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~irishgirl~ Report 8 Oct 2008 22:22

makes my blood boil. You work so hard to pay your bill's then some b.... comes along ans takes it then has the cheek to deny it as for her mother she needs a slap too.


AnninGlos Report 8 Oct 2008 22:01

Thank goodness for CCTV She must be pretty dim if she thinks it wont be clear enough. is this a young girl Lou. How could she be all friendly with you having just done that. I do hope you get it sorted and get your money back and I hope she gets what she deserves.

It must have been a really nasty feeling when you discovered the loss sos ending you positive thoughts!!!



MarionfromScotland Report 8 Oct 2008 21:50

Hope it all works out, I will look in tomorrow see how you get on :))

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 8 Oct 2008 21:33

shes hung herself already lol
without realising it

why would she be worried about the cctv not being clear if she wasnt the one who took it,
sounds like her mother knows too and maybe as bad,

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 8 Oct 2008 21:32

If she has took it they will sort it out for you, CCTV footage is quiet clear now and not as grainy as they used to be.

Still get the crime number though and phone the insurance company just incase she has got rid of the cash at least that way you will get some of it back


JoyBoroAngel Report 8 Oct 2008 21:32

i know you think its this girl
but what if it was somebody else
let the police deal with it lou
i know how upset you are
but you could end up in trouble on top of this

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Oct 2008 21:32

Oh my heavens, can you believe that she thinks she can bluff her way out of it?
So glad your coach is backing you and helping you sort this out, and not leaving you to sort it on your own.


Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 8 Oct 2008 21:30

You will need a crime number for the insurance anyway so may as well call the police. I wonder how many others she has done this to, her name won't be worth a light now. How could someone do that to a friend or even an acquaintance, does she know your circumstances and know how much that money means to you?
Good luck in getting the money back. Take care, don't take the law into your own hands or she could come off the winner in other ways, i.e you being done for assault or similar.


**Toothfairy* Report 8 Oct 2008 21:28

The police are there now!!

She has denied taking it - and thinks the cctv is 'crap' and couldn't pick it up.She refused to speak to the coach and had her mother defend her on the phone. My coach has immediatly rung the police, who have just arrived and are going round there. I have offered them my bag, as it may have her finger prints on it...

I'm shaking like a leaf now, i can't believe that someone could look me in the eyes and still do that!!! - and then DENY it when the evidence is there for all to see!
My coach is furious - as she would be having a member of her gym stealing from peoples bags...She's going to ring me when they have more news..
L x


Ann Report 8 Oct 2008 21:26

i realy hope you get your money back you may well be covered by your house insurance also if the worse comes to the worse if you explain to your mortgage lender you should be able to get what they call a mortgage holiday they stick it on at the end good luck

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 8 Oct 2008 21:24

I would also involve the police

If i was your coach I would also ban her for life from the club.

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 8 Oct 2008 21:22

cheeky mare in she?
fancy stoppin to count it out,
mind you fancy taking it,

id waist no time on hte coach lou
phone police, have her charged they wana keep it quiet, id kick up such a fuss you know
your a victiom of crime here,
not her,


JoyBoroAngel Report 8 Oct 2008 21:19

sorry to hear this lou
i do hope you get it back xx

Jessie aka Maddies mate

Jessie aka Maddies mate Report 8 Oct 2008 21:17


Do you have contents insurance? If you do check yoru policy as some cover you for theft of money if your personal possessions are covered away from the home..............If you do have this cover then you need to ring the police to obtain a crime number and then you can claim it ( or some of it ) back on your insurance.

PM me if you need to know anymore



PS just seen the CCTV caught her - fingers crossed for you


MarionfromScotland Report 8 Oct 2008 21:17

Thank goodness for that.


♥**♥Straykitten♥**♥ Report 8 Oct 2008 21:16

thank god for cctv hun
"fingers crossed for you


**Toothfairy* Report 8 Oct 2008 21:15

My coach just rang - they DID get her on the CCTV!!!

She walked into the office and counted my money out in plain view of the camera...our conversation has just been cut short as she's on the phone to her now..
God get EVERYTHING crossed that she gives it back!!!!
L x


~irishgirl~ Report 8 Oct 2008 21:15

Let's hope they get caught. Life is hard enough without people like that.

I hope you get your money back and they get what they deserve.

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 8 Oct 2008 21:13

Oh Lou, I'm so sorry

{{{Sticky Bun}}}

It would be a good idea to phone the police, they may take finger prints of you bag, which could prove the thief.

As for your mortgage, ring your lender & explain your situation, they will be able to advise you.


MarionfromScotland Report 8 Oct 2008 21:10

Silly question Lou..did you have the money with you? Could you have left it at home?