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## Canucks International ##

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Lesley Report 7 May 2011 00:46

Hi Everyone, we are at Nicky's tonight.Spent the day trolling the mall....we don't have one!! and then looking at RV's......too expensive. Found a fabric wholesale store....bought some pretty nice stuff, and that's our day. Going for curry tonight. Bella loves being at Nicky's especially the patio....I think its just that she loves Nicky.
More later. Lesxx


Aussiegirl Report 6 May 2011 01:49

Hi everyone..Our weather is now cooling down a bit and we got the second blanket out for the bed last night.. was so lovely and snuggly and warm..
Got my daughter from Orange coming down today for the weekend so got a lot to do..Its mothers day on sunday so I think she is coming to keep Mum company a bit..LOL,,So looking forward to it..
Still working out the new site but it looks far..

Have a lovely weekend all and Happy Birthday to Liz,, Hope it was a nice day, and they spoilt you real good,,and you got lots of pressies...
Must rush,,,

this bloomin message wont submit,,I keep getting the error message..Hope it works this time..3rd time lucky,,,I hope..

Love Mary xxxx


Aussiegirl Report 6 May 2011 01:46

Hi everyone..Our weather is now cooling down a bit and we got the second blanket out for the bed last night.. was so lovely and snuggly and warm..
Got my daughter from Orange coming down today for the weekend so got a lot to do..Its mothers day on sunday so I think she is coming to keep Mum company a bit..LOL,,So looking forward to it..
Still working out the new site but it looks far..

Have a lovely weekend all and Happy Birthday to Liz,, Hope it was a nice day, and they spoilt you real good,,and you got lots of pressies...
Must rush,,,

Love Mary xxxx


Aussiegirl Report 6 May 2011 01:45

Hi everyone..Our weather is now cooling down a bit and we got the second blanket out for the bed last night.. was so lovely and snuggly and warm..
Got my daughter from Orange coming down today for the weekend so got a lot to do..Its mothers day on sunday so I think she is coming to keep Mum company a bit..LOL,,So looking forward to it..
Still working out the new site but it looks far..

Have a lovely weekend all and Happy Birthday to Liz,, Hope it was a nice day, and they spoilt you real good,,and you got lots of pressies...
Must rush,,,

Love Mary xxxx


Aussiegirl Report 6 May 2011 01:45

Hi everyone..Our weather is now cooling down a bit and we got the second blanket out for the bed last night.. was so lovely and snuggly and warm..
Got my daughter from Orange coming down today for the weekend so got a lot to do..Its mothers day on sunday so I think she is coming to keep Mum company a bit..LOL,,So looking forward to it..
Still working out the new site but it looks far..

Have a lovely weekend all and Happy Birthday to Liz,, Hope it was a nice day, and they spoilt you real good,,and you got lots of pressies...
Must rush,,,

Love Mary xxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 5 May 2011 18:43

Morning Not too sure about this new layout!!!Will have to get used to it I
Les, I know how you feel. I have refused to do the job for the last 3 years as it is a bone tiring day. We also have the provincial elections coming up and had the municipal one lately as well.
Weather a little more springlike to-day but still has a bite to the wind. The local nursery folk are gearing up for plant sales so maybe warmer weather is here to staY !!!
Glad to hear Liz had a good day for her 65th. If only our government would
give us a reasonable wage things would be so much better.
Would love to calculate how much I have given them with all the taxes I've paid over the years. Then again I might be better off not knowing.
Time to get some "real" work done so bye for now. Edith XXXXXX


