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µèÎÐΙ Report 20 Oct 2008 19:15

I've given blood several times before, but had a piercing (got a bit rebellious in my thirties!!) and had to wait a year before I could go again. I waited, and with one thing another, didn't manage to go for two years.

I went out of my way, about a month ago, biked down to the centre, filled out the forms, had the "interview" with the guy at the computer, waited for about 20 mins after that, went to see the nurse to go through my details, she went off to check with someone else as she wasn't sure about one of my answers. Cue next nurse, with a folder the size of War And Peace, and asks about my operations.

I've had 3 skin grafts on my ear-drum, last one in 1996. Apparently, my first one stops me from giving blood, as they used 'pig tissue'. I'm therefore at risk of giving someone CJD, this is despite the fact that I've given blood several times before and now, I'm a *possible* CJD victim.....???!!! That's a tad worrying.

I've had an official letter since, telling me not to give blood again.... :o(



Amanda2003 Report 20 Oct 2008 19:43

Thank you, to all the folk that do give blood.......I had to have a fair few bags of blood when I was in a road accident ,back in 1990.........which sadly means I can't donate myself.
My brother has been a regular doner for many years.......I'm proud of him....and all you lot : )


maggiewinchester Report 20 Oct 2008 21:15

I tried to give blood when I was younger - was all 'laid out' arm ready - then they asked my weight, and at 71/2 stome, even though I was perfectly healthy (ag lab, lifting half hundred weight bags of spuds) they wouldn't take it!
Then had children. Once I had started accumulating 'middle age spread' - getting fatter - and was over 81/2 stone, I intended trying again - but then found out I only had one kidney, so I'm definitely out of the running. I'm 'O' positive, which, I believe means I could donate to other groups.