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## Canucks International ##

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Aussiegirl Report 1 Dec 2010 23:28

Hi everyone.. We have had a lot of rain..a change from the drought we have had for the past 10 years or so,,LOL

Lovely to see some of the oldies back and a new one,,Hi Jack,,good to see you..sorry haven't been around for a while but been busy,,
Sorry you dinny sell to many aprons Les.. Have another go and dress them up in tinsel and hang Christmas decorations to them,,Make people remember its Christmas and they make good Christmas gifts..

Fred. Hope all that snow dinny cause a avalanche into my Chalet,,or break the glass,,LOL..

Someone mentioned wanting help from OZ re a family that came to OZ I found a death for John Charles Mills in 1852, in Gunnedah ,,mother Sarah Ann and Father John,,if you would like me to have another try could you send me the details and I will see what I can do,,I am not the best at OZ records as most of mine are in the UK but will be happy to try,,but if no help I do have Tony who is the best at OZ records..

We have another specialist to see next week,, Pray that he can do something to help John as it is getting no better..but worse..

Stay warm all and will try and get back more often..

Love Mary xxxx


Lesley Report 30 Nov 2010 17:27

It has been raining here for the last two days and the temps have been above zero so the snow is mostly gone. I am sure we will get more but hopefully not before xmas. My family wont come if it is snowing or icy.
Got the recipes Fred, looks pretty yummy, don't know if I can have all that cheese tho, maybe I can find a lower fat kind. Sorry to hear about your weather....nothing more annoying than being snowed in and not a thing to be done. We were like that in Nanaimo a few years ago. It took about 5 days before the snow plough could get down our we hunckered down!!
Last night I made this yummy chicken dish. I half sliced two chicken breasts open, put asparagus and some parmagino regiano (spelling) inside and then wrapped them in proscutio. Sealed them in foil and heavens they were yummy. We had sweet potato baked in brown suger to go with.....drool....could eat it again for brekkie!!!!
Today I have to take Norm to Nanaimo to get his throat scan done. We do this about every 2/3 years. It gives me about 3 hours to roam the shops so hopefully I will get some of that xmas shopping done.
I was very daring last week. Got my hair trimmed and re-coloured and had a small very red streak put in the!!!

edith clace

edith clace Report 30 Nov 2010 11:27

Morning Fred, Welcome to the snowy part of winter. Outside my window it is coming down again, can't see the tower across the road!!!!!!!
Last year we had about 6 inches of the stuff, this year we already have 3
feet. uugghh. My car looks like a loaf of bread out in the parking lot hee hee. I will get started on a big pot of veg soup shortky and treat all the folks here to a nice bowl for lunch.
Hello to Teresa, Veronica, Jack and Ian nice to hear from you again,
Have been watching the weather for your area Les and you are getting treated as badly as we are. !!!
This may be the year to get out the skis instead of trying to drive!!!
Stay warm Fred and Liz, keep us posted so I know when to send out our red coated Mounties on a rescue mission hee hee.
Back soon Edith XXXX


badger Report 30 Nov 2010 09:36

Morning all,reckon Santa is gonna need his sledge this year if this weather keeps up ,lol,am i glad i stockpiled emergency heating supplies in case we lose our power ,at least i can keep us warmish ,and still cook after a fashion,though i may have to go to candle ,and battery power as regards communications ,lol,all three of my laptops are fully charged ,just in case ,he he.and my dongle is on standby in case we loose the broadband connection.
An obvious question Les ,but have you tried going into your settings to see if you can reactivate your page name? but naaah ,it couldn't be that simple.he he.
Have you checked your inbox today to see if those recipes came through?,they are just the ticket for cold days made with a nice onion and strong cheddar.
Hope you have managed by now to get your tyres fixed ,but ,if not ,whats wrong with snow chains for the time being?,or will they damage the tyres too much.
I don't have that problem ,namely because i can't get my car out onto the road anyway ,it is well and truly blocked, three numb nuts struggled to put their rubbish bins out last evening?,are the council using helicopters now ,i ask myself ,he he if the council can't get a gritter down this road ,a dustcart has no chance,even our hospitals have brought the four wheel drives out of the garages .and pressing the mountain rescue ,coast guard trucks into service for emergencies.
The wind is getting up too ,and the forcast for the whole country looks a bit iffy ,lol,the snow will drift in these winds making our local roads impassable to all normal means ,[blast ,i knew i should have gone 4x4 on the last car change .oooooops.]
Have to go for now ,but will be bake later ,he he ,nowhere else to go ,is there ? Fred. from the REAL frozen north ,this time he he.