badger Report 5 May 2011 08:55

Snap ,our Les,our weather has slid back a little too ,and i noticed ice on the car as i went out to bring the bins in yesterday morning,but i have even seen it snow up here mid May before so a few more light frosts are on the cards yet.
Talking of cards,Liz's big 65 o birthday yesterday went well,she had loads of cards and flowers off the sons and daughter,and off me.
I took her to B & Q yesterday as well ,to buy ready made cement to repair the front step inside the gate ,before some poor Bu***r falls over it [probably me with my clumsy plates of meat] he he.
The daughter brought her a Chocolate Indulgence cake too ,cor ,it was tasty ,but i really shouldn't have eaten it ,lol,my sugar readings will be interesting come dinner time today ,oooops .
I also brought a bag of limestone chips while i was out to cover the soil around her Nectarine tree ,to stop the weed seeds germinating in the urn,and save me having to weed it all the time.
I also got her a Rosemary Bush because the last one died over the winter,so this time it goes into the ground not a pot ,to protect the roots against the frost,and i brought her some nice flower roots ,which i will put up by the front hedge where the barrel was to fill in the bare patch.
Other than that ,i have put in the new Strawberry plants that died around the bottom of the fruit trees,have now put out all the seedlins in the greenhouse ,apart from the brassica,yippee,all the hard work is now done,he he ,time for lots of chair time on the patio ,lol.
Time to go for now anyway ,i am getting the hard stare off the furry boss ,sitting by the patio door ,i can hear her thinking ,time for me ,on the patio ,dad .
Catch you all later people ,Fred.xxxx


Lesley Report 4 May 2011 17:42

Busy time here, Norm and I both worked in the election....a sixteen hour day....exhausted. I am off tomorrow to visit the kids so you may not see me until next week.
Fred we had frost again over the last couple of nights...what a spring!!!
Edith glad you enjoyed your trip to the big city, a break from routine is always good.
Catch y'all later. Lesxx


badger Report 3 May 2011 09:00

Hi Edith ,nice to see you back home ,safe and sound from your trip .
Had to chuckle at your comments about the casino ,lol,seems your luck is the same as mine,he he ,non existent ,the only thing i ever won in my life is the long suffering missus ,who will be getting a huge bunch of flowers and a biiiiig birthday card on the 4th seeing as it'd her big 65 one ,which is my first port of call when i go out later today,the card shop at West Denton shops.
Seems the snow is now turning to rain south of you Edith ,so ,hopefully your better weather is on it's way.
Ours is turning a bit cooler ,and rain is on the way ,but we need it badly it being the driest April for many years,and my newly transplanted herbs and veggies could do with some ,nice ,fresh ,radio active rainwater,lol
I now have only the runner bean ,dwarf climbers and broad bean to go in,and of course ,the kale ,and cabbage ,everything else is now out in the garden and take their chances with a late frost ,still a possibility up here in the north.
You seem to have scored at the sale Les,with your stuff for the aprons and other bits,and yes ,i know what you mean about green wood on fires to many chances of sparks in chimneys and fires other than in the grate for my liking,but i am lucky in that my eldest son ,has a pal who works on the estate of belonging to Lord,within a forest area ,and can get me seasoned logs throughout the summer for use in the winter,and of course ,i have the combi as well.
Hope you get a sale on the house soon Les ,not just nibbles ,as it would leave you the summer to get moved and re settled,bad enough in one of OUR winters ,never mind the sort you get ,[shudders at the very thought].
Well ,that's me for now,time to gret my butt out in the garden before the rain arrives.
Take care all ,and hve a nice week in all you do .Fred.xxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 2 May 2011 01:52

Hello all, I'm baack. Enjoyed the trip did lots of shopping, eating,drinking and playing at the /Casino. They give you $15.00 per day and once that was gone so was I. Really enjoyed the Titanic Exhibit. When you enter they give you a boarding pass. On the back is the identity of the real person who had travelled on the ship. The last stop is the huge Memorial wall with all the names of the passengers and crew. You match your name with the wall and it tells you if you lived or died. Sure makes it a surreal moment when you find the name. The largest number of dead were the crew and the numbers decreased as you went up in the ship. The first class of course had first choice at the lifeboats so more survived.
Looking at what they recovered from the ship was also interesting, metal pots etc. corroded and breaking up, while complete sets of china were saved.
Good to be in my own bed again so am looking forward to a solid nights sleep. Snowing ouside again so I can hide inside and read. When will this crazy weather turn around?????
Fred, my garden dreams are still just that, I figure I might be able to start in July at this rate hee hee.
Time to go. Edith XXXXXXX


