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## Canucks International ##

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Teresa In Canada

Teresa In Canada Report 29 Jan 2012 17:58

Hi Everyone,
Edith, you beat me to the punch telling Fred that perogies were different from Gnocchi. My father was Polish so I grew up on perogies. My mum is English though, so we relied on my dad's sister to make us the fresh ones. I know there are a lot of Polish families in the UK and many of them run their own meat shops so you could probably find them there too. My favourite is bacon and potato filling. Yum! Les, I do a similar version of your dish, just leave out the tomatoes as Bob doesn't like them. Hmm, he can't taste anything right now so maybe I should put the tomatoes in anyway, lol.

We are having fantastic weather again, 15 today. Most of the week is supposed to be around the 8-10 degree range. We have really only had one week of really cold weather all winter. I would be quite happy if it stayed this way until spring, except the garden gets so confused.

Bob and I are just off to take a lovely long walk around town. It is great that there is no snow or ice so that I don't have to worry about him falling. His platelets are extremely low so bruising or bleeding would be a problem for him. He feels great though so that is the main thing.

Enjoy the rest of the day!



Lesley Report 29 Jan 2012 17:52

Edith, thanks for that info. Yes perogies and gnocchi are definitely very different. It is interesting finally on this thread that we have something quite different here in Canada that we eat often. We all exchange recipes all the time and have never seen much of a difference...but the perogie....ah!!!

I don't do gnocchi very often altho they are tasty. My favourite pasta is penne and Norm's is just your basic spaggetti. Years ago I used to "do" a spaggetti casserole that went something like this: several handfuls of spaggetti broken in half, several cups of sauce (homemade or bought) 2 cups of grated cheese. Stir all together and bake at 350 for about 30-40 minutes. Always yummy but I don't make that anymore because of the cheese content.

Tonite is Mexican nite and I am going to make enchildadas and serve along with refried beans. Today I am junking out my office space, well I did start yesterday. I have saved over the years all kinds of printed emails and stuff about my family tree that I have long since either included or discarded. I even found phone lists and stuff from when I was working. Really a "lightening" experience to chuck all this out....actually I am burning it in the wood stove!! It amazes me how much accumulates...I think it is because I am basically know my in tray is always full as I procrastinate about what to do with it all. Now I don't really have an in tray but I am sure you know what I mean.

So onward and more from me later. Lesxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 29 Jan 2012 12:26

Morning all, Sorry, Fred but gnocchi and perogies are 2 different things.
Gnocchi is made from potatoes',eggs and flour then shaped in a curl with a fork to mark the edges. The perogie is a potato filled dumpling. The dough is rolled out very thin and cut into rounds. Filled with potato,cheese, onion or saurkraut folded in half and edges sealed by pinching. Into boiling water until they float then into a fry pan with butter until golden . Serve with sour cream. Gnocchi are served with a tomato sauce usually.
Grew up with an Italian nonna across the street and loved to help her cook. :-) Still make my own pasta's as they are fresh and taste so much better.
The perogies come from a Ukrainian tradition or thereabouts.
Any way I hope you can find some as they are good.
Off to get some work done as I have yet to get apt. cleaned up from last week, sure could use your maid service Fred :-D
Be back soon, Edith <3

edith clace

edith clace Report 29 Jan 2012 12:26

Morning all, Sorry, Fred but gnocchi and perogies are 2 different things.
Gnocchi is made from potatoes',eggs and flour then shaped in a curl with a fork to mark the edges. The perogie is a potato filled dumpling. The dough is rolled out very thin and cut into rounds. Filled with potato,cheese, onion or saurkraut folded in half and edges sealed by pinching. Into boiling water until they float then into a fry pan with butter until golden . Serve with sour cream. Gnocchi are served with a tomato sauce usually.
Grew up with an Italian nonna across the street and loved to help her cook. :-) Still make my own pasta's as they are fresh and taste so much better.
The perogies come from a Ukrainian tradition or thereabouts.
Any way I hope you can find some as they are good.
Off to get some work done as I have yet to get apt. cleaned up from last week, sure could use your maid service Fred :-D
Be back soon, Edith <3


badger Report 29 Jan 2012 10:52

Hi Sylvia ,just found Les's Perogies online ,a very small dumpling that looks like a miniture Cornish pasty shape wise,and can be brought in many stores ,so you now have two choices to look for.
I found that Asda ,Aldi ,and our Morrisons stock both frozen foods ,but i still like the look of Les's dumplings best of the two .
Catch you again later Fred,xxx


~*sylvia*~ Report 29 Jan 2012 10:39

Hi! Fred,

Now that you have said that they are called Gnocchi, I know what you mean. I have seen them but have never tried them so I will definitely try them one day soon. Thanks for that.

