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## Canucks International ##

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badger Report 9 Dec 2011 08:57

Morning all ,wow ,what a night we had ,the very severe winds making the roof and windows rattle well ,but ,wonder of wonders ,we still have a full roof this morning ,wahoo.
I think i will take the wife to the Metro Centre this morning ,probably our last trip over there until after Christmas because we are warned that the snow and very cold weather will hit us this weekend for sure :-(,so if it isn't cold enough for you Edith ,you can have some of ours ,and welcome he he :-D.
Found the patio table overturned and over the other end of the garden this morning along with the water butt ,but thankfully the glass top is still in one piece ,so i have no clearing up to do at all ,the table i will slide into the corner of the patio ,left upside down so the wind can't get under it again.
Off to get ready now ,as soon as the tumble dryer has finished it's cycle ,i darn't put the washing outside this morning ,not unless i am prepared to scour the estate looking for it in the pretty strong wind that is still blowing here
Have a nice day all ,or evening ,depending where you are , :-).


badger Report 8 Dec 2011 15:31

Hi To all ,we have been out today and done a little posting ,stamp buying and visiting ,leaving early to avoid the pending storm that is supposed to hit the north east sometime about 3 pm.
Think this one is going to be a baddie ,with the M1 north bound shut at Scot's corner just above Catterick,theM6 shut at Shap both ways ,and the A1 Shut at Berwick ,due to storm force winds .
Even the rail services are restricted up north of here reducing by half the service to ,and from old Reekie [Edinburgh].
Looks like the airways at Newcastle will be suffering too because one of the runways is very close to a village and too chancy for the aircraft being blown off course as they come in to land.
Everything is battened down out here ,and the demolition round the corner has been cancelled until the winds drop again ,flying tiles and scaffolding planks can do a lot of damage if they hit the workmen as they get carried in the wind.
Looks like it will be an early nigh for us ,lol ,better to be snug and warm in bed than being out on a bad night,and i will be praying for our poor lads who will be struck at sea in the trawlers until the storm dies away ,the bar between the two piers at Tynemouth are among the most dangerous in the country ,and no way a big ship can come into the Tyne in these conditions,never mind little fishing vessels.
Ooooops ,think i have just scared our Edith on f talk ,lol,tis only Fred Edith ,hope you come back on .
Going to see what i can rustle up for the tea now ,hope everyone is okay ,and bearing up.
Catch you later all Fred [the bogie man :-D xxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 8 Dec 2011 14:24

Morning all, After a busy week-end I thought it about time I posted. Lots to read frst tho"
Glad you had a good sale Les. after all the work it feels good to know others like it too. Your weather seems to be getting more settled! Watching the national weather channel is like watching a disaster waiting to happen. The entire country has had weird weather!! :-|
Fred, as usual busy, enjoyed your pics and like Mary thought it more a home than a camping unit. We too had new windows pit in our building and it has made a very big difference in the inside temp.Last year I sat in the living room with a wind blowing on my neck and now it is cozy and warm. Although we are still waiting for the real cold ;-)
Mary, not even close to bikini time yet :-)I have to enjoy the cold air first as our summer was way too hot for me. The lake has to freeze over as well. Hope you are getting the help you need with John, just keep pushing those folks who are in charge. They tend to be slow to give the needed help. The squeeky wheel does get the grease :-) Do you have any more toms? Would love a sandwich with lettuce and bacon.
Time for me to move this butt and get the days work started. So bye for now. Edith <3


Aussiegirl Report 7 Dec 2011 10:01

Hi everyone.. from a cold and damp OZ.. We have just had the coldest start to our summer in 50 much for global warming.. :-D :-D :-D

