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## Canucks International ##

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badger Report 4 Apr 2011 16:36

We are now home again ,after a nice holiday ,really needed,and feel a lot better for it despite the colds ,which are proving hard to get rid of.
We never did get back to Southport ,the weather being too bad to venture that far without the car,but we intend returning again ,for another week in June so i hope to get some good pics then.
I hope Brenda in Manchester is okay ,she wasn't too well when i called her at the end of last week ,a bad ankle and a cold together ,and when i saw the news this morning as i was clearing up in the van before we left ,there was a large water main burst on the Manchunian way leading to flooding in the city centre and many roads ,and by all accounts ,a few gardens as well,soi hope Brendas is okay after her hubby got off to such a good start on it.
Even starting off to come home ,the weather wasn't too good ,heavy rain ,high wind ,and tons of spray off the motorway,so we did well ,reaching home in a little under three hours.
Catch you all later ,time to go and unpack before i start the tea ,jackets again ,of course ,lol.


Lesley Report 2 Apr 2011 19:03

First yard sale-ing of the year today. I promised myself I would not buy much as we are desperately trying to downsize so that we can move to a smaller place. However I did buy a set of pyrex measuring jugs, brand new and mine are all "milky" so I guess that was an OK purchase.
Sunny today but chilly also, so no yard work for me.
Edith I was chatting to Kathy in Clagary and she says that they now have about three feet of snow in the back yard and by this time last year they had already cut the grass. Do you have a link to the icebergs...maybe I will just google it.
Fred you guys need to get home and get tucked up in that cosy house of yours and get over the sniffles. Getting a cold is miserable but somehow it is always worse when you are away from your own bed??? hmm! wonder why that it.
Another culinary first last night. We never, ever eat at McD's but I fancied a fillet-a-fish made them from scratch. They were so yummy. I used low fat breaded haddock. I had low fat cheddar on mine and Norm had asiago, his new favourite cheese!! We had that with home made pea soup, vegetarian style which I also whipped up...LOL. If I ever win the lottery I am going to hire my own personal chef to come and cook at least 3/4 times a week for me. Would not want to give up the job completely as I do like to cook....but some days....oh! the luxury it would be!
That's me for today.

edith clace

edith clace Report 2 Apr 2011 14:08

Morning, I too am in my jammies Fred. Mother nature pulled a good one on us yesterday as we woke up to snow !!!and again to-day more snow.
Will spend the day indoors and catchup on housework etc. Sure getting tired of this winter stuff. Last year at this time we had warm days and flowers peeking through the ground.
West of us there is a big threat of severe flooding because of all the snow so I guess we can't complain.
Yes, Mary found the car. The fox have been having an easy time lately they can run on top of the snow. They have a large snowbank at the side of the building and are using it as a slide, really fun to watch.
Les, did you get the one about large iceburgs in Lake Winnipeg? Whoever did the posting is very talented at getting the burgs looking like they were actually there.
Time to get on the job so bye for now. Edith XXXXXXX


badger Report 2 Apr 2011 09:53

Morning all ,if they come out to play that is ,lol.
Am i glad i wasn't under canvas last night,and early this morning Les',starting with a fierce wind and then,early this morning, a hell of a thunderstorm and torrential rain,so bad you couldn't rest with the rain bouncing off the 'van roof ,lol,couldn't hear yourself think.
Am i glad i decided against Bury this morning after seeing the forecast earlier in the week,when it rains in this area it dosn't do it by halves he he,plodging in the market with a cold isn't my idea of fun,but i bet Brenda is still going ,she is made of sterner stuff,that is ,as long as her ankle is a bit better.
Going to get dressed now ,and go up to the owners lounge for brekkie,saving myself cooking this morning ,lol.
Nearly 10 a m and still in jammys ,tut's,this will never do ,he he,Fredxxx



Lesley Report 1 Apr 2011 17:14

Hey Fred you guys take care of those sniffles. Yes if you get a chance a couple of pics would be great.
Mary sorry to hear about John. Ya know Norm's arms are ongoing painful and most mornings he is up before 6 as he cannot lay there any longer. We have done drugs, chiro and accupuncture....but nothing really fixes it. Old age can be a royal pain eh?
Did the weeding yesterday as the sun was shining and then Norm did a bit of digging so we are getting there. Glad we made the effort as it is raining today.
Well my Sympatico news page was full of great things this morning: a 30 cent a litre gas hike, George Bush bought a ranch in Alberta, Will and Kate bought a house in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia and plan on spending the summer there living like the rest of us peasants and the government is going to convert us back to imperial. Then the light went on....April Fools. Wow some really great articles tho, kudos to those who wrote them. I particularly liked the one about the northern US states adopting the Canadian dollar as their currency ..ha!ha!ha!
OK I am off to the wars. Have a great weekend.