badger Report 29 Nov 2010 15:33

Afteroon all,wow,my poor back ,lol,the grandson and i have moved a foot of snow off the top of the car ,the drive,the paths,and the rubbish bins this morning ,and the way it is snowing qgaqin ,i may have to do the same tomorrow morning [groan].
All the veggies i am using at the moment are shop brought and stockpiled because mine are under 2 foot of snow,and i only just managed to rescue my red onions from the greenhouse before it started again.
The brussel plants are totally hidden in the bottom corner of the garden.only visable at all because of the slight raised pieces where the snow has left a raised piece where the to0p is.
I have the two recipies condensed to emails ,Les ,so i will send them on as soon as i revert to the big laptop,you will notice that one has onion in [or garlic, [or both] and the other has neither ,although it could be used with onion with the addition of an extra egg to ensure of setting properly.
Both though are very tasty,and worth the making.
We had three of the little apple crumbles for afters,the grandson was thrilled to bits ,never having had a cheese bake before ,or a crumble,so we have had to promise to keep him one of the apple and plum ones when we make them.
Soup for tea today ,something nice and warming i think ,so i will see if we have a container of curried swede and carrot,to go with slices of French stick and garlic butter.
Must go for now ,time to shut all the upstairs windows for the day,and then close up shop until this evening .
Catch you all later ,Fredxxxx


Veronica Report 29 Nov 2010 15:11

Hi All

Just spoke to my cousin Gwyneth in Inverkeithing which is just over the Forth Road Bridge from Edinburgh. She took 12 hours to do a journey that normally took 6 yesterday and had to abandon her car 100m from home because of the huge hill she lives on and the depth of snow. She has had another 12 inches overnight and its still snowing as we speak (3:00pm scottish time). My trip to Scotland next week might be cancelled as the forecast is for more of the same for the next 2 weeks. The problem is that I could get to her town but not up the hill she lives on which is over a mile long and very steep and twisty. She can see her car from the window - at least the hump in the snow that is her car!!!

Take it easy on the snow clearing Fred, don't want any heart attacks or such like.

I guess Ontario has got this to look forward too but it can stay away as long as it likes for my sake.



edith clace

edith clace Report 29 Nov 2010 14:06

Morning everyone, Hi to Ian, good to know you are O.K and "warm" .
Fred, Know what you are dealing with as it is common in my part of the world from Nov. to March. I think the big difference is we are prepared for it and have all the tools.
Last week the stuff came down for 4 days and the plows were out round the clock to keep the streets clean. We are allowed to have studded tires again and they sure make for a better drive in winter. Stopping on ice is
needed in some areas so it's much safer.
Les, I have tried to watch some of the cooking shows but like you they just make me upset. They can bring back Julia Childs any time. She was a cook but also very funny.
I see Jack is in Ottawa and their weather is about the same as ours. Haven't heard if they got all this snow as well?
Good to see you back Teresa. It is time for me to get started to-day so it's bye for now. Stay well all. Edith XXXXX


badger Report 29 Nov 2010 07:46

Fred,is on snow clearing duties,over a foot of snow on the paths and drive.normal service will be resumed as soon as .lol.xxxx

The Border Reiver

The Border Reiver Report 28 Nov 2010 04:16

G'Day to all you chilly people from the northern hemisphere.
Fred while you're cooking up your vegies my cabbage, carrots, onions, sugar peas and capsicums are all going into a salad.
Our weather is going to be in the mid thirties for the next few days but rain is forecast for Saturday - that little sister of mine is bringing the UK weather with her - GRR!
I hope that everyone is keeping well and I'll try to be a more frequent visitor to the boards but FH keeps getting in the way along with lawn bowls and darts.
I must go now and have some lunch then head down to the sports club to finish the minutes of the last Board meeting.

Best wishes to all,



Veronica Report 28 Nov 2010 02:47

Hi Lesley

No, not watching Come Dine with me Canada - I don't like that sort of show its all such a set up and phony. I did catch a couple of episodes of Battle of the Blades on CBC, my youngest daughter was staying and I watched it with her. Me, I'm mostly an HGTV, History Channel & Discovery channel person - but not Mike Holmes. I also love Antiques Roadshow - the British version on BBC-Canada.

I am watching the weather very closely, I hope it changes before December 6th as we are flying via Amsterdam, Keith on to Liverpool and me on to Edinburgh. I was supposed to take the train up from London but the itinerary changed and Keith and his colleague are doing things the other way around.

We had our first snow today - just a few flurries but lots of wind. The grandkids came today with their Mum and Dad and have decided to stay over until tomorrow so Mum and Dad have gone off home alone.

Looks like Fred has got everything under control up in Newcastle they certainly won't starve will they?

