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AnninGlos Report 9 Oct 2008 16:39

I was going to say something similar Sue. No matter how much you know she is guilty Lou, if the police think there is not enough evidence then sure as eggs are eggs, if you accuse her or name her to anyone she will be accusing you of slander. Please be careful she sounds a sly little madam. Hopefully, given enough rope, she will hang herself.



Sue Report 9 Oct 2008 16:36

You can't make accusations in the newspapers, they wouldn't print them anyway. They can, of course, report the theft as a news report.

Assuming the police don't get anywhere (to them it will be a minor crime) I would just say to her that you have gathered the evidence and it won't end until you have justice. Don't elaborate at all. Don't say another word on the topic!

If she has any conscience she may fess up or you may find the money replaced without her admitting anything.

Please be careful what you say to other people as that may come back to bite you in the bum!

Sue x


Ann Report 9 Oct 2008 13:51



**Toothfairy* Report 9 Oct 2008 09:44

have spoken to the police this morning - who are now following up... *TuT*

They think i may be able to get the money back through the house insurance....fingers crossed!

As for her...well....apart from wanting to chop her thieving little hands off (along with her cheep chipped nailvarnish) - i feel nothing more than pity..I hope she has sleepless nights and one day someone does the same to her...

I'm a fighter, i'm down, but not out....

Thankyou also for all the kind offers of support, i'm a nightmare when my temper is lost..

I'll update if/when the police get back to me...
Lou xxx
ps. you lot really helped last night, listening to me vent, lol, so


MarionfromScotland Report 9 Oct 2008 08:36

Hopefully the police will find time today.

As others have said go to the papers and let club owners know this. I'ts pretty bad when they dont supply lockers.They should be backing you all the way.Starting by banning/suspending the thief :)) Thats if it is clearly her in cctv.

How many others has this happened to I wonder??
I dont know where you would stand re insurance when it wasn't locked up :((.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Oct 2008 23:26

Ann, there's time yet, lol if anyone could do that Lou could right now, I bet!

Hope you manage to sleep Lou and things work out better tomorrow.



Ann Report 8 Oct 2008 22:51

she should be tarred and feathered as they would have done in the old days

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Oct 2008 22:46

That's awful, phone up and ask to speak to some one high up, tell them you will expect your money back and if you don't get a satisfactory result, put in a complaint.

Some years ago now, my son left his moped locked up outside a shop, when he came out it had gone. He asked people if they had seen it and they said some lads were carrying one down an alley. My son went down the alley and saw three lads in school uniform messing around on his moped. He hid his helmet and went to watch, speaking to one of them saying he wanted a moped like that and if they wanted to sell it to contact him. He got the boys' Christian names, school (from their uniforms) and class teachers name, by careful questioning. He then went back away from them and called the police telling what he knew. This was around 5pm and the police said they would call him later for a statement, despite him saying the lads were there now with his moped. They finally called him again at 10pm to take a statement by which time he was really peed off as the boys had long since gone with his moped. He hoped the police would go to the school the next day and speak to the lads and find out where his bike was, but nothing happened until later that day when he was called again by police to say the security people at the university had found some older lads messing with a bike and it was my son's. Seems they had 'found it dumped' and weren't the lads who originally took it. I phoned the police and asked what had been done re the school etc and it turned out the case had been marked on the computer as closed, with no investigations being made. The bike was at the police station and on having someone check it out would cost £300+ to be fixed. My son, as a student, only had third party insurance. An inspector I spoke to said it was his choice to insure only third party, I told him a student with a single mum and no father's money, didn't have a choice!!
I made a further complaint and had to go in and see someone who agreed the case had been improperly dealth with and my son got the £300+ back from the Police. It was pure laziness that they hadn't checked things out earlier before the bike was completely trashed and the lads when finally spoken to just got warnings.
If we don't make complaints about poor performances lessons won't be learned, and poor policing will continue to happen, as in this case.
I hope things get sorted out properly in the morning Lou and you get your money back. Can you prove you had that amount i.e had you taken it from an account or received it from your ex so he could testify he had given it you?
That lowlife who stole it deserves to be ostracised by all who know her and her mother too, for defending her, nice way to bring up your kids!



**Toothfairy* Report 8 Oct 2008 22:45

I'm going to have a cuppa, a cig, then off to bed...

It really doesn't suprise me that people 'deal' with things themselves...
Lets just say she'd better NOT come to training tomorrow, or for that matter enter Leeds again...

The police said they were too busy tonight dealing with an attempted murder, and two attempted burglaries - my answer was that this wasn't 'attempted' - it actually happened!!
Anyway, time will tell...

And thanks for letting me vent - i'm a nightmare when i'm p'd off...If i wasn't on here i'd be hunting her down - and i can't do that as i've my daughter to think of....Funny, how she's stolen from my daughter (possibly leaving us without a home) and yet my daughter is the one person saving her from harm...

Nite all.
L xx


SallyF Report 8 Oct 2008 22:45

They could fingerprint the money itself and if it's hers it won't have your prints on it will it? I bet she hasn't thought of that.


Hoobity Report 8 Oct 2008 22:39

I am so sorry you have had to go through this, appalling behaviour.
Try phoning the station again and ask to speak to someone and repeat again the evidence you and your coach have, explain again the hardship you will face if you don't get that money back.
Its not just the money though is it, its when someone has singled you out, even worse when its someone you know, it shatters your faith in human kindness.xx


~irishgirl~ Report 8 Oct 2008 22:38

are you a member of barclays bank they have a free legal advise line 24hrs.


JoyBoroAngel Report 8 Oct 2008 22:34



~irishgirl~ Report 8 Oct 2008 22:34

Yes and tell the police your taking it to the papers they would be very interested in this one.

Bet she won't be going to kick boxing next week.

I am fuming gawd knows how your feeling
i just hope you get your money back.


Ann Report 8 Oct 2008 22:32

i think irish girl is right the afternoon shift could'nt be bothered with the paper work as it was coming near their finish time dont leave it phone them now


KempinaPartyhat Report 8 Oct 2008 22:31

I,d take this to your local press .......


♥**♥Straykitten♥**♥ Report 8 Oct 2008 22:29

im speechless !!!!


~irishgirl~ Report 8 Oct 2008 22:27

Police will deal with it tommorow........ i would phone station and ask to speak to someone higher... that cannot let this go, you have the evidence. Sounds to me like they were on there way home thats more like it. You need to get back on there case no wonder people take things into their own hands.


**Toothfairy* Report 8 Oct 2008 22:27

apparently it depends on the material - wether it's pourous or not..I have described the material and they don't think they can get prints off that - although my purse is a possibility..Unfortunatly i touched it when i was in the shop, so may have destroyed the evidence..Only time will tell now..
If there is ANY justice in the world she'll get what she deserves!
L x


**Toothfairy* Report 8 Oct 2008 22:22

Oh, you'll LOVE this (not)...

She is seen, clear as day on the CCTV footage, comming out of the changing romms, with MY wad of cash, going into the office and countoing it out....The police DON'T feel there is enough evidence to arrest her tonight, and will investigate it in the morning!!!!!
By then i assume the little cow will have spent/hidden the money anyway..the poilce feel that it could be her word against mine, and that i cannot PROVE the money in her hands belonged to me - even though this girl is KNOWN to have form....!!

She will curse the day she ever touched my belongings..I have requested her address..I will HAVE that money, one way...or another...
And yes...I do kick box MUCH better than she'd ever imagine - especially as i'm fighting to keep a roof over my babies head...
I cannot type what i think of her...but i'm sure you can imagine....
L xx