badger Report 1 Apr 2011 08:09

Morning to all ,where Fred and Liz have both woken up with the sniffles [Bu***r],he he ,unusual for me but ,hey ,that's life.
We went out last night for another carvery ,to theTramway outside Fleetwood a very well known eatery in the area,and we had a really good meal,for £3-96.
I went in to Blackpool yesterday and went to T Mobile and cancelled the contract that had expired,and got a very good deal in it's place,even cheaper too.
I keep the dongle i am using now for use while away from home,like now,and i also get a T Mobile Phone with 50 minutes a month for calls to oz and N Z,100 minutes a month for the uk,100 texts a month ,free internet on it ,and free phone ,a touch screen,with the capability of use as a modem if ever needed,and insurance for both ,for £25 a month,cheaper by £2 than the contract for the dongle and computer ,result or what.?
We score with the caravan park Mary ,because the sister in law ,and her hubby work in the owners department ,and admin ,we get a special rate and a belting van each time we comedown,another result, he he.
Going back to South port before we go home Les,if the rain lets up ,and i will take the camera with us,it is a beutiful Place ,and we will visit it more often in future.
Glad to hear you are getting started out back too,,try the climbing French beans instead ,they are a lot nicer than the runners, and they are far more versatile.
Yep this radiation has turned up over here as well,but so far is only very low,with no heath risks so far,so i hope this stays the same for all of us.
Well ,time to go ,breakfast calls ,back later ,


Aussiegirl Report 1 Apr 2011 06:16

Wow you are all busy...

Fred. 4quid for that meal sounds lovely and cheap..Hope you ate up big...are you staying in a van park on the travels or are you renting one and going out from there..sounds lovely ..

Les.. I can see a very posh apron coming up for the wedding dress...get to it girl and show us a pic when it is finished..

Edith Can you find your car in all the snow or has it all now melted..

Life here is just the change in John and now the doc is worried he might have a cancer in his he has to see another specialist and he cant get a appointment till June. His voice is getting croaky and hoarse and it is a bit of a worry..could be due to his prednisone but not sure. I notice that his handwriting is getting dreadful and his memory is not as good as it was..I suppose we are all getting older and wearing out..LOL

Have a lovely weekend all..

Love Mary xx


Lesley Report 31 Mar 2011 17:58

Hi Guys, don't ask where I have idea. It has just been a mess of tax returns, rain, sick neighbours and on and on.
Yesterday I sorted out all the fabric I have collected over the last few years. Now I have a huge bin of remnants, another huge bin of cotton waiting to be sewn and yet another huge bin of fancy fabrics like taffeta and lace etc. To tell you how heavy these bins are....I cannot lift the cotton ones!! And what to do with all those remnants....any suggestions???
Hey Fred just reading a book by Maureen Lee where the "girls" like to go to Southport for the day on the weekend. Any chance of some pics???
Norm has been digging the garden for me, a couple of rows a day so now I just need to weed the rest of it and he will dig that as well. Got my seeds yesterday. Not going to grow turnip this year as they did not do well at all. I really wanted to try butternut squash but now cannot find the seeds. Not going to grow scarlet runners this year either, Norm has decided he doesn't like the taste and it is way too much for me to eat.
Thery have found radiation in the milk in Washington State just to the south of us so for sure it will be in ours too, nature doesn't recognize the border between the two countries!! The government says it is harmless!!!
Got my hair cut yesterday and streaks and I mean red. It I asked Norm what he thought and he replied well it is a bit short...guess he was being kind!!!LOL
OK I am off to cut today. We are in the Artists Walk on April 16/17 and I want to create a wedding dress apron. Also I have another vintage dress that I want to take a stab at. Soon it will be the year flies.
Take care.


