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Could I have positive thoughts please.UPDATE p.4

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BrendafromWales Report 25 Oct 2008 07:22

I haven't slept much last night after my usual chat to my son and grandchildren in Australia.
My d.i.l has had a return of the cancer.She had a double mastectomy over 5 years ago,not long after they emigrated.The children were only young then and her parents went out when she had her first breast removed and OH and I went when she had the second.She has been very positive,lives a very healthy life style,in fact she works part time as a physiotherapist/accupuncturist,and is very good and dedicated to her job helping others.
It has returned in her hip and she is going in shortly to have a replacement,and they are seeing the oncologist on Weds.
I feel so helpless and far away,and can't go and help out with the children(9 and 7) as I have OH needing 24 hour care.
It is their silver wedding anniversary on Weds as well as her 47th birthday.
Please give her some thoughts,also my son to be strong for her.

Brenda x