Off to tuck the grandkids into bed



Lesley Report 27 Nov 2010 16:54

Hey Fred, I have a beef stew in the slow cooker. Gonna try some slow cooker dumplings this time as well. Tell me about the cheese bake?
Our snow has turned to rain and it is slushy everywhere and slippery in the mornings. I hope it rains like stink today and then we will almost be back to a regular winter. Still no snow tires for us.....we are now thinking that we will have to sell our van and buy another vehicle....and then I don't know how we will camp....
Edith, Teresa and Veronica are you watching Come Dine with me Canada. What an ugly bunch they have been so far most of them with no manners or basic cooking skills. liked the Brit version much better.
Have a good weekend.


badger Report 27 Nov 2010 13:07

Afternoon,all you lucky people in dry ,warm areas ,he he,coooo ,am i glad we decided to go out and do some stocking up for the next two weeks ,we brought two extra bags of plain flour ,two cartons of dried yeast ,salt ,pepper ,the usual veggies but double the amount ,and a few things like extra eggs,and four cartons of long life milk.
We had to dig the car out to go ,and by the time we got home it was snowing hard again ,and by going back into the drive arse first ,we Just managed to get it in and park up before we were hit by a blizzard.
This morning i couldn't even see the road out front and we decided ,we were staying in ,lol.
The daft elder son has decided to go down to Reading despite the conditions ,and i have told him ,that being as we had a snow untried new car ,there was no way we were doing another rescue mission for him,if he breaks down in this while on the road ,going ,or coming back ,he is on his own.
Had a bit of a family crissis a couple of days ago ,aand it seems that the daughter and hubby are splitting up,the idiot of a husband is only working part time ,is constantly dragging the family further into debt ,and to cap it all ,he has managed to persuade his sister to stand as a cheque promissie and has brouight a new car on the never never.
The daughter has said ,he is on his own ,and if he defaults she won't bail him out again ,will kick him out and waive the mortgage and declare herself bankrupt ,all because the numbskull is in denial ,and won't see he is getting further and further into debt.
The daughter and two children can come here until they get another house,i did after all do it for the youngest son ,and couldn't refuse to do the same for her,but the son in law is on his own ,bloody fool.
Mary wouldn't know her chalet ,he he ,it looks like a pukka one now ,a foot of snow on the roof ,and ice hanging over the eaves.looks a little like Santas cave .
Hissy wassitting next to the shed a few minutes ago when the snow ,warmed a tad by the sun slid off the roof ,and puddy tat disappeared ,he he ,she wasn't at all pleased when she shook herself free,yowling and spitting left right and centre ,even giving me a dirty look because i was laughing at her ,lol.
We decided on Sunday dinner a day early because the wife has promised us a cheese bake tomorrow ,yum.
So today we are having a 2 kilo chuck', home made stuffing ,roast tatties ,onion ,parsnip,sweet tattie ,cabbage ,sprouts aand mash ,along with a nice onion gravy.
Have to go anyway ,time i got the parsnips and onions in the oven.
Catch you later peeps ,have a good weekend all .Fred.xxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 25 Nov 2010 13:19

Morning all, We join you in lots of snow Les. We now have more than we did last winter. We've had 4 days of heavy snow and more to come according to the forecast.
A white Christmas for sure and I know a lot of folks are happy, skiers,snowmobilers etc.
Busy weeks coming up in our town, Christmas dinner for Seniors. a bazaar, Community Christmas choir, carolling, Christmas Craft sale so something for everyone.
Stay well everybody, see you soon. Edith XXXXXX


Lesley Report 24 Nov 2010 18:30

More snow for us today, maybe 10 - 15 cms......great!! not!! I shovelled yesterday and Bella did the snow dance.....first you growl at the snow shovel as it piles up snow, then Mom hoists the snow over your head, and then you run in a barking frenzy all over the yard waiting for the next shovel full....silly girl. Now Ollie has a better idea. He just spends the entire day curled up in front of the wood stove.
Fred I still have veggies in the ground and I am hoping that the snow is protecting them.....guess the celery will be all wilted tho??
Norm went out doing errands yesterday and did OK with our all season radials but we certainly would not be able to drive out of the valley with them....and no 14 inch lite truck winter tires to be found anywhere.
Am sewing today for the next fair.....still have masses of material!!
Later Lesxx


badger Report 24 Nov 2010 08:56

Morning to all,from The Frozen north ,as my sister always called any county and town above Manchester,lol.
We awoke this morning to our first snow of the season ,and so ,it's a stay indoors day ,he he,no garden in this that's for sure ,can't even lift parsnips for a meal ,as they are frozen in ,well and truly.
I don't mind really,the frost gives the parsnip,kale and brussel ,a tang they don't get otherwise ,which is why i plant a late variety.
Seems like Bella is like Hissy ,he he ,she was bounding over the snow as it got light here ,and then rolling in it , he he ,i was shivering indoors just watching her,crazy moggy,i reckon the two of them would make a good pair Les'.
Have to go for now ,the puter is waiting to do security updates and gets grouchy if i postpone it too often,i think the puter has to be female ,gets upset awfully easily,Catch you later ,Fred xxx


Lesley Report 23 Nov 2010 16:52

Edith, I am wondering if the apron craze is slowing down as I did not sell a lot at the fair here. Now I am in another next weekend and am thinking I may put a wee ad in the north island paper, altho in this weather who would drive thru the mountains to get to us.

