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µèÎÐΙ | Report | 20 Oct 2008 19:15 |
I've given blood several times before, but had a piercing (got a bit rebellious in my thirties!!) and had to wait a year before I could go again. I waited, and with one thing another, didn't manage to go for two years. |
Amanda2003 | Report | 20 Oct 2008 19:43 |
Thank you, to all the folk that do give blood.......I had to have a fair few bags of blood when I was in a road accident ,back in 1990.........which sadly means I can't donate myself. |
maggiewinchester | Report | 20 Oct 2008 21:15 |
I tried to give blood when I was younger - was all 'laid out' arm ready - then they asked my weight, and at 71/2 stome, even though I was perfectly healthy (ag lab, lifting half hundred weight bags of spuds) they wouldn't take it! |
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