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## Canucks International ##

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Aussiegirl Report 23 Sep 2010 06:20

Hi everyone We have lovely weather and no we don't want your snow thank you...hee hee..
Been busy with family coming and going..John had a fall last week and his legs were very weak for a few days,,He is now back to where he was before the fall..We see the specialist on the 8th of next month so hope he can do something for him..
Les I have been voting for you and will have another go today..

Fred Bet you are looking forward to your holiday..Hope the weather is fine for you..have a clotted cream ice cream for me will you ...they are so yummy...Hope Liz is all recovered from her bad back..

Getting my garden in slowly..Might get to the nursery this weekend and get some plants and herbs..

Have a lovely weekend all..


Love Mary xxxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 22 Sep 2010 13:16

Hello, Glad to hear you are o.k. Fred. The roads are not fun to drive any more are they??Must figure out a way for them to do repairs in the winter when we are home and not wanting to travel!!!!!!
Rainy wet days here and more to come so the weatherman says. The days are getting shorter as well so it's time to settle in a little earlier, a good book usually helps. !!!
Must go and get my day on the way, so bye for now. Edith XXX


badger Report 21 Sep 2010 17:54

Just a few ,quick lines to let folk know we have reached darkest Wiltshire without any mishaps ,despite the many roadworks and the odd breakdown,,but lucky for us ,we were fine.
We reached the camp at 12-30 and went straight out again to get some stir fry stuff for the tea.,and now at six oclock i am packered and ready for my bed,lol.
Be back tomorrow morning ,have a nice evening all,Fred.

edith clace

edith clace Report 19 Sep 2010 14:14

Morning all, The sun is shining to-day but the air is cool. I guess things will be very quiet around here with Fred off to Cornwall. Hope your trip goes well Fred and Liz stays in good health.
If you have time will you visit the Eden project? I have friends who are still talking about it after 3 years. They are gardeners too.
Has your house settled down yet, Les? How are the "kids" through all the company?
All the winter activities are getting underway so will have to get all my notes
in order. My calendar is filling up so I think it's time to start saying "NO"
Hope Mary is staying well and keeping out of trouble hee he.
Time to get busy so bye for now. Edith XXXXX


badger Report 18 Sep 2010 17:11

evening all,from a not too bad day which sees Newcastle getting ready for the Great North Run start tomorrow morning.
I gave in to temptation last night and took the big carrot that sprang up in the red onion box ,and WOW,what a result,it measured 10 inches round the shoulder and was five inches in length ,including the whip [the thin tap root]
.If I were still showing them ,and i had another the same size ,i would have won first prize for a pair of stump root .
Suprisingly ,despite it coming up in a box heavily manured for growing onions,the root never forked,so ,you live and learn.
I was soooo chuffed with it , i had to take a pic before i chopped it up for dinner,and i was even more chuffed when there was enough in the one carrot to feed the four of us.
I took even more runners off the plants too ,added some small shoots of calabrese, and some cabbage ,so everything veggie wise was fresh from the garden.
The wife got her hair done this afternoon ready for the trip to Oxfordshire,and having dropped her off at the stylists ,i took the car to my usual cleaning shed ,and had it done ,inside and out,and then went back and picked the missus up before going to the shops on the way home.
Sounds like all govenments are the same ,ours in a flap
because one M P cheated in the voting at the general election,they are all tarred with the same brush.
Off to get on with stripping the bedroom down ,before coming back to get on with the papering.
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend Fred


Lesley Report 16 Sep 2010 19:05

Our guests go home tomorrow.....and there is snow flying in the foothills....and its still September. Everyone says we wwill have a toug winter this year. If I was rich I would head south...but not!!

edith clace

edith clace Report 16 Sep 2010 13:07

Morning, Wow I feel absolutely lazy, both Fred and Les busy,busy. and me just sitting here playing. Have voted Les. we were in it also but too small to get enough votes. Will keep voting for you until it closes.
Looking out the window this a.m to thick fog so another change in the weather coming. The trees are really changing colour now so fall is definately on it's way. Love this time of year.
Time to eat so it's bye for now. Edith XXXXXXX


