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when exactly

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Susan9363343 Report 15 Sep 2008 00:06

Maybe they were threads which used the persons wit and was/were spontaneous. who could not laugh along even if one didn't join in.


Just my opinion again :-)


DIZZI Report 15 Sep 2008 00:04

Erm, what ever happened to Hatpin?

Stu in Hastings


Bev Report 15 Sep 2008 00:03

name changes dont bother me cos i dont know whos who anyway lol

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 15 Sep 2008 00:03

yes they was I used to read the village .....we had some good laughs on here but I still


Bev Report 15 Sep 2008 00:00

yes hayley it was

god they were good times

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 14 Sep 2008 23:57

yeah look at how that started....same old " I am reporting you for baiting me * WHAT !!!!!!! then the god quad appear and bang everyone who isnt in their gang is a bully....Bev was this when you were Bronze ? lol
well night all off to bed .....

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 14 Sep 2008 23:57

Personally, I think over-use of the request review button has killed this site.

While it's a good thing to have when there are genuine complaints to be made, it is used far too often these days, and for silly reasons. Even havinga different opinion.

Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 14 Sep 2008 23:57

I backed away from that one ages ago. I have been watching as it disintegrated.

Obviously old hatreds being dug up but I've no idea what they are all about.


Kaz in a Tizz

Kaz in a Tizz Report 14 Sep 2008 23:52

Hello Everyone

Bev I am not exactly sure when it became really boring but it has ! There are still fun people posting and challenging subjects! But as others have said it doesn't feel comfortable posting. I often think of that song when I read the boards by that group with that weird looking guy - Terry something singing 'the lunatics have taken over the asylum'

Pmsl and there was me trying to be sensibubble!!

Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 14 Sep 2008 23:49

Threads often switch suddenly from interesting debates to strange squabbles which seem to involve old arguments and almost feuds between groups.

I spend hours on here but I still can't remember who is a mate of whom and why someone dislikes someone else.

It all seems to get very childish very quickly sometimes.



Bev Report 14 Sep 2008 23:46

i am not talking about the arguements

they are the most interesting threads on here lol

i mean threads like the village

uss utopia

shipwrecked (yes it startedhere folks)

they wer fun threads

yes sometimes near the knuckle

god we sometimes went all the wa to the fingertips

but they wer fun, no one complain

in fact they asked for more

there is no balance on the threads anymore

yes there are those who enjoy the hugs/religous/recipe threads

there is room for us all here and some of us enjoy the norty, fun adult threads

whats wrong with that?

Chica in the sun ☼

Chica in the sun ☼ Report 14 Sep 2008 23:46

I think there is a lot of fear on the boards now.

I notice a lot of postings begin with:

"I don´t wish to offend anyone......


"I´m sorry to bother you.... etc.

It looks like the thread begins with a sort of apology or disclaimer to avoid being reported.

We may not even be aware we are speaking like this, but it sort of gives us, well me at least, the feeling that the writer is trying to hide, and just popping out cos they really have to.

I have never reported anyone and would prefer to talk about it directly to the person if I had to (I haven´t had to yet!)

I don´t usually get offended by what is written on the boards, but at the moment I have noticed that quite frequently certain capital letters are opening postings. This makes me feel uncomfortable therefore I don´t open that posting, same as if the person was standing next to me using the same language then I would excuse myself from their company.

Well I´m off to bed sleep well.
Chica xx


Susan9363343 Report 14 Sep 2008 23:41

I suppose it depends on how one defines boring.

The people joining the threads at the moment may not feel that they are 'boring' and others may find all the 'joke' threads boring or dare I say it...the religious and anti religious threads.

Personally, I dont think it is just to do with arguments....maybe some of us have read and said all we think is to be read or said......or even wonder if what we have to say will be called don't bother any more.

Just an opinion :-)


Bev Report 14 Sep 2008 23:36

my point exactly dizzi

used to be able to escape here

be non pc, have fun, laugh, with no malice to anyone

i can still do that

but some on here choose to twist that and take it the wrong way

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 14 Sep 2008 23:33

I agree with every word Kay has said.

Most times I can tell from the first few posts on a thread what the true intention of posting it really is.

The outcome is almost always the same sadly & that must put people off from posting...


DIZZI Report 14 Sep 2008 23:33

Quote Bev
i can remember when i would be up til the early hours pmsl on threads on here

now you can go away for an evening come back and the same old threads are still at the top

seems like the bloody pc brigade get everywhere

does anyone live in the real world anymore?

End Quote

Yes same here, I used to have to sit on a commode, wrong sex for tenas. LOL

Yes, Have to agree :(

Not everywhere or should that be 'What PC Brigade' Aussie admin & mods Not very PC, but the greatest mods and Admin going!

Unfortunately have to spend to much time in the real world, It used to be more fun here in the Cyberworld

Stu In Hastings

A big thanks to the Admin & mods Of the site in question, you know who you are! THANK YOU SO MUCH.


Bev Report 14 Sep 2008 23:32

well i spose evaporated milk is a fairly safe if not boring subject

only a few kay who seem to think they police the boards

i just wish that they would avoid the threads that offend their tender sensibilities

god knows how they cope in the real world

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 14 Sep 2008 23:22

Hi Teresa, it's even worse in the wee small hours, only a tiny handful of us, and very often just me, talking to myself lol

Really spooky as I was just thinking of you, was in the loo lol, and remembered you are off work tomorrow. Not sure whether I will be about as still feeling tired after the hectic weekend and before, but if I think of coming out, i.e. driving, will call and see if you are at a loose end. If not, defo that time in Oct lol
Hope you enjoyed your birthday weekend,


Bev Report 14 Sep 2008 23:21

i agree folks

i would go to loo and thread i was following would be on page 3 lol

well there must be some sad peeps out there, imagine having to spend your life monitoring boards

unless you being paid mega bucks for it lol

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 14 Sep 2008 23:19

Got it in one Bev. Nobody can debate, laugh, joke or even be serious without someone reporting you for it, so nobody bothers any more.

Its really sad, this board used to be such a lively place and so fast moving it was a job to click on a thread before it dropped off the page.