Tried to read back but it got to much to remember.. Les,, seems to have done well at her stall ,,good for you and may you keep it up..Fred is digging out the last of the leeks and finding them frozen in the ground..Edith I get the funnys that you send ok.. and my inbox is nearly empty so don't know what they are talking about..keep sending them I get them ok..
My puta is playing up a treat as Fred would say.. So bad that I am getting a new one for Christmas..could be that which is causing you to get that reply Edith.. I am finding that my puta is deleting things in 2s and 3s in my emails instead of one at a time..Plus to many other pain in the neck things that make using it a am really looking forward to the new one..More up market than this one and only $500 so cant complain.. I only need the tower which is now a square box about half the length of my keyboard and 8 inches high..So small and compact..Lovely as there is not much room on my desk.. :-D
Had my brother here for the last few days as his wife is in hospital..but good news today she is going home tomorrow..was nice to have him,,someone different to talk to..
Life here is much the same and no change in John,, His legs are much the same so we don't go far..
I hope you get to the kids for Christmas Les.. and Edith now it is warming up again you can get the bikini out again..
Fred.. Great pics of the caravan,,more like a mobile home if you ask me,,just lovely,,I could live in one of those quite easily..very posh..
My tomato plants are coming on and we have nearly got another feed of silver beet,, 4 meals from it so far,,not bad for such a small patch..another 4 meals soon I think..
We have had a lot of showers and that is making it easier with the watering..must go and tidy up out there tomorrow.. gets very dusty..
Well that's all about the news so far..As usual nothing much to report..Looking forward to the new puta arriving,,will be nice to type something and not have it disappear into thin air..or wait 5 minutes for it to appear on the page..grrrr Bought it in 2003 so its been a good machine for its age....

Have a lovely weekend and hope you do well with the aprons Les..

Love to all

Mary xxx <3


Lesley Report 6 Dec 2011 20:25

Hi everyone. Had a fabulous weekend. They are all such nice ladies and we all had good sales and a lot of laughs. Santa came out on the train on Saturday and then visited with all the kids. They had hay rides, a bonfire, hot chocolate and all manner of other good things. This is a great event probably one of the best on the island.

So now today and the rest of the week I have to sew taffeta aprons as I sold out and folks were coming and asking for them. This coming weekend I am at the train station, Last Chance xmas fair. I spent yesterday cutting and will start to sew pretty quick. I have just put a small roast in my slow cooker so no worries at dinnertime.

We got up early today and were out the door pretty quick, first to have brekky at a local cafe and then on to do the grocery shop. We were home and all done by 11....yea!!

Very dark here today, cold and a bit drizzley. Sure hope that it stays like this and we don't get any snow potherwise we will not be able to get out of the valley to go to the kids for xmas.

Good to chat a bit this morning Fred. Wave to Mary and Edith....hope you are both OK.


badger Report 6 Dec 2011 10:22

Morning Les ,from a white ,and chilly north east of England ,the first snow of the year and a cold night leaving the ground frozen and digging hard .
Wouldn't you know it ,he he ,the wife chose this morning to kick me out of my nice snug house ,to dig her some leeks out so that she could make some country thick veggie soup .
The first thing i noticed as i took the fork to the soil was the way the tines bounced as they hit the leek bed [ouch] ,lol, and then i noticed the greenhouse thermometer reading ,- 2 as the sun came up :-0 yep ,winter is here all right.
Pity You didn't take your trailer with you Les ,at least you could have taken your own food with you and cooked it yourself ,i too ,find most ready cooked shop foods bland and wishy washy ,not much to look forward to .
Hope things went well for you and you made a load of sales on both the needle work ,and the cards .
You paid for your stall ,and as long as you arn't trying to sell gear that is offensive ,it should be up to you as to what you sell ,and if other people don't like it ,well ,tough ;-),they should try harder themselves and leave others alone ,that show a bit of flaire ,and initiative .
You okay out there Mary ,or are you melting in the heat? ,you could send some of it over here you know ,i won't complain.honest.
The work i did on the windows last year is paying dividends all ready ,the house ,and especially the bedrooms are a lot warmer ,and we are even taking coffee and a flask to bed now so that we can be lazy and have a hot drink before we get out of bed ,pure luxury. :-D.
Have to go and get some work done now i have warmed up again ,lol,catch you all later.Fred :-D xxx


Lesley Report 1 Dec 2011 17:19

Funny about the weather Fred. The barometric pressure is so high out on the West Coast at Ucluelet that it has gone off the barograph. It is over 104. Everyone here in town is thinking earthquake but in California that same ridge of high pressure is causing winds of up to 70 mph.....what a weird world we live in.