I have been to visit the grandchildren again today, so I am just going to do myself a fry-up for tea(dinner). It was so hot last night that I didn't get much sleep and I am feeling very tired tonight, especially after visiting the children. Kate will be 6 on Friday and we have been arranging things for her party on Saturday, she has 18 children coming so I will go to see her on Friday, after school. I couldn't stand another 18 on top of the 3 they already have.

Must go and get my fry-up so will say Goodnight now.

Sylvia :-)


badger Report 29 Jan 2012 10:09

morning to everyone from a very chilly Newcastle where the snow clouds are gathering ,lol,any way ,i don't give a stuff ,we are well stocked every way ,and it can please it's Bessie ,he he
Hi Slvia ,these pasta dumplings are known in Britain and other places as Gnocchi , an Italian dish which come with many different mixes of fillings.
Most stores including the ones in Oz stock them in the frozen section .
Asda,Here do them ,Aldi ,which i know you have over there stock them ,and i believe Costco as well ,so you should be able to get them okay.
Anyway ,when i can get out to the shops next week ,i intend taking the shotgun to the stores and hunt some down he he ,they sound ,as you say ,really nice ,even more so when you can get them with other fillings mixed in with the potato.
There may also be a version ,actually made with suet pastry ,so i will be on the hunt for them too ,and if i can't find them ,well veggie suet pastry is dead easy to make ,and if i have to ,i will make my own.
Dinner today sees me cheating ,lol ,three sliced meats out of the freezer ,corned beef ,chicken,and pork all frozen down in previous weeks from big joints for times like this ,the beuty being all the ingredients for the dinner being done in the small oven ,saving energy and bending over ,he he .
The rest od the dinner will be Roast ,and mashed tatties,roast parsnip,roast red onion ,with sweet potato, stuffing ,[out of the freezer again] sweetheart cabbage ,carrot,and some frozen peas,all topped with a nice beef ,or chicken ,or veggie gravy,i havn't decide on which yet :-).
Still looking at the seeds Edith ,and have a way to go yet but i'm getting there slowly ,hope every one is getting a bit of R&R in their busy lives ,take care all ,Fred & Hissy& t'other boss lady lol. :-Dxxxx


~*sylvia*~ Report 28 Jan 2012 12:33

Hi! Everyone. Those perogies sound very nice Lesley and I would like to try them but I don't think I could make them. What sort of pastry do you use for them? I'm sure they don't sell them over here in Australia,but, you never know, I suppose they could have them in some of the Continental type Delis. I will have to look around.

Hello Fred, I hope you have enjoyed having your grandson. I wish you could have my 2 youngest Granddaughters, they are little horrors. It's a pity you can't eat Bread Pudding. I like to eat it cold and I have already eaten the one I made on Thursday. It wasn't very big though.

I am going to watch Taggart on TV now so I will say Goodnight all. I might see you tomorrow.

Sylvia X :-)


badger Report 28 Jan 2012 10:34

Morning to all from the frozen north he he ,no way will i be trying to get Brussel off my plants this morning ,too cold on the old Pinkies for me .
I Hope John isn't going to be troubled with chest problems too Mary ,he has more than enough problems to start with ,life seems so unfair at times with some poor people getting more than their fair share of illnesses.
We do have a Costco here Les with is connected to Asda superstores so we are luckier than you ,and i will be looking for some of these treats next time i go there ,they are so handy to have in stock ,and easy to use ,and i really fancy trying some .
We have our grandson Chris again this weekend , which we always look forward to ,the lad is no bother ,is easy to feed providing you don't over do the onions in recipes ,he he ,we have to chop 'em small ,and hide them among the other ingredients so that he won't notice them .
We had to take the new printer back and change it for another brand,the H p we got would not couple into the computer to allow the connection to the wi fi in any way shape or form ,so i changed it for a Kodak model to the same specs ,and it went in no bother [a strongly worded complaint has gone to Hewlett packard ] in which i said ,if thats the best you can do ,i will NoT be buying from you again,lol,so far ,no comment back from them.
Well ,time i was outa here ,to find something for the dinner,as hungry Horace [Chris ] will be here shortly ,he he ,i am still sure the lad has hollow legs ,or worms :-|.
Catch you later all


Lesley Report 27 Jan 2012 19:02

Sylvia, perogies are little pastry dumplings, flat, halfmoon shaped usually filled with potato and cheese. Normally you would boil them until they float (from frozen) and then lightly sautee them with onions and either oil or butter. Nice with sour cream....yummy all of the time.

Fred we buy ours frozen. There are lots of brands but we like the bulk pack that we get from Costco (do you have Costco in England??) These are filled with potato, onion and cheese.