News says that we got about 8 inches of snow in an hour and a half yesterday. It went down to minus 16 overnight which means that many of my garden perenials will have died off....again!! Originally they said it would warm by thursday but now Norm has just read that we will get freezing rain/sleet on thursday and more snow after that.

The main highway into town was closed for awhile yesterday as there were truck/trailers jacknifed all over it. The main road in both directions from where we live was closed because we have lots of ravines and everyone was just pooled at the bottom and could not get up the other side. Even a police car slide out of control and smashed into a concrete barrier....such fun.

So needless to say we are on foot and going nowhere!! I HATE snow!! Bella on the other hand is in heaven and comes in with huge clumps of ice sticking to her fur....such a girl!!

Hi Teresa...waves!!

More later.Lesxx


badger Report 23 Nov 2010 07:03

Morning from a ruddy cold ,wet Newcastle ,where we are awaiting the Arctic weather too which will reach us around Thursday,but not to worry ,i have done a Les and Edith ,in stocking well up on dried produce ,and fuel ,he he.
I Have two big bags of a rock salt ,grit mix for the drive as well ,so ,no matter what ,i will be able to get the car up the slope onto the road ,but ,what it will be like after i get through the gate remains to be seen ,he he.
My Fushia ,and 'Mums are still hanging on ,and still flowering bless 'em.but i reckon the snow will put them to sleep until the spring.
We had a phone call yesterday morning from Argos ,saying the Saturday delivery was off ,and could they deliver straight away, could they? i should co co,lol,and our beutiful new mattress arrived within two hours,was on the bed within four ,and we had a lovely read before going to sleep in perfect bliss,and i am thinking of ordering another now while the offer is still on,they are [Silent night] one of the best around ,and are supposed to keep their shape no matter what for five years.
We get nuggets here as well Les' who reckon they can drive in snow ,when in reality they have problems in heavy rain,stamping on gas pedals and brakes ,and hauling hard on corners ,instead of being gentle ,of course they skid ,and pile into the roadside ,or worse still other cars or trucks,high time ,in this country for people to have to have lessons in ice driving ,it would save many lives.
I was taught to drive a double deck bus on a skid pan in London,and drove in the pyrenees in winter later ,while in the forces ,but i STILL don't drive in it unless i have to ,not because i am frightened of slippery roads ,but because of what other idiots around me are getting up to ,he he.
Hey ,it's nice to see people returning to the fold,and long may it last,the more the merrier say,i .
Time to go now ,the missus needs her cuppa ,and the cat is sitting at the cooker waiting for breakfast,i am having pan fried Gilt Head Bream for brekkie and Hissy knows when fish is on the menu ,she gets her share, the little madam ,knows the word FISH alright ,lol.and i have to spell the word out to liz or the cat starts the [feed me routine] and dosn't let up easily.
Catch you all later ,Fred.


Lesley Report 22 Nov 2010 20:51

Welcome JC, we are a great bunch of folks. We've been nattering at each other for about 8 years now and still going strong. Join in often.

Norm and I set off to Nanaimo at 10 this morning. By the time we reached the Island highway it was white out conditions and we slid into the right hand lane. People in the ditch everywhere. So we crawled for 30 minutes to the next exit and headed home. A gruelling drive, idiots everywhere and blizzard conditions. So we will not make Malcolm's Celebration of Life. Norm had spent the last week putting together a photo tribute which he is now trying to email thru to the port Theatre so that they can still show it. There were about 500 people expected from all over....I think many like us will not be able to get there, perhaps we will have another smaller one in the spring. So sad and such a huge loss.

The four of us used to cook like crazy when we got together and yesterday saw me in the kitchen having a filo frenzy. I made cornish filo pasties and filo samosas. A big pot of soup and all we needed was Malcolm and very sad.

Dunno if my name is back. I guess lots of us are nameless. GR emailed me and said oh! you cannot please! no!... but you could find my name and give it back to me.

Later Lesxx


Jack Report 22 Nov 2010 20:24

Hi All, a good thread.

Today is rainy and freezing too if anyone wants to know, . It in Ottawa. Ont.

Just back from thr UK visiting inlaws. brought a cold with me cant shake it YET.

JC in Ontario

Teresa In Canada

Teresa In Canada Report 22 Nov 2010 19:45

Hi Everyone,
I let my membership lapse for a bit but am now back on board.

Just a quick note to Les to tell you I am thinking of you and Norm today for Malcolm's memorial. I saw a piece on him today on the news and he looks a lovely man. Special thoughts to you all.

I will be back later hopefully.

Teresa in minus 24 Black Diamond