Meanwhile today I go and set up for the Christmas Market. Norm is going to come and help me, just makes it go faster and also will give me back up if anyone complains about my little card stand!! I have been wondering how to feed myself on Friday and Saturday both really long days. so I am going to the deli to see what I can get that will be different even if eaten cold. I refuse to buy the food that they sell out at this particular fair. It is not great, overpriced and I always feel like I am being held hostage there!!

Got my cards into their cello sleeves yesterday and...surpise!!!..the ones with the fluffy feathers had a fit of static and went all silly and clung to the cello. Now those ladies look like they are in a windstorm so...back to the drawing board. When I get home today I will have to take the hats apart and put on different kinds of feathers....really!!

Haven't even thought about cards, will resort to our Jacquie again this year. Don't think I will put up the tree as we will be away for xmas week and I can just imagine what Ollie will!!

OK off to the MIll. Keep well and warm.


badger Report 1 Dec 2011 09:16

Morning everyone ,from a calm north east of England after the fun we had with the winds yesterday ,bad enough here in Newcastle but ,wow ,a Tornado in Manchester ,albeit a small one which didn't last long ,we isn't used to weather like this ,lol.I think the high winds up here could well have been the back end of the tornado ,that had by then gone down to gale force .
Poor old Manchester ,he he ,not only the afore mentioned weather ,but on top of that ,the much vaunted Man United got dumped out of the Carling cup ,by a London team ,yeeeeeees ,away the palace show them how it's done he he ,beaten two one, AND at Old Trafford he he ,bet Fergie was walking around last night ,looking like a Bull Dog ,chewing a Wasp .[chortle ] oh what a lovely start to December :-D.
I agree with you Edith ,it's time these kill joys got themselves a REAL job ,and stopped knocking Christmas ,which is after all celibrated in a Christian country,we have the same idiots over here too ,complaining a bout it ,while allowing other people to celibrate the Festival Of Light a Hindu festival [this is the Newcastle upon tyne council] talk about double standards .ruddy disgraceful i call it .
Anyway ,here we are ,the first of the month ,the Elves busy greasing the sleigh's runners,and polishing the reindeer's harnesses before they go and help the man in Red pack up the children,s presents. and to all the do gooders and kill joys ,If You Don't Like It ,SHIP OUT ,and leave us alone.
We are off out shortly to get a little food shopping in while it is still mild out ,the temperatures are set to plunge tonight ,leaving us with a severe frost overnight ,and leaving icy roads tomorrow,not fit weather to take the wife out in.
Think dinner today will be simple fare ,a Cagannon ,made with leeks ,kale from the garden ,and a little cheese ,salt and plenty of pepper ,the potato mixed with a lardon which has been sweated down in the saucepan for extra taste ,AND ,i think i will top it off with two vineger ,salt water cooked poached eggs on the top .lovely .
By the by Edith ,i agree with you re the texting ,no way i will ever do that again he he ,tried it once [too often] and tied my fingers and thumbs up for days ,lol,what a palarver that turned out to be .
Today too ,i have to get some stamps for Christmas cards so that i can get them off ,time is getting short for overseas mail .
Hope your cards are going great guns Les' and hope you are moving forward with the move before the builders get ,even started with ruining your town ,reckon that will be the death knell of your tourist trade ,time to think of moving for sure .
Keep ,safe ,and warm all ,hey ,it won't be too long before the bears are up and about again ,and the racoons are into their tree raiding and other mischief ,lol,Catch you later all ,Fred. :-D xxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 30 Nov 2011 12:32

Morning all, No wind or rain here, just cold and snow. The temps really are above normal so can't complain. Ice is starting to form on the lake which is usually solid by now :-) Compared to other parts of the planet we are blessed.
Have a busy week-end coming up. Santa was here last Sat. so now it's onto the community Christmas choir concert on Sunday, Christmas Craft show Sat., decorating our common room downstairs, putting up the tree etc. We young ones :-D do the work while the over 90's supervise ;-) We have a 93 yr old who is chief tea maker and he looks forward to this every year.
Fred, I wish I had your talents with all the gadgets. I tried texting and gave up after the first few as I simply could not get it.
Hope you keep dry Les, looks better for you folks on the national weather forecast so here's hoping. The homemade cards are selling very well here
I think there are 2 women doing them and they seem to go very quickly. The
commercial ones have nothing about Christmas it's all "holiday".
When will happen when they abolish Christmas ?? Seems some folk want it that way :-P
Hi, Mary (waving) hope all is going well.
Time to ease the grumbling tummy so bye for now. Edith <3