Spent last night watching One Foot in the Grave. The kids gave us the complete works for xmas. I swear that sometimes Norm sounds just like Victor, makes me laugh. I told him that we should have a Margaret and Victor day...imagine the fun we could have in the grocery store. :-D

Mary, take it easy a little bit, some deep breaths, maybe a nice glass of red. Hope that John will be OK from this latest problem.

I have just finished working on my Darbon family, been at that for 2 years on and off. Now up to 1190 ancestors. I have never put this on GR....hmmm! wonder how long it will take me to enter all of that??
Later Lesxx


badger Report 27 Jan 2012 13:28

Afternoon all [at last] when will genes learn not to mess with a computer mainframe while it is working okay Grrrrrr ,they spend too much time messing with this and that ,changing the pages formats ,and playing with the site layout until the poor computer becomes overloaded and confused to the point it is trying to run up it's own wonder it crashes.
Any way ,Yep Les ' i have heard of the whootsies ,lol,and luckily here at least we can buy them ready made ,so no need to make them ourself ,and yes again ,i will try the recipe ,it sounds ace
There are two recipies i know of for making low fat pastry ,one using veggie oil instead of marge ,or animal fat . and one uses rice flour instead of cornflour or wheat flour.
Go on line and search for [low fat recipe ] scroll down nearly to the bottom of the page that comes up ,to find what you are looking for.
Hi To everyone else ,must fly as i have tons to do ,catch you later .Fred :-D xxx.


~*sylvia*~ Report 27 Jan 2012 04:48

Hello everyone.
It is nice to see you again Mary. I hope John's xray is OK.How are you keeping?
Lesley, what are perogies? I have never heard of them and they sound strange to me.Perhaps we don't have them in Australia but I would be interested in knowing what they are.
We had another bad storm last night and today it is very humid and hot, so not very pleasant.
See you later,



Aussiegirl Report 27 Jan 2012 02:16

Hi everyone.. Have been busy with 2 grandaughters her for a few days and running them around as well as running after John..there is always something he needs..
Have just got my new puta going and am in the middle of downloading my programmes so am going around in circles..dont have a clue what I am doing.
Sylvia..So nice to see you back..Dont lose your way again..hope you are well..

john has to have a chest xray next week as he is having some chest more to do..

Will try and get back soon..havent had time to read back as I have to take the girls to see john and then to the station so busy again..

Hope all are well

Love mary xxx :-D :-D :-D :-P


Aussiegirl Report 27 Jan 2012 02:16

Hi everyone.. Have been busy with 2 grandaughters her for a few days and running them around as well as running after John..there is always something he needs..
Have just got my new puta going and am in the middle of downloading my programmes so am going around in circles..dont have a clue what I am doing.
Sylvia..So nice to see you back..Dont lose your way again..hope you are well..

john has to have a chest xray next week as he is having some chest more to do..

Will try and get back soon..havent had time to read back as I have to take the girls to see john and then to the station so busy again..

Hope all are well

Love mary xxx :-D :-D :-D :-P


Lesley Report 26 Jan 2012 19:28

Hi Gang. Well finally I think I am on the upside of down...thank goodness. Edith I did not get any jokes, pouts!!

Meanwhile I found a new recipe that I altered a bit and will share. Here in Canada we eat vast quantities of perogies, they are on almost every restaurant menu that you look at. So how about you, Mary and Sylvia and Fred....perogies??? Anyway, quantities to your own liking. Boil the perogies until floating and spread in a lightly oiled casserole dish. Sautee a large onion, a handfull of mushrooms (both sliced) plus about 4/6 rahers of bacon chopped up small. Sautee until onions are translucent and bacon brown. Spread that mix over the top of the perogies. Then arrange a layer of sliced tomatoes over the top and then sprinkle with a little (or a lot) grated cheese of your choice. We use a low fat cheddar/ mozzarella mix. Bake in the oven for 30 mins at 350. Very yummy and a different way to eat perogies. Norm said he liked them this way best of all. We had them with meat loaf but they would be good with anything and perhaps even a bit yummier with a dollop of sour cream.

Freezing rain and snow overnite, just doesn't know when to quit. A couple of nights ago there were some "lads", probably drunk wandering down our street in the middle of the night. Generosity would say that they fell but actually they had a little fun smashing one of the truck windows...grrr! Norm is hoping to replace the mirror but we will likely have to buy a whole unit....mucho dinero....another grrr!!

Fred, do yu have a low fat pastry recipe at all??? I have a hankering for a meat pie but I never eat regular pastry. Norm tried to make an olive oil pastry but altho it was tasty it wouldn't bind properly.