badger Report 31 Mar 2011 09:05

Morning Edith ,yep ,we isss in Fleetwood ,rain and all ,but sunshine aplenty nevertheless,so we are well chuffed.
We didn.t get to meet our Brenda in Bury yesterday ,because it was chucking it down with the wet stuff and i thought it very unwise to take Liz out in it ,she has the sniffles to start with,courtesy of Chris ,and in her state of health ,a chest infection she does NOT need he he.We did go out for an hour ,anyway ,to our haunt outside Fleetwood,a cafe called Koi Carp Land ,really a market garden ,but for wet land situations,with tons of fish for sale [live only] he he ,a bit expensive for the table costing upto £1200 for one carp ,depending on size [gulp]
The cafe is a two stage affair ,you can sit inside if the weather is bad,or outside next to their lake ,filled with fish ,surrounded by lawns ,trees,and shrubs,lots of birds,nesting all around ,moorehens, ducks and swans ,and dry land birds,and even squirrels,all visable as you sit on the patio on the lake edge while you can eat a full meal or enjoy a coffee and biscuit,we spent half an hour in there and had a great time unwinding.
Today we will be going to Southport,a supposedly,lovely seaside resort ,built by the Victorians in the 1800s but kept up to date ,so ,we will see ,full report tomorrow.
Tonight we are off for a carvery meal with the sis' and bro'in law,which should be nice ,the carveries here being cheap but very nice,at £4 a head,cant grumble at that ,lol.Time for my shower in this beutiful van in lovely surroundings,catch you all

edith clace

edith clace Report 29 Mar 2011 23:54

Hello all. Time to drag us forward. See Fred and Liz got to their holiday site. Enjoy!!!!!
The weather is slowly warming up but the snow can't go fast enough for me. We are in for a very wet spring as it all has to melt and go somewhere.
The ground was saturated last fall so it should be interesting, maybe an ark is in the near future too hee hee.
Waiting to get my hands in the dirt and get the hanging baskets ready but again I also have to wait for that uugh.
Have been busy with the usual volunteering stuff and hopefully it will slow down now with spring.
Time for my supper so will see you soon. Edith XXXXXXX


badger Report 26 Mar 2011 12:06

Morning to all ,and to our Mary,you hasn't confused me at all ,i normally do that to myself he he.
The wife and i are on split shift this morning,she is filling out the cencus form ,while take the easy path by doing the housework[now done] and the dinner.
Mixed veg' today ,roast parsnip ,onion ,a few sweet tatties thrown in with the roast potatoes,sweede,cabbage and diced carrot ,in the oven with home made sage,onion ,and apple stuffing ,with a roast chuck,to feed four ,us having one grandson ,and grand daughter until tomorrow night.
The chicken i prepared by salting the cavity and then shoving a red onion up the rear end ,to A stop the breast from sagging whilst cooking ,and B to give it a tad of extra taste.
Just had a thought people ,and here i am going to get such a smack ,lol,i wonder if i shove an onion up the rear end of the missus ,it will stop HER from sagging ,he he,oooooops ,ouch,told you didn't i?.
This new cencus form is a real pain ,the government wanting to know far too much of our private lives,up to and including how many times you blow your nose in a day when you are under the weather flaming cheek.
When at the end they more or less demand your phone number ,i dug my heels in ,no one ,has the right to my number unless i desire to give it ,so i wrote there ,Ex -directory,if they want to get in touch ,they can write me ,lol.
We are half through the packing now ,not much needed for the week,as we leave for Lancashire Monday morning for a week in Fleetwood and Blackpool,before coming home to start on the seed planting.
Yep ,taking the new phone Mary so that i can kick off while relaxing outside on the verandah if the weather is kind.
The feed and weed went on to the small lawn yesterday ,and i watered the edges to three feet in ,and am now leaving it to soak in before doing the next lot this evening ,finishing it all off tomorrow morning.
The car went in yesterday afternoon to be cleaned and valeted ,whist the missus was having her hair done ,so i drove straight passed her when i went to pick her up saying ,cor ,i didn't recognise you ,lol.what with that yesterday ,and the joke about the onion this morning ,i am on veeeery thin ice ,he he ,need to watch my pppppps and quuuuuus for a few days methinks,i will take her out for a posh dinner one day next week to prove i still loves her ,he he.
The weather today is on a bit of a downer ,but it is supposed to get better next week ,and i would like to get out and about a little if possible.
Time to go and check the dinner ,hopefully i will be back later ,


Aussiegirl Report 26 Mar 2011 09:50

Hi everyone.. WE have had some lovely rain and my garden is looking good..and better still the weather is cooling a weeeee bit and I am loving it..LOL

As regards to the post re free access to Ancestry census on census day in the UK..I am afraid the person I got that off was a little confused..Its one of those things where you can get 2 weeks or something like that and have to sign up with your credit card..but can cancel at the end of the 2 weeks..or something like that..I am now very confused so don't know if I have confused you lot...PMSL...