badger Report 30 Nov 2011 08:04

Morning all you happy campers ,he he ,from blighty land ,where for once ,the wind has dropped [for now] and it is still getting a tad colder ,frost and icy roads on the agenda
Poor Ollie ,is your mum telling you off pet for playing with the beads and stuff ,lol,you tell her that ,that's what pussy cats do,and say that if she dosn't like it ,get you some mice to chase instead ;-).
Tell you what though Les' we found some small knitted wool balls ,around the same size as ping pong balls ,for Hissy at the P D S A shop in Wallsend ,that are stuffed with cat nip.she only plays with these ,and her duck ,and ignores all else,perhaps you could find Ollie a couple of these or extend your skills a tad ,and make him a couple ,he would then leave your stuff alone ,hopefully.
Well ,we have all our Christmas stuff in now ,finishing off with our new wi fi ,and pic enabled printer with mobile phone link built in ,so that i can send holiday pics home even though the printer is off,all that is now needed is the dedicated e ,mail addy so that all and sundry can't send pics to it and use all your inks up,lol :-| .
Now ,it looks like a week of wrapping it all up .he he ,but i leave that all to the missus ,who A is much neater than me with the parcelling ,and B, even after all these years ,she just loves doing it :-D.
Got those van pics loaded last night ,so i will send them out today,seeing as we are staying indoors,due to the strikes ,which by the way are a total waste of time .
These ruddy public sector workers need to wake up and smell the coffee ,it's the same all over now ,pension costs are going up for ALL who can afford them in the first place and everyone ,including the already retired are feeling the pinch.
The union bosses are telling them all to strike ,while they, who are on top pensions are not loosing money as the workers are ,and to boot ,if by striking they break the country ,they will get no pension at all .so in the end ,no one wins anyway ,except bosses and politicians, what a ruddy carve up :-( .
Have to go for now ,and get the wife her cuppa,before starting the days chores,back later ,Peeps ,Fred


Lesley Report 29 Nov 2011 17:53

Here I am waving from a very wet PA. We have had monsoon type weather for days until finally yesterday we had a glimmer of sun. High winds too. We did for a couple of days have a small lake in our veggie garden and another under the trees in the front yard...however....we don't have to shovel it!! Keep positive and all that.

I am still going strong with the cards, have made about 30 so far. I had forgotten how much fun it is to make these and this morning I had yet another brainwave (yes! me! Lol!!) and am going to try and make at least a dozen little girl cards. I have made these before as well and yesterday I found the bag with the hair curls in it...great fun!!

Made butter curry last night, yummy and enough left for tonight if I pick up a couple of samosas today. I like a lazy day supper, more time to get stuff ready for the weekend. If I can find the flyer online I will send it along. It's going to be a great event altho long hours for us vendors, 3-9 on friday, 11-8 on saturday and a break on sunday only 11-3. Then yesterday I was invited to do one more show at the old train station on Dec 10th. so I said will be fun and with a group of gals that I really like.

Maybe I will let Norm go off and do the monthly shop on his own this weekend...maybe he can call you Fred and get some!! Actually we have a lot of meat in the freezer and the freezer needs defrosting so maybe we will only get veggies and staples for now and eat down some of that other stuff. If you watch the sale flyers it is pretty easy to get stocked up again. Walmart had sirloin tip roasts for $8 and I only bought 2...wishing that I had got more.

Ollie and I have had a few disagreements about a cat's role when the beads and ribbons are out. His take on it is that he can play, pat and toss all of it and even get his feet in the glue...I am not quite as sure of that so we have had "words" :-D

