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***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 8 Oct 2008 21:08

ask the mortgage company to give you few weeks,

i know its hard finding it, and you cant replace it

i also know from recent expereience mortgage compnays dont give much leeway cos it not happening to them


**Toothfairy* Report 8 Oct 2008 21:06

No. There are no lockers. i was foolish to think that the people i train with have respect - after all, thats what martial arts are all about.
My coach is trying to get in touch with her, and is going to try to 'bluff' saying she knows it was her..I just hope she's concience enough to own up and give it back..If she doesn't i can't pay the mortgage!!

it was in the girls changing rooms, the only place the CCTV doesn't cover....

I'm so upset, but can't cry, i'm too furious....
L x

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust***

***Julie*Ann***.sprinkling fairydust*** Report 8 Oct 2008 21:05

she should phone the police not the girl herself

its awful isnt it when you think you trust um

dont trust anyone only yourself,

if you coach dont get the money for you threaten her with poolice or tell her you want the gym to claim it back off their insurance poeple and give it you that way


♥**♥Straykitten♥**♥ Report 8 Oct 2008 21:05

aw lou
if you didnt have enough to deal with :(
hope you get your money back hun


MarionfromScotland Report 8 Oct 2008 21:03

Scumbag :((


**Toothfairy* Report 8 Oct 2008 21:01

I have just been training (kickboxing) at my usual gym. I Took my handbag with me as i needed to do some banking (paying in through the hole in the wall) on my way home. I trained with my 'friends' for around two hours, then returned to my bag to leave. I popped to the shop on my way through Horsforth, and realised, as i went to pay..That some scummy, low life pice of crap had been in my bag and STOLEN just short of £400!!!!! I am now a single parent, desperatly trying to hold onto my house, worrying how the bills will be covered, praying i will be able to afford to keep the animals i rescue. Some low life cow has stolen all my bill money, and still had it in her to say a cheery 'Goodbye' as i left....
To say the word FURIOUS is a massive understatement! I have phoned my coach, who has admitted that she thinks she knows who it was.... i am waiting for her to return my call (she's calling the girl now) - if i don't get my money back i've asked for her name..i WILL have £400 out of way or another!
L x