badger Report 29 Apr 2011 07:26

Morning to all.from a dullish but dry [so far] north of England.
Sorry ,lol,been rather busy in the garden ,the new fence is up but the supports are still there until the concrete plugs harden fully.
The spare space we had where the willow was ,has now been taken up by a Tulip Magnolia so the front is now finished ,
I now have the 6 brussel plants ,and the runner bean out in the buckets ,and the climbing French Bean will be ready to plant out this next week .
All my tomato's are now through ,the herbs apart from the mint are now through on the chalet bench,so things are looking good.
About the royal Wedding ,we will NOT we watching it ,lol,after having it rammed down our throats for over a fortnight ,on tele ,and every other media ,we are bored silly with it,fred will spend the day in the garden WITHOUT the tele app on my phone he he ,hope they have a happy life together and all that ,but i have better things to think of.
The missus and i are off gallivanting for the week starting on the 9th of May,back to Lancashire again so ,bearing in mind someone asking for pics of Southport ,i will be using the new camera to take some ,of the fascades in the main streets showing the victorian buildings and extra wide streets ,as well as the beutiful parks and lake.
The sis in law has got the new house ,and is busy getting it kitted out before moving in four weeks ,the landlord in this new house is one of the good ones,going through the whole house to make sure everything is spot on,the house ,despite being a lot larger is the same rent too ,which is a bonus.
I opened the new portable B B Q up laast night to try it for size ,and wahey ,it is just big enough to put one of those instant B B Q trays in,which means the B B Q itself will stay nice and clean ,with no dust to clean out,just remove the tray and bin it ,lol
Cor ,am i gettin old or what ,when i picked up the hedge trimmer to take to the daughters it seemed to weigh a ton ,and looking at the long hedge i realise that there is no way i can do the full length in a day,so i issss going to have to buy one of these lightweight onesto use on the garden side ,as the battery ones would run out of power by the time i get down to the end.
Gonn'a take the wife her cuppa now ,enjoy your wedding you sad people ,lol ,and enjoy your weekend ,your wedding too ,each to their own


Aussiegirl Report 29 Apr 2011 02:50

Hi all.. Still lovely showers here and around 18c..loooovly...

Edith Glad your snow has melted and you are able to get out and spend up big in the BIG shops...LOL..did you bend the plastic a lot..whatcha buy......
Went to our favourite hardware store yesterday which also sells garden plants and stuff and found the pots that I am going to buy for next springs toms,,They have a self watering part which will make it a lot easier to water tub is now full again with all the rain so I am happy about that..
Les...Any nibbles on the house front the ground defrosted enough to start on the garden..
Fred How is Liz I hope she is feeling a bit better now the warm weather is on its way..
Life here is just the same except that John got a cancellation at the doctors so he is now seeing the new specialist next week instead of June..don't know what he can do for him but what the heck..still clutching at straws,,but whatever he does don't think he can help with the walking..

Big night tonight,,Gonna watch the wedding and have a bottle of bubbly to toast the happy nice to see them so happy and William so NORMAL..wish them all the happiness in the world..

Have a lovely weekend all..Hope you are all well..

Love Mary xx

edith clace

edith clace Report 26 Apr 2011 10:41

Morning all, Hooray the snow is finally going. A heavy rain on Friday and Sat took most of it away. Now as soon as the ice goes off the lake, we should warm up nicely.
Had a lovely Easter,family, friends and good food, can't ask for more !!!
Off to the big,big city tomorrow for a few days of shopping ,casino, the Titanic artifact exhibit and a dinner theatre.
They are having real problems with too much water in southern Manitoba but the city itself should be O.K. Being flat prairie land flooding is a yearly threat. They know how to handle it so am not worried for our safety.
Will be on the lookout for plants to bring home for my wee garden. Will buy the tom plants this year and get loads of fruit !!!!!
Watching the american t.v. channels with the 24/hr coverage of the "wedding" is hilarious. One of the reporters said "That's all from London, cheerio" with the worst accent ever. Funny.!!!
Time to get moving ,so it's bye for now. Edith XXXXX