OK off to the salt mine. Later. Lesxx


badger Report 29 Nov 2011 11:22

Morning all ,from a veeeeery windy east of england ,where i have spent most of the morning harvesting all my windfall apples,cooking them up ,for apple sauces ,and some for crumbles for the winter.
You aqre right about the weather Edith ,oz land has just been hit with winds of 90 mph with thunder storms ,and poor old Norway has had storm to severe storm winds and 90metre waves lashing the low islands beaches ,and destroying the wooden houses and buildings along the shoreline ,crazy weather the world over by the looks of it.
It was totally crazy here too this morning ,the winds so high ,i couldn't even get on the net ,either on internet explorer ,or google either ,most unusual.
Glad to say i got all my shopping in yesterday ,i don't like taking the wife out in winds like this as she can't cope with cold hitting her lungs,so i normally try to pick the milder days ,or leave her at home in the warm.
Going to do some veggies for the dinner now ,and pick something thati can put in the top oven ,so that i can cook 6 of the apple crumbles at the same time . :-D,catch you later

edith clace

edith clace Report 27 Nov 2011 13:47

Morning all, The weather seems to be topic these days!!!! We had an Alberta clipper go through and after 1 1/2 days we have several inches of snow.
The temps are heading down as well, so old man winter is here in earnest I guess. See where Vancouver and area are super wet. Not good for the big football game to-day, Grey Cup day, several fans from town are out there to celebrate if Winnipeg wins! :-D
Our Santa parade was last night, it is really lovely with all the floats lit up. Even with the blowing snow everyone had a good time. Santa was enjoying himself too, lots of ho, ho's for the kids. Was wondering how much candy got lost in the snow :-)Elves were tossing it from the floats.!!!
Mary, I agree with Fred, go after the government for repayment. Perhaps you could also claim it on your income tax and get it back that way.
Glad you got back home safely Fred. Now I suppose you'll be up to your ears in preparations for Christmas. Look forward to yor pics.
Time to start my day so bye for now. Edith <3


badger Report 27 Nov 2011 09:24

Morning all ,from a veeeeery windy Newcastle up in the frozen north [not just yet though] where old Fred got the shock of his life this morning ,opening the patio blinds to find my water tub ,stand ,and fifty gallons of water had been blown onto my veggie patch by a strong gust .
There is no way i am going out back to remove it just now ,one reason being i might just get blown over myself ,he he ,just my luck when i am in the middle of the veggie patch which has the look of a chinese paddy field ,sodden and orrible ,lol
I have to go to North Shields later this morning before the wind gets up to storm force ,as predicted ,my Kingston Park Branch of Currys had sold out of the air fry cooker ,so many people like ourselves wanting one as a Christmas present ,any way ,they phoned through to their North Shields Branch and ordered one for us to collect so i have already paid for it.
I will let you know how it goes Les ,but it is a long sea mile better than the actifry which you have to add oil to ,the air fry only uses the oil already in ,what you are going to cook ,be it kfc chicken ,chips ,patties whatever ,and sits in a wire basket ,to drain off any excess oil as the cooker goes to work ,everthing is supposed to come out ,crispy on the outside ,and nice and moist on the inside.
If ,for any reason ,i am unhappy with it it is covered for 3 years ,i can there fore take it back and get a refund at any time ,and i will ,if i have to . :-|.
I have the pics of the outside of the van to upload later today and will send them on as soon as i can, :-D.
What a bummer with the hearing aid Mary ,me ,i would be demanding a refund of the money paid out ,what a rip off ,all these things should be free to pensioners ,crikey ,even you people with better wages over there ,have paid your dues all your life without extra worrys when you retire.
If we make a mistake like that here ,we have rights of redress to recover the monies the oz government need a sharp kick up the rear end for not looking after the pensioners better.
Saw a programme on the tellie last night about the deep gold mine out there ,where a brit' was put into the mines as a trainee truck driver of one of those gigantic dumper trucks and had a condensed driving course ,and exam ,which he passed the second time ,quite funny in places too ,some of the rituals the ozzies put him through were stringent but very amusing ,and i really enjoyed watching it ,he was quite upset when he had to leave ,having been accepted into the mining family proper ,i only wish it had been a longer programme,the people there being quite laid back despite it being such a dangerous way to make a living..
Have to go and get ready to go out now ,but will be back later ,take care all,Fred, :-D xxx


Aussiegirl Report 26 Nov 2011 10:41

Well thats a very busy week gone by and am glad was very tireing, and with bad weather into boot dinny make for pleasent driving..the 2 visits to the clinic were good and we came home with a loan of a shower chair and a lever to help john get out of the car.Then took him to get his hearing aide back from the menders as he got it wet in the shower by accident and they charged us $250 for needed a whole new innerds.then i saw a sign ontside the rooms to say that pensioners could get their aids free and free consults..I nearly flipped a lid..Nobody at the first rooms we went to asked us if we were pensioners so we paid $5000 for a new hearing aide and visits to sort it out..gggggrrrrr..but the new place we are going to which is the same company as the first but in a different location gave us the forms to fill in and to send it into the Gov, to enable us to get everything free from now on. Was so glad I saw the sign..Will ask wherever I go in future if there is a discoount for pensioners...

