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Carole Report 13 Oct 2008 07:54



Rebecca Report 13 Oct 2008 06:49

Lou, any news yet?

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 12 Oct 2008 03:39

Sounds true to form with the Police, Lou,ask to speak to their complaints dept. as I did, if you get nowhere soon.
Is the owner of the club prepared to make a statement saying the mother of this thief admitted she knows she took the money? What with that and the cctv evidence surely they can't not charge her? Can you be sure the cctv won't be wiped?
Presumably she didn't turn up for training with you this time?

Good luck - I hope things get sorted out soon, it's unforgiveable that the police have done nothing yet but not surprising.


PolperroPrincess Report 11 Oct 2008 23:17

Let us know what happens tomorrow


Carole Report 11 Oct 2008 23:10

Lost for words really, but keep us up to date with this. Hope you get a satisfactory outcome tomorrow with the police


**Toothfairy* Report 11 Oct 2008 18:47

I spoke to the police this afternoon, and basically done my nut! They havn't contacted me since Thursday morning, so i rang them to find out what was happening - would you believe they STILL havn't been round to question the girl!!!!!!!!
I can't believe it, i'm furious! Her name is Chloe**** and she's 19 years old, living in Wakefield, with her boyfriend and young son...Her mother rang the gym and spoke to my coach (the owner) and has confessed she knows her daughter did it!!
I saw the CCTV for myself at training yesterday, as did everyone who was training with me, she is so blatent it's laughable, she stands infront of the camera at the desk and buys the t-shirt she's wanted for ages with my cash, which is in a tidy bundle (i worked with cash and always bundle it a certain way..) She even counts out the rest to see how much she's got!!!!!

Defies belief!!!
Anyway, the police are going to ring me tomorrow AM, to discuss my complaint!

Lou xxx
Ps. I was VERY tempted to go round last night and collect in person as my friend has supplied me with an address, i would have done it until i found out she had a young son - he's the reason i havn't gone round, i'd NEVER do anything to affect someones child! - unlike her!

Ladylol Pusser Cat

Ladylol Pusser Cat Report 11 Oct 2008 17:39

i really hope you get your money back, i know how hard it is to make ends meet and have your trust broken, i really do feel for you good luck xxxx


MarionfromScotland Report 11 Oct 2008 17:27

I hope Lou is just busy and not gone and kicked her up the rear lol


Mrs.  Blue Eyes

Mrs. Blue Eyes Report 11 Oct 2008 15:06

Anything new Lou ??


Maddiecow Report 11 Oct 2008 14:00

Lou did you get it sorted? I admit to having read a few pages but not all, however, it occured to me - do you have household insurance?

With my household insurance I have something called handbag cover - it insures the contents of my handbag up to the value of £500.00. Check your policy - then make sure you have a crime ref number from the police. You will have to involve the police and have a crime ref number according to my policy - fingers crossed you are covered on yours x


MarionfromScotland Report 11 Oct 2008 09:28

Are you sorted out yet Lou? or should I She??


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 11 Oct 2008 02:46

Any news Lou?

Can't bear to think of that evil b***h being able to keep and spend the money.



Sharron Report 10 Oct 2008 11:13

The club doesn't come out well in this.They have CCTV,so why no lockers?


Carole Report 10 Oct 2008 10:53

Lou I've only just seen all this. No words can say how infuriating it is when the police say not enough evidence. I have heard of people having their cars broken into, and the culprit taking out radios, but as they were caught said they were only looking. So not enough evidence to say radio was being stolen.
Car owner still has a broken lock or window to pay for, and thief says it was already broken when they found the car! Unbelievable.

Hope you get your money back Lou.


AnninGlos Report 10 Oct 2008 10:26

Bev, you just can't do things like that no matter how much we would all like Lou to. She would end up in trouble with the law herself and probably, through some querk have to pay compensation which is not what she need right now.



PolperroPrincess Report 10 Oct 2008 09:49

I would get a photo of her, print it onto some paper and plaster her face all over town warning people of what a low life she is!!

Doesnt matter whether you get the money back on your house insurance...the fact is she has stolen it from you in the first place!

Do you know who she is...have her name etc?

There is no way would I let it lie at that.... EVERYBODY would know who she was!!!!

Hope everything turns out okay for you and get in touch with your mortgage company explaining what has will be surprised at how helpful they can be! The last thing they will want is for you to lose your house and you will be able to make arrangements to pay a little extra off each month!!


Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 9 Oct 2008 21:25

It may be classed as personal possessions away from the home, if you have this cover it will state so and the conditions
EG - mine covers me for personal possessions anywhere in the world for up to 90 days, hence the reason why I always state this on when I apply for travel insurance as it can bring the premiums down when you travel abroad


AnninGlos Report 9 Oct 2008 21:17

I also wonder Lou if your insurers will pay up because your bag was left unattended.



~irishgirl~ Report 9 Oct 2008 21:13

House insurance, are you sure firstly it was stolen outside your house!!!!!!!!!! Also it could mean your insurance goes UP once you make a claim.

Sounds like the police cannot be bothered.


PinkDiana Report 9 Oct 2008 19:41

Scumbag is the only printable word I can use!!

Hope she gets what she deserves!