Lesley Report 15 Sep 2010 16:58

Sorry gang, this is a quickie. I have a house full of folks, a sewing machine with a mind of its own and a fishing contest to win. Please try and vote for us at least once a day
The Manitoba government has offered extra money if the whole province votes for their Dauphin. What poor sportsmanship...this is not about governments, its about regular folks supporting their town. So please if you can vote for us that would be fabulous.
Off to the trenches!!


badger Report 15 Sep 2010 09:39

sorry our Edith ,the wife and i are upside down at the minute with decorating so i was too busy to use the puter during the day ,and by evening i was just too tired to bother, yawn.
The wind started to pick up here yesterday afternoon,and i was just getting some decorating gear out of the shed when i noticed the grey clouds coming down from Scotland ,and lo and behold ,a fine sort of stuff swirling about ,only for a few seconds,but i could swear it was powder snow ,the sort of stuff the skiers like,,but in September ? what you sending over here lass,lol,too early ,we don't want it yet he he.
I did notice on the news last night that the snow had indeed arrived up north of us ,but that is early even for the haggis eaters.
The wind really picked up late last night ,the highest winds so far ,since last December ,and i was relieved to see we still had all our tiles ,fences ,plants and whatever this a m ., but it hasn't let up yet ,so the shopping is on hold ,just in case .
Sounds like you are getting now what we over here have had all spring and summer Edith ,so count your blessings ,you have done tons better than us all year ,he he ,someone must have swapped our weather around this year ,lol,maybe that Les' knows something about it hmmmmm,now there's a thought .
Think i had better go and get started on these upstairs doors before i get hit by a flying slipper ,lol, the wife got me a little electric sander last month ,and i reckon it' around time it got it's first outing ,soooo,catch you all later folks ,Fred [busy again .xxxx

edith clace

edith clace Report 15 Sep 2010 01:00

Hello Just nudging us up so we don't drop off altogether.

Drop in and say Hi!!!!!!!!!

edith clace

edith clace Report 12 Sep 2010 13:09

Morning all, Can't seem to sleep in on Sunday so will spend some time here and then get my breakfast. Our weather is getting downright depresssing. Last week has been grey and dull. Big dark clouds skudding by.This next week seems to be the same !!!Must be time to get out of town for a bit, will look into some short trips I guess.
Yes, Mary the garden is all put to bed for another year. I have enough pesto and other herbs to last me through the winter. They are so good in soups and stews. Have to pull out Fred's recipes and get a pot on later to-day.I also made 4 jars of tom salsa, so I am quite proud. Even without a big back garden I can still enjoy some of produce.
Les, hope your presentation went well and you did indeed take a bit of time for you.
Would love to hear from Veronica, Teresa,Christine again. Nice to know if they are o.k.
Time to go, see you soon. Edith XXXX


Aussiegirl Report 11 Sep 2010 13:05

Evening all We have had some really nice weather lately..Spring has last..What with the floods down south and probably bushfires in the summer..It is a land of contrasts..but I love it....

Been busy lately with doctors and in Oct. to take john to another specialist..Life has been busy..

Fred Sorry to hear that Liz has done her back in again..not nice..Do hope the docs can help her..and they put in the chairlift for you ..Just so glad we now have a single story house..My Uncle in Herefordshire is having trouble like that to as my Aunt cannot walk much these days and they to have a two story house..She has just aquired a electric scooter to get her around a bit..Mut tell him to get the lift put in..will make it so much easier for my Aunt..All those greens should last you all this winter and next..glad you have tow will need them..LOL

Les.. Are you sewing pinnys again...back on the market are we or are you doig a fair..

Edith How are your crops going,,are you nearly finished them all,,I am about to start mine..

Well have a lovely weekend all.. Have been busy lately so havnet got on here much..I uploaded my tree on Ancestry to GR and lost 100 people..Thank goodness I still have it on Ancestry..I had around 450 on here and over 500 on Ancestry so decided to delete the one on here and upload the one on Ancestry to GR.. I now have 399 on GR..Can you tell me where the rest went..PMSL....Dont think I will worry about the one on here any more..To much trouble..

Take care and hugs for Liz..