Fred Have a lovely holiday..See you are taking the kitchen sink along so that you don't feel homesick...Where are you going..and for how long..Hope the weather is good for you and you get the last of the summer wine..

Edith Hope you are warming up and the white stuff is melting..time to get that bikini out,,,bet those foxes will be back with the whole family soon..How do the bears get along with the foxes..

Les.. Are you home or away...LOL

Hope all the others are well ...

Life here is much the same..Nothing much happens to make it change..

Have a lovely weekend all..

Love Mary xx


badger Report 25 Mar 2011 09:53

Morning our Edith ,worry not lass,he he .old Fred is taking BOTH laptops with us ,including TWO dongles everything being slipped in to the big laptop case for carriage.
Everything goes into the one case ,laptops ,stands ,all the cables ,chargers ,the verbatim external hard drive,and pass book,and two meecies ,he he,normal service being kept up,lol..
I willbe taking the new phone too ,able to phone out over the globe ,and even go on the internet for a week for £2 for browsing ,and light downloading if need be ,we are well catered for.
I have already spent an hour out back this morning along with the furry four legged foreman who watched me like a hawk as i weeded the full back end ,in front of the screening.
The rest is a doddle to do later this morning before i take the missus to have her hair done it only needing the hoe run over it .[the soil ,not the hair ] [ouch].
While she is in the poodle parlour i will take the car over the road to have it cleaned inside and out,ready for the trip.
Sorry to hear you are still in whiteout Edith ,surely it can't last much longer?
Found a couple of pics of my old allotment which i will email ,hard to believe we had three running just before i was taken ill,the leeks which you can see in the pic ,behind the wind break ,alone took three hours a week to tend ,each garden ,because i had leek trenches in all three.
But ,it was my hobby then too ,and we were spoiled for choice veggie wise ,he he ,we needed the big freezer just for those.
Well the pest is giving me an ere bashing again ,so i will take a cuppa out back with me ,and sit with her a while before picking the hoe up ,lol.
Catch you later P,s can i borrow Chloe for a few days,i need another foreman on butterfly chasing duty ,lol xxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 25 Mar 2011 08:42

Morning all, Another week has sped by and we still have snow. Having a yearn for green grass, daffodils etc. but so far only "white"
See Fred and Liz are off on holiday next week, hope you have good weather and some sun to tan Fred's knees Hee heee
Have received the Coast series on D.V.D, What amazing photography.
There are 3 discs per set and cover all of Britain,Scotland Ireland and Wales coasts. The history of very early Britain is fascinating.
Mary, I guess you and I will have to keep the site going until Fred gets back.Seems all the others go into hiding and only come out for special occasions !!!!!!!!!
Time to get on with the day so bye for now. Edith XXXXXX


Aussiegirl Report 21 Mar 2011 23:59

Just saw this...

Ancestry are offering free 24 hour access to their Census records on Census day, 27th March 2011

Mary xx


Aussiegirl Report 21 Mar 2011 23:00

Well we have had some lovely rain and my tub is now full of water...should ease off today me thinks but I am a happy chappy..Keeping the water up in our hot summers is a pain Fred as you say we do have some very dry spells and the pot plants need tending so that they don't dry out..I love it to rain when I am home but hate driving in it..
Off to the FHC again today to finish off the film I having trouble connecting my distant grandfather to the parents I think are his..He was born in one place but his parents were married in another and he was baptised in another, and I am having trouble finding a connection..births don't seem to be registered back in 1799 only baptisms, and if I have the right parents he was baptised in a different county to the one he was born in.ggggrrrr...then he went to live in another county..all before the census started and cant find parents in 1841 census either.and he died in 1840...very unkind of him if you ask me..pmsl..
Hope my chalet gets a good clean out Fred.. and go easy on that sun..Don't want you getting sunburn..
John just the same,.no change..
Hope all are well and will pop back soon..