Well my tub out the back on my patio is full of rainwater so am glad about that..easy for watering my pots..

Need a quiet weekend to recover from last week,,so enjoy whatever you are doing..
Les Hope you make lots of money selling the aprons and cards..
Fred..Soon you can relax for the winter..
Edith Put the bikini away now for another year..
Tereesa Hope thinga are going well in your house..

Love mary xxxx


Lesley Report 24 Nov 2011 17:31

Don't bother with the air fry thingy Fred like the Actifry. Norm bought me one a couple of years ago and we took it back. After many tries we just couldn't get a decent fry out of it and went back to oven fries. We found that the spuds jammed as they twirled around and so many were still white and mostly raw when we took them out.
We are off to Vancouver Islands largest craft fair today, 180 vendors. I have thought of entering this but the tables are about $1000 so a tad out of my price range!!
On the way home we will pop into Goats on the Roof and see if there is anything interesting to add on to xmas presents. Plus maybe I will buy pepperoni there again and make a pizza tonight.
Took me all day yesterday to get my computer program and printer to work together and print a card. I don't have a specific program so it is pretty much hit and miss til you get it just right. This morning I will print my first batch of cards..woohoo!!
Had a man come yesterday and prune and rake for me. He also took away all of the yard waste that we had piled in the driveway at the back, plus the old shower etc.etc. So clean and tidy until next year I guess, well worth the money, saved my back as well.
Last night at about 1.20 a siren woke me up and I peered out the window to see a firetruck hurtling down the street and then park at the corner. Soon after a police car followed. They thought it was just fine to leave all their lights flashing so I was awake but as I nodded off Bella started to bark and there was another cop car out there with its lights flashing, red and blue all over the bedroom walls this time. Nodding off again Bella is up and yapping and, if you can believe this, yet another fire truck at the corner, lights flashing engine running until 4.15am. So you might say I am sleep deprived today. I am going to phone the fire dept and ask them why, in this age of carbon neutral, they think it is OK to leave everything running like that. BTW as far as we can see there was no fire or anything else that looked bad...grrr!
OK rant over, off to print.


badger Report 24 Nov 2011 07:14

Morning all ,from Fleetwood [still here Edith ,he he] we go home tomorrow ,and so will be busy for a good part of the afternoon packing ,and cleaning out the van for the owners ,who will be arriving tomorrow evening for the weekend.
The trailer was immaculate when we arrived ,so it is only right to make sure it is in the same condition when we leave.
We are going out later this morning to go for our tram ride ,as we saw one of the brand new trams in Blackpool yesterday as we came back from Currys ,and i'm hoping to get a ride on one.
Feel really sorry for the people in Japan near that broken reactor ,as i see the rice and many other crops in a large radius of the area are now so contaminated as to make them unfit to eat,AND i saw on D W this morning that there has been another large quake in the same area ,they are really suffering out there and could do with a large slice of luck for a change.
Went out and got our meal at the Tramway last night ,and found it to be back up to it's usual standard,twice in a day ,lol,as we had Brunch in [The Venue] right on the sea front ,another place we will be going back to,the meal we had there , a melt ,on garlic baguette ,turkey and ham& Cheese with a small side salad and wedges was out of this world.
This place has a large suite of catering rooms upstairs for parties and receptions where Carla Gran now hold their doo's and functions ,presided over by a new Chef who left a large hotel recently to move on ,and the
Venue won the fight to attain his i will be really interested to hear from Hazel ,as to how the Christmas party goes,and maybe go there for a full meal next time we are down.
Be back later on peeps ,time to take the missus her cuppa ,as soon as i have hidden her Chrissy present in the hidey hole in the floor of the car,which i picked up yesterday while the missus was looking for her blender[found her a lovely Kindle] with built in wi fi so she can download books and stuff with no need to have it connected to a computer.
Looked at the new air fry cooker too ,bit like the actifry ,but completely fat free ,which is handy for us ,ideal for chips ,and such things as fish ,crisp ,and tasty healthy cooking,so i think that's a buy too ,Chrissy present to both ,from both he he..
Back later ,take care all ,Fred :-D xxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 23 Nov 2011 12:17