Love MAry xxx


badger Report 10 Sep 2010 08:26

Mornin' Les' and Edith,hmmmm ,the idea of a sit down and coffee sound good,and i may just do it when i finish here and get the housework done because it's another wet one outside ,he he.
I Did get out there yesterday and took a carrier bag full of runners off the plants,which kept me busy for an hour getting them ready for the freezer,which is now stuffed full of greenery he he,but we will be fine for veggies throughout the winter,and by this time next year with a heavier crop [i hope ] from the climbing french beans ,we will be even more stuffed ,good thing i still have some room in the upstairs one ,still more beans to come off yet.
Never been out after Salmon Les' the authorities take the p*** here charging over £100 for a day licence and thats on top off the price of a river permit,that ,is a rich mans sport here,another sign of rip off Britain.
I make do with Trout and sea fishing which is expensive enough for me thank you very much.
You have given me an idea for tomorrows dinner Edith ,you and your pesto ,lol,i have some emmental cheese in the fridge going begging,and some nice home cured ham slices , and a tubof green pesto ,time to get a couple of pannini rolls while shopping and get the pannini press out,just the ticket with some salt and cracked black pepper wedges ,yum yum.
I have cobbler ready for today's lunch .nice beef mince ,[defatted] and four lovely home made cheese scones [i havn't lost the knack ] despite there being some nice ready made ones on the market ,lol.
The cobbler will go very well with cabbage and carrot ,nice roasties,and a few tiny salad potatoes.
Going to give the new hoover a hell of a workout now ,as i am going to go through the whole house before our grand daughter comes tonight for the weekend,she is allergic to long cat hair ,but she seems okay with Hissy being a short hair,but i do still take precautions,and have piriton in the cupboard for emergencies.
Off to take my break now ,[yeah ,right ] lol.Enjoy the weekend folks ,Fred,xxxx


Lesley Report 9 Sep 2010 17:31

I am still sewing like a mad fool and looking at all the other stuff that needs to be done....ah well.
Today I get a break tho, I am off to Campbell River to give my presentation on the British Home Children to their local family history society. Then tomorrow more visitors...and so it goes. And now we have another friend coming in a weeks time. He wants to go fishing as the chinook are running late this year and he will be here just in time.
Meanwhile I guess I should start to cut back stuff in the garden....what was that about taking a break Edith???
I wonder where Christine and the others are??? Hope all are well.

edith clace

edith clace Report 9 Sep 2010 14:00

Hello, Fred, PLease sit and have a cuppa, Les, you too!!!We all seem to be too, too, busy. I also get into that mode, but have realized I must stop and take out some ME time.
Weather still cloudy and fall like, but the temps are moving up a bit. The leaves of the small bushes are turning and when we get the first frost the colours are going to be glorious. We have had a hot summer and a good lot of rain so they should be great.
Mary, how is your pot garden coming. Have you had a chance to get it started? All of mine is finished and I will put the last of the pots away to-day. Hope you manage a few tomatoes as they are so good fresh from the vine!!!Nothing like a tom sandwich on a hot day !!!
Hope everyone has a great day. Edith XXXXX

edith clace

edith clace Report 7 Sep 2010 14:14

Morning all, The Labor day holiday is now gone and it is time to settle in and get ready for the white stuff. We had a light frost Sunday nite so time to get the plants off the balcony for sure. Will make my last batch of pesto for this year and this one will be mine. All summer I have been giving it out to friends and family but now will freeze this lot for me!!!The nites have really cooled off and I see even the prairies out west are the same. I do love the cooler weather tho' it is so nice to have to add a sweater instead of hiding in and turning on the a.c.
Your travel plans sound great Fred. Hissy is going to be one upset cat by the time you get settled back in!!!!!My friend Chloe goes berserk after her owner leaves for the day. She actually sulks and sits on the window sill and will not move until bedtime. hee hee.
Good luck with your lessons Les, having done a few I know how much work it is. looks like you have a busy winter ahead of you.
Do believe it is time for breakfast. Take care all. Edith XXXX