Love Mary xxx


badger Report 21 Mar 2011 10:16

Morning all ,wow ,spring is here all right ,went out back this morning early on to sit with my cuppa ,and noticed that the apple had blossom on ,yippee ,which of course means ,apples again this year,so i hope to have blossom on the plum tree within a few weeks.
I was hoping to get the grass trimmed this morning but the wife has her ruddy washing out early grrrrr,so i will have to leave that till this afternoon.
not to worry though ,i have trimmed the Fushia bushes ,and roses over next to the fence so that i can get the brushwood screening up ,long before the grass seed and weed seed start blowing through the fence,if i get the first 20metres up today the other 20 can be put up later in the week.
Going back out shortly to have my coffee with the furry pest ,who is already creating because i am still indoors ,he he ,and when the coffee is finished i will go into Mary's chalet and get the planting benches ready for the off ,and tidy the rest of it up.
The tomato buckets are already sitting there ready ,so just have to drop the seeds in on Friday before we shoot off to Fleetwood for the week.
Nice that you don't have to worry about frost Mary ,that certainly makes things easier ,but of course ,you have other worries we don't have ,as regards water shortage ,or severe heat ,swings ,and roundabouts again he he .
Be back later this afternoon Fred.xxxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 19 Mar 2011 10:33

Morning Mary and all,
Happy to hear you are getting the weather you need at last. We have rising temps too but of course mother nature always has the final say. Last night we had freezing rain followed by snow, so slippery roads etc. will be the order of the day.
Thank you for the pics of Japan. That site is brilliant letting us see the before and after. The devastation is hard to look at and when you think of all the people who have died or are homeless it doubles the feelings.
I feel extra blessed to be where I am right now and say Thank you every day for the privilege.
See Fred is getting started on his tan !!!! no such luck here hee hee
maybe I can get some rays off the snowpiles on a sunny day.!!!!
Yes, Les I see where Japan is closer to you now and they are doing all they can to stop any radiation from coming your way.
Hard to believe the quake actually moved the earth's axis and shifted some of the islands as well.
O.K enough already Edith, it is time for my porridge so will say bye for now.
Edith XXXX


Aussiegirl Report 19 Mar 2011 09:43

Hi everyone.. YYYYAAAAYYYY WE GOT little tub in my back patio is half full of water..more tomorrow they say...yyyaaayyy..
I use olive oil for cooking but one time I accidentally picked up Grape Seed thought butter it I will try it,,, and it was quite nice..not a strong taste and very like olive oil..
Come to OZ for the best honey in the is so yummy and so much of a warm glass of milk with honey in it before I go to bed..try it and you will be converted to..
Went to the FHC today and got a big welcome back and hug from the manager,,and nice to see some familiar is such a friendly place with nice people. Found a few things in the films I ordered but still not what I need to verify a parent child connection..will go back on Tuesday and have another go..

Fred.. Our fruit trees don't need to wear winter coats,,they sit out in the fresh air and love it,,we don't even get a frost it is that mild in winter here..when our lemon trees get a bit older they usually have fruit on them all year we only use the lemons as we need them and let them stay on the tree until then..You will have to send me a picture of your woolie lemon trees..pmsl....

Hope all are well and have a lovely Sunday all..

Love Mary xxx


badger Report 18 Mar 2011 17:13

Evening to all ,from a lovely sunny Newcastle ,where Fred has his shorts on for the first time this year,with sunglasses on to prevent sun blindness through it bouncing off my 'orrible white legs he he.
We took the youngest son and wife out for a meal today ,it being their anniversary,going back to an old haunt at Seaton sluice where we had a lovely ,well cooked meal.
Yep ,the russian radiation leak screwed our lamb production ,and arable crops in the north east of England,and Scotland for years ,as well as the fishing industry,but we are about back to normal now.
looks like there may be good news from Japan today,with there being a good chance that the crisis is under some sort of control at last ,praise be ,it was pretty scary for a while,so let's hope that things will cool down around the reactors and ponds.
Afraid i agree as to the olive oil for cooking ,i refuse to use sunflower oil ,and tend to use pure rapeseed oil for my other cooking, but i havn't given up the search for the Canola,someone must be importing it.
The thought that silly beurocrats are preventing the use of a modified crop that enables 50 odd tons of unsaleble honey from just one area is so darned annoying,and the bee farm owners are really struggling ,because of the many ,many acres of rapeseed that is grown for animal feed only ,and biofuel ,because the taste of the unmodified oil is very unpallatable for most people ,being rather bitter.and this taste being reflected in the honey.
Hope everyone is going to have a better weekend ,catch you all later ,