Morning all, Seems to be so much going on in our town,I just can't find the time to sit here for more than a few minutes.
A quiet morning ahead so will get caught up(hopefully)
We have been blessed with the weather, had a couple inches of snow but no real cold as yet. Now they say it will warm up for the next few days and maybe melt a bit of the snow. :-)
I see the west coast is "enjoying" some snow :-P My aunt in Vancouver says after 40 yrs. she just may move back to Ontario. The past year has not been kind to her, weather wise, as she is a walker and hasn't been able to do her daily walk around Stanley Park etc. At 86 I think she is fabulous but she of course wants to go on forever :-)
Fred, your wee house looks great, glad you and Liz have had a nice holiday.
Now you should be o.k. until Feb ?
Mary, for some reason your email acct. will not accept any from me. Says they can't deliver to you as your inbox is too full?? I will try again at the week-end. Can almost taste the toms, have the bread all buttered and ready for the next ripe one :-D
Les, hope you have good results with the cards, my cousin in Saskatoon does a very good business year round with hers. Another idea for you to try saw a simple mitt (no thumb) double sided. Filled with grain and can be heated in mic for arthritic hands. Can't believe how many the lady sold in the hour I was at the show. The fabric was cotton with a small pattern.
Time for me to get up and out of here, decorating another hall for Christmas
but first some thing in my tummy. See you soon. Edith <3


badger Report 23 Nov 2011 06:46

Morning to Les' ,and Ollie,Mary,Edith,and anyone else who shows up that i have forgotten to mention,from a cold dank Fleetwood ,but not at all bad for the rear end of November.we never got out for that carvery last night because the sis in law forgot she had an appointment at the doc's for 6-30 pm ,but we are going tonight instead.
we may just go back up tomorrow if the weather gets any worse ,snow is forecast for the weekend and i could do with being home before it starts ,i have no wish to get caught in it on the way back north,and besides ,i hate going home to a really cold house ,and it wouldn't do my missus any good either.
Well ,my winter fuel payment is in my bank account ,so i reckon the wife has her's too,but i'm thinking of telling her this year to keep it in her account ,and treat it as a part Christmas present with the stipulation that it be spent on her ,not the house ,or other people.
My missus reads such a lot that i am going to buy here a Kindle g3 for her Christmas box ,the one that can download a book from anywhere in the country,so much easier than keeping loads of books ,and a lot lighter than some of the tomes she has collected,i will have to see first though ,how many books it will store.
Didn't sleep well last night ,he he ,think i am really missing the furry boss,isn't it funny how such a small bundle of fur can mean so much to anybody ,reaching the stage now when i am wishing the pest was here with me .lol.
The holiday is going well regarding the missus ,despite the cold she is coping really well ,so long as she takes her time ,and dosn't try to walk too fast ,but just in case ,i have her course of steroids and anti bie's to hand ,just in case.
Hope your card making pays off Les' ,anything that helps the purse strings will be a bonus for you.
Hoping too ,that Johns treatment is making a good difference to the way he feels and gets around Mary.
You still sunning yourself on the lawn Edith? with all that white stuff refracting the suns rays ,you be careful ,or you may land up causing a stir in being the first person to get sun burn in the winter he he.
Have to dash ,being on breakfast duty today,catch you all later , :-D.


Lesley Report 21 Nov 2011 21:50

Snow and rain here today, bloody miserable!! Fred, the trailer looks great. All 4 pics came thru great, anymore to come???
Teresa hope all goes well for you guys. Will be a different xmas with Bob in the hospital. We had a year like that in 2001 with Norm in the hospital....different day.
Mary will be interested to hear how John gets on with this new treatment. Hopefully it makes your load a little easier.
I am making cards today to add to my aprons for sale...maybe will make a little money.
Off to the wars!!
Les :-)