badger Report 25 Apr 2011 12:03

Hi All ,Les' saw one of those biiiiiig trailers with the pop outs last year,i wasn't talking apartments on wheels you know ,lol,i shudder to thing of the cost of one ot those ,but i reckon we over here would be talking £500-000,too rich for my blood he he,these days a tent is nearer my mark.
spent a lazy day at the yougest sons yesterday ,the B B Q was spot on ,loads of salads and other side dishes ,one od which was Bombay Potato,lashings of chopped red chillies ,red onions ,chopped ,cooked salad potato's in lots of chopped tomato's ,with minced corriander leaf ,and stems .beutiful it was .he he .I will be doing one of those myself next time as well as a Sag Aloo,very tasty they were .
The chicken strips were soaked overnight in a home made .lemon ,ginger ,and thyme marinade, the bairns had hot dogs in finger buns ,while the grown ups had Lincoln shire ,and Cumberland sausages ,all 100% meat from Aldi,and ditto beefburgers from Aldi also.
My Rainbow trout he did with Lemon ,dill ,and wild garlic,Rosemary, stuffing,and slitted sides filled with garlic butter mixed with sea salt and ground black pepper.
This morning i was out front at 8 a m,keeping my weather eye [pun ] on the clouds as i but the hedge back to the old fence post ,ready for the fence erectors to strip out the old fence tomorrow and put the new one up.
The tattie barrels are set up together,behind the shed and started off,so we are set for Christmas again ,8 months to go peoples ,he he [fred has the tin had on ,just in case of missiles].this year though ,perhaps the weather will be kinder and NOT cover everything with snow so that i can get them out.
Well ,that's it for now ,indoors ,and it's starting to rain ,finished out there just in time.
Catch you all later,enjoy the rest of the holiday you lot ,specially you lot over the pond with your extra day ,lol,result or what .Fred.xxxx


Aussiegirl Report 25 Apr 2011 06:57

Hi all from the lovely and wet OZ,,,LOL. My garden is coming along just fine..and my little water tub is filling up well..
Glad Liz is feeling better Fred.. This hot weather will do her good..and give you no excuse to not get out in the garden and start working..I agree I can hear Liz saying...LOL
Life here is now quiet brother and sister in law are off again to the uk to see their newest grandy born last Nov. they decided to wait and go in good weather so that they don't have any trouble getting around. Would so love to be going with never mind,,one day perhaps..
We are having a quiet Easter and hope you all had a nice one..its a 5 day break here this year as Anzac Day is today so the public holiday for it is tomorrow as Easter monday is a public holiday so all are really happy abut that..don't make any difference to us ..LOL
Les Sounds like ya got a bargain at the sale..clever girl...

Hope all are well..take care..

Love Mary xxx


Lesley Report 22 Apr 2011 21:05

Good Friday and lots of yard sales today. We did also go to an estate sale and I got this huge bag of ribbons and lace for $4....what a deal. Then at the side of the road was a pile of "dunnage" from a guy who had just done a renovation so we loaded that into the van as well as we will burn anything we can find at the mo. The next door neighbour gave us a wheel barrow load of dry stuff, problem is that all the wood for sale at the mo is not seasoned or dry so will not burn at all well. Also got some books plus took Normie out for a good morning.
It is warm and sunny today but still supposed to go below zero tonight, soon we will get spring.
Fred if you were to look at a large motor home here, brand new with 3 or 4 pop outs then you could spend upwards from $250 thousand. A new smaller lite weight trailer (caravan) would be around $15-$20 thousand.
We have a greenhouse window in our kitchen and Ollie has taken it over as his sun room. He has to walk across the counter to get to it but I have decided to ignore that.

