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~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 19 Oct 2008 18:42

I'm unable to donate due to medical issues (thyroid, anaemia etc)

But as Uggers pointed out there is one group of people that is completely untapped. Gay men are not allowed to donate at all. Whether they have only ever had safe sex or not. I think it's a crying shame when donation levels are so low that the blood donor service continues it's homophobic attitude. Gay men work as doctors, nurses, paramedics etc and have periodic HIV tests (if I recall rightly) and yet they cannot donate blood if they ever had sex.


Lyndi Report 19 Oct 2008 18:42

I am unable to donate due to having a blood transfusion.

Would be more than happy to give my blood prior to surgery if it was an option, so that if I needed a transfusion afterwards I would just get my own back and wouldn't feel I was taking blood needed for someone else!

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 19 Oct 2008 18:53

For those who cant give - hey dont worry.
But for those who can and whose religion allows...get signed up and make a difference

Sue in Somerset

Sue in Somerset Report 19 Oct 2008 18:54

I really wanted to give blood to pay back a little for the hundreds of units of blood and platelets my husband received when he was very ill.

I went to give my first donation several years ago but they couldn't find a vein to use. I mentioned that I have poor circulation due to Raynaud's phenomenon and then they said I'd need to get permission from my GP.
I asked my doctor and he said that he wouldn't let me. It seems a shame.

I've got a rare blood group AB+ and was told any blood I donated would only be given to premature babies but I liked that idea.

My daughters have both been blood donors several times.



MrDaff Report 19 Oct 2008 18:59

Hi Colin,

I just wanted to say thank you so much.... I am a very rare blood group.... o neg but with all sorts of extras, lol... I can give, but not many match me, lol

I have been overwhelmed by the support, and the love I have been shown by so many people from GR... but your gift will be the most priceless gift of all for someone in my position. Thank you so very much for that gift... and thank you for highlighting the need for blood.


Daff xxxx

Cumbrian Caz~**~

Cumbrian Caz~**~ Report 19 Oct 2008 19:03

I am Col,

Caz x


Dawnieher3headaches Report 19 Oct 2008 19:13


didnt think I could but just went through all their questions and they dont want me because I am on loads of meds.

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 19 Oct 2008 19:14 tried. No one can ask more.


Dawnieher3headaches Report 19 Oct 2008 19:22

dont make me feel any better about my conditions though cos without them I would have a life and be able to help others.

Sister gives shes the only healthy one in our family mind you they are finding it harder and harder to find a vein on her now.

Blue Moon

Blue Moon Report 19 Oct 2008 19:25

I really should start again (blushes)
I also have a rare blood group,Rh b neg,so even more reason to go.
Can anybody tell me if your on indefinite medication will they still take your blood ?
I am taking Aspirin,Statin's and Beta Blockers.

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 19 Oct 2008 19:28

I used to give blood, I managed my bronze badge (10 donations ) Then I found out a few weeks after my last donation I was pregnant for the first time, that was 14 years ago :o))

As the donations are given during the daytime, its a little awkward as I work lunchtimes & the time frame getting there & back isnt large enough, and I'm a little afraid I'll come over all whoozy when I pick no 2 up from school :o((

I'm O Neg btw :o))

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 19 Oct 2008 19:29

Some medication is ok others not so...give em a call on the number on my initial post and see if you can become a BABD (Born Again Blood Donor) lol

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 19 Oct 2008 19:30 are a rare blood group...please do what you can to donate

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 19 Oct 2008 19:37

I will seriously look into it again Colin :o))

I can only receive my own blood group - but my blood is universal and can be given to anyone of any blood group

Downside is that i had to have an anti D injection after both births as both my kids A pos & B pos (yes same dad he must be AB pos but we never found out lol ) & in second pregnancies it can cause rhesus disease where the mothers blood rejects the foetus's blood causing lots of problems for the unborn child including death if not treated.

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o°

°o.OOº°‘¨Claire in Wales¨‘°ºOO.o° Report 19 Oct 2008 19:42

No excuses, I've not been for years but I'm going to the next donor session with a view to giving platelets in the near future.

Sorry Daff (or you can breath a sigh of relief if you prefer) I'm O+

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 19 Oct 2008 19:58

I'm encouraged by the so many people who want to help...Together we WILL make a diffrence and help save lives


Here Report 19 Oct 2008 20:21

Just a question Colin - Whilst lying on the table today giving donation no 45, I was wondering if there is any way I could trace what my blood would be used for and would they tell me? Im B pos.

btw instead of the usual box of mixed biscuits to have with your cuppa, there were all sorts of other treats and goodies as well!



F Report 19 Oct 2008 20:35

A big Thank You to all those kind people who donate their blood. I'm one of the many, who wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for their generosity. Often wonder whose blood I received.


Sue Report 19 Oct 2008 20:49

I can't cos of my meds but youngest started giving at 21 and is on the bone marrow donors register.

I really admire her because she is needle phobic. Unfortunately she has just been diagnosed with an illness which may preclude her from giving again which she will find very disappointing.


Gypsy Report 19 Oct 2008 20:55

Yes I am one of the 4%.
I have been donating for about 6 years now. I try to never miss a session.
Where I live they do evening sessions, So it is easier as I don't have to worry about childcare then. But taking my children with me has never been an issue either. I think it's good for them to see that it doesn't hurt and that you can make a difference.