12 Sep 2009 15:01

now then ,where was i? oh ,yes ,i remember now ,hallo all ,again he he.
All my woes started around seven this morning while i was out in the garden ,with my cuppa ,opening up the greenhouse,Fred opens the door and reaches inside and flicks the switch the light goes on,then goes off ,there is a huge blue flash ,followed by a dirty great bang that rattled the greenhouse glass .oh horror ,was that me ,i wonder ,then turn round to look at the house ,,darkness ,so is next door ,so is next door next door ,so is round the corner,oh mummy ,if i caused that ,i isss going to be as popular as a pork chop at a jewish wedding.
Fred wanders out of the garden with some trepidation ,and walks round the corner to see the one remaining hole from the water board repairs ,again full of water ,and a horrible smell of burning ozone.relief , at least it wasn't me ,he he.
I am still hanging around when the electricty board come round the corner ,they pull up ,take one look ,and call the water board,they arrive ,take a look and they call the contractor,and when THEY arrive all hell breaks loose,culminating in the electricity board telling the water board that they will be billed for loss of power ,repairs to cables and any insurance claims that may arise. and this is passed on to the contractors,there is then much shouting gesculating ,and a sort of free for all ,just stopping short of fisticuffs ,,thought for one moment w w 3 was about to break out ,lol.
Any way ,now i am back on line ,enjoying my first cuppa of the day ,having as yet no shave ,wash or shower ,i am going to get my smelly bod' upstairs to get myself cleaned up .
Too late for dinner ,so we are having a B B Q for tea and i have the chicken strips and thighs marinading in a thai hot ,spicy home made sauce,have taken finger buns and buns out of the freezer for the snags and burgers,and the wife is making a nice side salad with stuff out of the greenhouse and garden,kick off is at 5 sharp ,so if anyone want's any ,get yer skates on ,Fred.


Aussiegirl Report 14 Sep 2009 05:57

WOW Christine... What a lot of luck you have had with your MIL tree.. Really fantastic. and so exciting..Glad you are back on line, as if you are like me you suffered from puta withdrawells.thank goodness for card games on the

Les.. Great to see you seem to be having a lovely time but sorry to hear that Bella is not to well..hope she recovers and is back to her mad self again soon..

Fred.. Bet that power outage must have given you a big shock,,Can just see the relief on your face when you realised that it wasent you that had caused it..heee heee heee...