Have a great weekend everyone. Eat lots of chocolate!! Lesxx


badger Report 22 Apr 2011 08:39

Morning Edith ,Les ,old uncle and what not ,lol.
Sorry about last night folks ,had my tea ,sat back down at the puter ,and next thing i know ,wife asked me if i was sleeping where i was ,or going to bed,boy ,i must have been tired. this was at 11 p m .
The first estimate for my front fence this morning ,so it will be interesting to see how much extra .after two years it is going to cost me,too much and i will do it myself ,he he.
First day of the Easter holiday ,and i am only going to do the long border along the front hedge today ,and that will be it ,apart from the watering that needs doing.
I was very suprised to learn that this is the driest spring in 20 years,and that was only brought to my notice on seeing the moor fires in Wales that are out of control,which by the way was started on purpose ,these fire bugs should be caught and thrown into the flames that they create,all that wildlife destroyed ,and for what? so that this lowlife can enjoy their jollies ,ruddy scum that they are.
Who is a dunce ,who is a daft git ? Fred ,that's who ,all the way to Cramlington to pick up this beutiful Vine urn,and i forget to buy the pea gravel i need to put in as drainage ,grrrrrr ,lol,so i have to go out yet again,silly old s**.
Good news about John at last Mary ,that must be a load off your mind,now if only they could sort out his legs too ,that would be a real bonus.
Nice to hear that you can get better nights too ,with the drop in temperatures,our turn for sweltering nights will be here before long,and already down south ,smog is forecast because of the rising heat.
My missus is getting a lot better ,i even got ,Bacon,Egg,Tomato and Toast for breakfast without having to cook it myself ,Woo Hoo,result or what,and now she comes in ,sits down at her puter station and tells me ,Lunch is prepared too,issssss gettin' spoilt rotten today it seems.
Time to go and get some work done ,but will return later ,Bu***r ,i hear you all say ,sniffs in reply ,lol. Have a goodun all

edith clace

edith clace Report 22 Apr 2011 00:53

Hello all, Wow what a price Les. We went to Winkler, Manitoba and they make the Triple E brand right there. We went in to the factory in the fall and looked at what we would like. Then we looked at what we really needed,the salesman was very bright did not try any flim flam with us but was very thorough and ask many many questions. We chose the floor plan, colour scheme, appliances and fabric and no change in the price.
We got the motor home in April of the next year, enjoyed it for 10 years and sold it with a profit of $8,000 dollars. It was nowhere near 70 grand.
The Triple E is known for it's absolute gurantee of satisfaction. They are a Mennonite company and really stand by their product.
Lord, I should apply for a job by the sounds of that eh???
But we did enjoy all the years we travelled. They may have a website now so give it a try.
Have a great Easter week-end everyone and I am praying for NO snow.


badger Report 21 Apr 2011 18:11

Evening ladies ,time for a sit down i reckon ,i have my big urn ,and it is drilled ready for use ,one Nectarine plant eagerly awaited ,he he.
Wow ,a large R V for that price ? you are really lucky,we talk about rip off,an R V that size over here is twice the price at least, the big one i saw at the caravan park last year was nearly £62 000,second hand at that ,though it was in tip top condition with all mod cons.,a little 18 ft caravan can be £28 000 over with awning.
The weather here is lovely now ,the weekend due to be a sizzler,but i have had the day off ,knackered from yesterday,he he ,you should have seen the daughters face when i got the cutter and extension lead out of the back of the car and said ,[there you go ,it's all yours ] but i stuck to my guns in refusing to do it for her.
There will now be an intermission while i have my bowl of soup ,lol,back later Fred xxx


Lesley Report 21 Apr 2011 17:22

Mary, if anyone phones and asks to see the house I shall have to run around like a chicken with my head cut off to get it spick and span....but no nibbles as yet.
Taught the last genealogy class last night. Norm came to pick me up and it was snowing!!! yuk!! So Fred, no garden in at my house and nothing else done in the yard either. Going down to minus 2 tonight and tomorrow. Norm managed to cut the front lawn yesterday....cutting moss is no mean!!
Edith we did look at a new was $70 grand....a bit out of our range I think.
How are gas prices with you lot? we are at $1.29 but I think in Vancouver they are up to $1.38....that is per litre. Sure makes us wonder about travelling...maybe we could drive around the block and park there, haul out the barbie, I am sure the neighbours won't mind...ha!ha!
OK off to do something constructive.