badger Report 5 Sep 2010 09:08

Morning to all this nice autumnal Sunday morning,where i am having a few minutes to myself before going back out into the back garden to put the 100 crocus bulbs into the border that runs alongside the house.
Seeing as the missus woke me up at four this morning with an amazing impression of a John Deere tractor with a blown gasket,i decdided i may as well get up and have a very early breakfast ,outside in the coolish air ,cup of coffee ,and my first porridge of the season ,scottish style ,salt ,no sugar ,or milk, ,very nice it was too.
The freezer is playing up .so we are running it down so that we can get the new fridge freezer in before Christmas,we decided on the model with the freezer on the bottom ,fridge on the top.
We will be keeping the old fridge however ,we reckon that will come in handy for the festive season ,where we can store all the food from day to day,leaving the new one for the day to day stuff like dairy produce ,salads and the like.
It will also come in handy for the making of my corned beef ,so i will have far more room in the chalet for Christmas visitors ,and early seedlings [you listening Mary ] no more taking the mickey out of Fred's meat production ,lol.
Seeing as this is the last weekend of the kids holidays ,i am making them a nice curry for their dinner,using some chicken bits and a few raisens ,and a nice red onion from the onion box,no veggie though ,these two bairns don't like veggie style curry ,so i can't put a few peas in like i usually do,but ,never mind ,i can make another any time for just us two.
Hope everybody over there in oz are okay ,what with the storms and flooding,you seem to no sooner get over the fires and drought ,before you land up with the other end of the weather cycle ,we here seem to be out of the way of all the lousy stuff ,apart from the odd hiccup .
Three weeks ,and we will be Cornwall bound ,and three weeks later getting ready for the week in Blackpool ,he he ,spoilt rotten we are.
The tablets seem to be doing their work as well ,so i am letting the old biddy loose on the populace this next week again ,and will start off on letting her have a mosey round the local library while she changes her books.
Take care all ,hope everyone has made the most of the


Lesley Report 2 Sep 2010 16:53

Fred, give Liz a hug from me. I also have a "dodgy" back sometimes...not fun!! As you know we burn our woodstove all winter and it does warm the house (the basement hot!!) and it has helped reduce our use of oil and gas. My only complaint is the amount of mess it makes especially the dust. But hey!! it is cozy and you guys can pretend you are pioneers or some such thing..LOL
Mary loved the pics, cute dog. Glad that you were able to make the trip. No trips for us this year at all and now we are galloping towards our "busy" season. I am teaching a genealogy class again and also giving some lectures on the the British Home Children at Island historical societies. Then of course there is the sewing...and sewing..and....!!!
Edith we too are very Fallish and the nights are quite cold, down to 6?? We are hoping for the indian summer to kick in and that may see us thru into October...would be nice.
Have more visitors coming this month so it's Les and Norm's B and B time again. I'll have to juggle that with the aprons, my first show in on October 2.
So its off to the "sweat shop".

edith clace

edith clace Report 2 Sep 2010 16:39

Hello Good to hear from you Fred. Blessings to Liz, as I know about back pain. Not fun at any time.
Our weather continues to resemble fall. To-day is cool and rainy after a few sweltering days. The clouds are big , dark and rolling over like typical fall days. Even tho' love winter it could wait a bit methinks.!!!!
Thanks for the pics Mary, of course I love the dog. She is a beauty and it makes me lonesome for my little guy. Glad you had a good visit. Hope John stays well enough for more travel. Good luck with the garden I'm sure you will enjoy it. The first tomato is the best you'll ever taste hee hee.
Must get on with the day, so take care all. Edith XXXXXXXX


badger Report 1 Sep 2010 19:26

Evening all ,from a slightly sunnier ,warmer Newcastle thaqn of late ,lol.
Seems as though Liz has strained her back and aggrivated the old work injury ,and is now on a strong pain killer ,and a tablet to reduce the inflammation.
As soon as she is able to get to the surgery ,we will be asking the doctor to refer us to the dss to see about having a stair lift put in.
Her back has been giving her problems for years,and it won't get any better.
We had the chap here this morning about the new fire ,and we have the go ahead ,the only thing wrong was the hearth needing extended to comply with the hot ember spillage ,which is no problem ,there being bricks out back of the same pattern and colour ,which the son is going to lay for me
My son in law is getting the new steel lintel made for me at his works ,to put across the hearth opening. which will stop the bricks sagging ,so everything is well in hand.
Have to go ,but at least you know that Liz and i are still in the land of the living,take care all .Fred.