Just received a beautiful bunch of flowers and bottle of bubbly from my daughter in Orange for my birthday..she is a darling...

~~~~~~to Diane and Edith..and JA.... Sylvia How are you ok we hope..

Better go and see what Les has been up to lately..

Lotsa love Mary xxx


badger Report 14 Sep 2009 10:19

Morning all ,and a special one for Mary the birthday girl ,sorry old friend ,but i didn't pick up on it until i visited Les's and Norm's blog.
Happy birthday ,and hope you are having a great day with the flowers and cards.
Hope everyone is okay and keeping safe ,have to go to town now ,as tomorrow is dentist day for a check up ,can't be getting toothache while on holiday now ,can we?
Catch you all later ,Fred.


badger Report 15 Sep 2009 07:23

'Ere 'Ow very dare you ,lol,i'll 'ave you know that i still have all my teeth [so far ] and don't intend parting with them till i have to.
Get yourself a terra bit hard drive lass,computerise all your papers and get 'em on the puter where they can't get lost ,he he all you need to do then is keep the really important paperwork leaving yourself tons of room in your pad.
I can offer you an empty greenhouse shortly ,but i need it cleared back out by march ?.lol.
Back shortly,need to get out back for a while ,things to do before going to the dentist ,and then the town Fred


badger Report 16 Sep 2009 09:39

'Eeeeeelo all right ,where's everyone hiding these days?can't all be on holiday surely?.
Well ,been to the dentist ,and both i ,and the missus did well,clean bill of heath,so we decided to go to tescos for a light lunch ,but got sidetracked when we got there [as usual] he eh.We went down the electricals isle and found me printer ,an h p all in one ,wire less and usb ,so the missus and i can share it on both the desktop and laptop £45 each ,so ,anyone wanting a new printer had better get their butt in gear ,at that price they will go fast ,
The other printer is only a year old ,so i will pack it up and take it to a charity shop in the town ,it should find a new home easily working as new.
The new one is now sitting upstairs awaiting the wrapping paper [christmas is coming ] lol.
Must get down the town today ,i need a pair of flight socks from Boots ,can't be taking any chances seeing as i have pvd already.
The packing is half done now ,so we will be ready in plenty of time.
Back later shopping time .Fred

Teresa In Canada

Teresa In Canada Report 17 Sep 2009 18:37

Hi Everyone,

I finally have five minutes to sit down and write a few lines.

Bob is almost done with Chemo with just one treatment in October and one in December to go. His Hemogloblin is now normal and so is his white count. The only thing that is still a bit low is his platelets so that is why they are doing the last couple of treatments. What a relief for him to have a clean bill of health. The doctor said that he may not need another round of treatment for many years, so fingers crossed.

We have sold our house so I am now in the middle of packing. What a lot of stuff we have accumulated in the last fifteen years that we have lived here! Downsizing is sure hard! I have been giving stuff away all week. I have also put some furniture online for sale.

We have decided to leave Calgary and move to a very small town about half an hours drive south of the city. It will be quite different living somewhere with a population of just over 2300 after living in a city of over a million people. Bob will work at home most of the time and only go in to his office a couple of times a week. I have already talked to the people at a local garden center about working there next spring.

The house we have bought is quite a bit smaller than this, in fact the bungalow is the size of my main floor in this house so we are losing the square footage of the upper floor here. We will still have a developed basement but have a total of 2 bedrooms instead of the 5 we have here. It is a walkout basement so very bright. There are no homes behind us, just a nature reserve and cows. Oh bliss, I can't wait! The houses are set around a square shaped park and only about 25 houses there, very quiet.

I am hoping the weather cools down a bit this week, it was 29 yesterday making it very hot in the house. We don't have air conditioning (do in the new place!) so hot for packing. Of course, I would like to have decent weather for the move, none of that white fluffy stuff for a few weeks, lol. We take possesion Oct 5 but don't have to be out of here until the 9th so have a few days to get everything sorted out. I am hoping that the weather is good as I want to move some of my perennials into the new garden. It is going to be fun to plan this garden, much bigger than I have now. It is 85 feet from the back of the house to the fence, and about 120 feet wide. Yikes, I am going to be busy!

More later,

Love to you all



badger Report 19 Sep 2009 03:51

Well ,hello all out there ,from a very early badger this morning ,the gnashers are causing me no problems this morning but the leg is ,so i got up and made a cuppa then let the cat out ,Hissy asked sooooo nicely that i couldn' t say no could i.?
The police helicopter is around again so either someone is being a bit noisy ,or Hissy is being naughty,or both ,still when i have finished my cuppa ,i will lock up and go for my walk to get the kinks out of these old bones.
Had a good time in town yesterday.found the luggage straps and labels,found a lovely winter raincoat with a detacheble fleece lining,which will be ideal for my winter walks to keep myself mobile ,until the new garden season starts.
We also went to our butcher and got some beefburgers and pork burgers with the idea of having our last B B Q of the season before we fly off on holiday,woo hoo ,nine days and counting then ,sea ,sun and swimming in a nice warm sea .
Glad to see that Bob is doing so well too ,that must be a huge relief .
catch you later ,holiday badger,.


Lesley Report 19 Sep 2009 13:53

Hey, its me again. Another motel. Thanks to you guys for all your comments....they are so appreciated...heaven knows where everyone else is...maybe they don't know how???
Glad hubby is doing OK Teresa and do enjoy your new home. Since making this trip Norm and i are thinking we might want to live somewhere a bit bigger than port Alberni....we'll see.
Christine...miss you on the blog.
Fred, in case I forget...have a great trip.
Luv Lesxx


badger Report 20 Sep 2009 10:20

Morning all ,from a veeery quiet Newcastle most of the traffic this morning going down the a19 to avoid the run taking place this morning,pity they don't do it more often .lol ,the quiet is deafening [if you know what i mean]
My new raincoat is dark blue ,he he ,to match my skin colour in the cold oooo,it do get nippy up here around January ,lol.
I have the dreaded Hissy well trained[i think ,she always turns up around 8 in the evenings to see ifi have put any extra biccies on her plate,so i always put a few out when she comes in [bribery i know] ,but it works for me.
Nice to see you again Les ,i hope you are still taking plenty of those pics,Sean will love seing some of them ,he loved the country very much and still reckons to retire there when the time comes
Talking of chores ,he he time i was away ,housework to do ,and the lawns and hedges to see to before we go away .
Catch you all later .off fora coffee now and thinking,next week at this time ,we will be over the alps with any luck ,whoopee.Holiday Badger


Lesley Report 20 Sep 2009 23:04

can't put this on the blog as Norm promised the owner we would not...however...the KOA campsite last nite was blurry awful. At 12.30am three woman were out by the shower room yelling and screaming and they kept it up fror almost an hour. Then there were some men drinking and laughing until 3 o' clock am....grrrr!!!! Add to that the noise from the nearby highway and the trains....deary, deary!!!

So it is a very tired twosome today.

Hey did well...LOL!!!


edith clace

edith clace Report 22 Sep 2009 00:15

Hello everyone. Had a lovely morning with Les, Norm and Bella. Went ove r to Dryden 1 hr. west and had breakfast with them and then to the lake for Bella to run and work off some energy. She loved the water. Chatted and watched the dogs antics, Norm took some pics and we enjoyed the late summer weather. Too soon they were on their way to Winnipeg and I returned home. A great day and got to give Bella the hugs for you all.
Must get some chores done now so will be back soon. Edith XXXX


Lesley Report 22 Sep 2009 03:14

Love you Edith...grreat visit..the rest of the day was "different"

Another motel.

Talked to daughter tonight and she wants us home by the weekend....dunno if we can accomplish that.

JA, Norm is a graffiti freak and has a huge file of such shots taken over the years. Even tho many are "different" he believes they are a true expression of somebody's art...hmmm!!! Often I think they are crap....but hey!!! that's just me!!!

Keep happy, you lot.

PS. what's with this jumpy screen???? Anybody know???


JALimestonePlains Report 22 Sep 2009 14:41

Happy Birthday to VP happy birthday to you xxx

Norm there are some great books on graffitti as art in Melbourne so understand how you see it.

Campsite knowing about blog????

teresa good about Bob, ad blessings fort the new house