Ok I am off to do a little FR and then might try a little doll clothes sewing for the sweet Rhian's birthday.
Later Lesxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 26 Jan 2012 11:35

Morning, Fred I hope that book missed your head, Christmas "INDEED"
Sylvia, try the cinnamon on yogurt, just the plain stuff, on a custard pudding or if you drink smoothies add it to them as well.I also added it to a bowl of applesauce and it was good.
It seems you do need a teaspoon a day for it to work. Friends have tried less and no results.
Have a great day. Edith <3


badger Report 26 Jan 2012 10:24

Morning to Sylvia ,Edith ,Les ,and anyone else who turns up over the next few days.
Yes Sylvia ,i did use to make bread Pudding ,from a recipe of my gt grandads which the kids ,and i loved ,but after the diabeties hit me ,i had to forgo that luxury ,which i reckoned was the King of puddings ,and all from war years where even stale bread was used up ,instead of binning it .
Can'y make sugar and cinnamon on toast for the same reasons [sniffle ,t'aint fair sob] ,but i can and do add a tad in some stir fry's or currys ,and get a little that way :-P.
As to swinging ,tut tut, lass ,you are supposed to swing to music you know ,not exercise on the kitchen doors ,he he ,whatever next .
Edith ,you keep 'em coming please ,that is the first job of my day after opening my puter up ,and have to say ,the wife and i had a darned good laugh at the i phone joke this morning ,one that has been passed on to family members straight away :-).
Looks to be a largish cooking session for us today ,frozen beef and kidney's thawing ready to make steak and kidney filling for pies and whatever ,and some frozen stuffing from Christmas to do with the chicken at the weekend.
I suppose the stuffing comment makes one remember ,only 11 months to boxing day and turkey left overs for lunch , ,time is flying again.
A nice morning here now that the sun is showing through the heavy clouds .hmmmmm ,looks like a little snow may be in the offing ,but i hope not ,we are doing well enough without it thanks very much :-D .
Going to make a coffee for my break now ,before starting on the you know what grrrrrr ,just the dusting today ,so it isn't too bad i suppose.
Catch you later all ,Fred& The furry pest ,lol ;-)xxx


~*sylvia*~ Report 26 Jan 2012 09:30

Hello everyone,

Edith, I have tried the Cinnamon and I really think it might be helping my Arthritis and I have also recommended it to my sister. I love it on toast but what other ways are there to use it? I have made some bread pudding today and that includes mixed spice so I expect there is Cinnamon in that too.

Do you make bread pudding Fred?

Sorry this is short and sweet but it is getting near tea time. I don't know where the day has gone.Oh! yes, I had a man come to fix my kitchen cupboard door on again and he checked and adjusted all the doors so they won't fall off again, I hope.

"Bye for now,

Sylvia X

edith clace

edith clace Report 26 Jan 2012 01:15

Good evening, Yes, at last I found a minute to post.
Glad your on the mend Les, take it slow and easy. Our weather is as crazy as yours, hot and cold and hot again. We have a lot of folks down with a virus,Docs say it is not the flu. With the temps up and down the body doesn't know if it's summer or winter I guess.
Fred, I too have ordered some seeds, heritage tomatoes from seed stored many years ago, they are supposed to be the round firm tasty ones I remember my Gran growing. Here's hoping :-)other than that I am sticking to my herbs this year, not a lot of other veg. I can usually buy them at the markets during the summer and the prices are very good.
I can splurge on flowers instead.
Have sent you some jokes to-night, hope they make you smile :-D
Big wave to Sylvia, hope the cinnamon helps you.
Teresa I have a good recipe for beef-madeleine which is different and easy to make. Ground beef rolled in a flour and cornmeal dough like a jelly roll and served with a mushroome sauce. If you think it sounds good I will send it. Also how about Fred's potato and leek soup. It sure seems to be a favorite in my complex here.
Well, folks off and running again to-night, so bye for now. Edith <3


badger Report 25 Jan 2012 13:29

Afternoon peoples ,just a quick one today me being busy on research into a few family members .
Hope things are coming right for you now Les ,it looks like you are having a rough time of it lately,as you say ,time to get the trailer out again ,and take Bella and Ollie camping again .
We went out this morning to get rid of two monitors that were getting past it ,and called in to Morrison's on the way home to buy a Haggis ,and steak pie for tonights supper ,the steak pie for the wife who dosn't like Haggis ,lol, never mind ,all the more for me he he.
I also found some seeds for this year Edith ,a brussel seed that is club root resistant ,a calabreese ditto ,and some new tomato seed that are new to the market.
Hope all are having a good week ,Fred. :-D xxx