``````Canucks all and heard the chuckles from here VP and Edith


Lesley Report 22 Sep 2009 15:08

OK...I have to rephrase...Norm says graffiti is a social comment of our times....yup!!!
I am 29 again today....yippee!!
Keep well you lot.


Diane Report 22 Sep 2009 18:31

HAPPY 29TH BIRTHDAY LES!!!!!!!! Hope you are enjoying your travels.. Fred hope you have a lovely holiday, and hello to everyone else hope you are all well.....

edith clace

edith clace Report 22 Sep 2009 20:58


Hope you find a good restaurant to celebrate!!!

Love Edith

P.S I'm sorry I didn't steal Bella and bring her home with me.!!!


Aussiegirl Report 23 Sep 2009 06:09

Afternoon all..I cant believe it is so long since I posted...where have the days gone..
Thanks for the birthday wiishes.. and Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Les..
What a great meetup with Edith..Wish I could have been there to,,can just hear the laughter from here..

Christine.. Your hospitals sound a bit like ours,,waiting..waiting..for ever it seems some times..

Teresa. So glad Bob is on the mend and what good news for him..The new house sounds just what you need now that the kids are away so much..Last thing you need is lots of housework, but the big garden sounds fantastic and you will have Fred jealous if you have lots of it in growing vegs. I think he would give his eye teeth for a small

Fred Feel for you and like you I hate the dentist..why do they have to feel like they are practically sitting in your mouth when doing a filling..yuk..

Well not much to report here,,We have had a dreadful dust storm today..It must have travelled a thousand miles to get here all the say from Victoria and they say it will get blown eastward towards New Zealsnd..Waiting for cousins who live on the west coast of NZ to write and complain to us that they dont want it thank them to bag it up and send it back as we still need it..hee hee hee..we could do with some rain though,its been very dry.. planes and ferries have all been disrupted due to the strong winds that have come with it..

Hope all are well ..

Love Mary xxx


badger Report 23 Sep 2009 15:49

Good afternoon to all over there in Kiwi land and oz ,commiserations on your lousy weather the pics i saw on telle this morning was like something out of a horror film,not so much the dust although that was some size sandstorm ,because i have seen the like in the gulf on a smaller scale.
It was the heavy rain ,hailstones ,and the winds that had me gobsmacked,along with the erosion of the river deltas and beaches ,wow ,you can keep your spring weather.
had an idea from Bill early this morning who said there must be a cheaper ,better way of hiring a car than getting one from the raf pool.
It got me thinking ,so i got in touch with sean this morning and asked him to do a little snooping around camp for me.
an hour later i got a reply and ,Bingo. a lad coming home this coming Monday with a nice little 1300 cc Corsa ,with no buyer, [sold ] he he,now Sean can get rid of his Subaru at his leisure getting the best price for it,and he has a corsa that he can keep after we come home ,that he can use for work,a £100 cheaper for the remainder of his time there not just the 6 weeks hire from the pool all sorted.
It also looks as though he may be home in time for Christmas ,then it's back to brize i reckon ,but ,next posting should see him in Germany where he can get to Poland ,and his wife easily,the poor lass is rather down at the minute ,but ,she did do better than me and Liz ,we were parted eleven days after we got married ,me back in Aden ,and Liz back home in Newcastle for 18 months ,yes ,we know how she must be feeling.
Been a lovely day here ,sunny mild and just the ticket to dry all the washing before going away on Sunday morning.
Hope everyone has a better weekend this time with more clement weather ,
Have a nice weekend all,Fred,& Liz.

edith clace

edith clace Report 24 Sep 2009 23:19

Hello everybody, Hope you are all well. It seems our fall/summer is near it's end. Expect rain and chilly temps starting Sunday. Can't complain as the last 3 weeks have been fabulous and we can start winter in a good mood. Waiting to hear how Les and Norm made it through the prairies. I think they are so dull. Drive forever and still see the same house!!!!!
Fred and Liz bon voyage on your holiday, enjoy the warm weather and we look forward to your stories from over there Fred. Stay well all
Bye for now. Edith XXXX


badger Report 26 Sep 2009 12:39

Hi Edith ,and all of you ,just to say ,i will now be shutting down here ,and hope to be back on Line Monday if all goes well.
Have a great weekend no matter what weather you are having , rain ,dust storms,hail.snow ,or flooding ,Take care everyone,Fred.xxxxx O ff to the wide blue[i hope] yonder he he