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Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross

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Julia Report 27 Oct 2008 18:39

I've got a feeling, but will stand corrected, but as has been before mentioned, I think this is a criminal offence. I cannot begin to describe how I feel about this, and it is a good job I am signing out now, for quality OH time.
Julia in Derbyshire


Kay???? Report 27 Oct 2008 19:01

It was even more insulting that R-Brand,,gave a half hearted apology on air then proceded to add,--

* it was funny though*

They should both lose their positions with the BBC,,,


fudge1 Report 27 Oct 2008 19:06

i think both guilty of opening their mouths before brain is engaged, not funny at all , Gill


Grabagran Report 27 Oct 2008 19:15

J. Ross does that all the time I think

Remember watching the GB Olympics team being on his show, and felt so embaressed for them. You could see the shock on their faces, especially the females. He should be sacked from the BBC.

He's not in the least bit funny.


CATHKIN Report 27 Oct 2008 21:02



Christine Report 27 Oct 2008 22:13

In the normal course of events - that is if the BBC acted as a normal employer - these two would be suspended pending a disciplinary hearing - their behaviour was intimidating and bullying - people have been dismissed for less



SilverLady Report 27 Oct 2008 22:19

These two should be sacked but no doubt it will get swept away and forgotten by the BBC in a few days.
I would call it infantile behaviour but I am sure my grandchildren would behave better than those two morons.

~Summer Scribe~

~Summer Scribe~ Report 27 Oct 2008 22:30

I think often times it's the guests that carry Jonathan Ross, they seem to be able to get some big names on there, but there really is no need for some of his so-called humour. I'd not heard about this latest stunt but from what has been said here I find it disgusting. Perhaps they should be fined and it donated to the poppy fund.

And yet his wife is very sweet (if kinda hippyish) from what I've seen of her on TV. She had a series a couple of years back looking to see if you could train yourself to be psychic or if it was all a load of crock.


Grabagran Report 27 Oct 2008 22:37

Everyone downed Graham Norton when he came on telly, but have you ever watched Alan Carr. He gets away with it too.
Give me Graham over Ross any day

Teddys Girl

Teddys Girl Report 28 Oct 2008 15:52

It was mentioned about Jonathan Ross's wife being sweet. If my mind serves me right, was'nt she the one who was running the scam phone ins to TV programmes, such as Richard and Judy, after the closure of the lines?

Also I believe a lot of this money had to be refunded.

So would appear they were coining it in all sides.


Teddys Girl

Teddys Girl Report 28 Oct 2008 16:04

I looked at the Friday night JR show, and did just that, switched off. I like a joke, but his manner, and behaviour was so obscene. I turned over to another channel.

Said to OH, turn that off, because I feel like chucking something at the TV.


Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256

Maz (the Royal One) in the East End 9256 Report 28 Oct 2008 16:14

this is all over the news again, some MPs are calling for the BBC to sack them both. I don't think they will really be able to get out of doing so and still save face. bet their lawyers are going over JR's huge contract with a fine-toothed comb!
Maz. XX


K Report 28 Oct 2008 16:19

they were only messing about, and went abit too far, I thought it was hilarious, everyone is going way overboard, get a sense of humour!!!!!

Staffs Col

Staffs Col Report 28 Oct 2008 16:30

If I did what they did whilst I was at work I would be sacked for gross misconduct and for bringing my employer into disrepute


K Report 28 Oct 2008 16:30

I would take it in good fettle if I were. I have known, and known of,many grown men to do stupider things than that.


Kay???? Report 28 Oct 2008 16:30

well if I came home to hear that sort of humor on my mobile answer mail to which confidential access had been given,,they abused a trust with crude untrue statements, I certainly wouldnt find it belly aching laughable.

,,,funny ,humorous,,dont think so,,,,,,,shocking behaviour,

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸

(¯`*•.¸*Karen on the Coast*(¯`*•.¸ Report 28 Oct 2008 16:32

i'm not saying it was right or wrong but just heard on the news that two people complianed when it was actually aired......the thousands of complaints have come about since it was in the paper and on tv.

Karen x


Kate Report 28 Oct 2008 16:33

If memory serves me correctly, not long ago I am sure I read a debate online about whether the licence fee was worth it when the BBC was paying its stars however many million a year, and one name that came up at the time was Jonathan Ross . . .

Unfortunately we don't seem to have a choice over whether we pay it or not - to TV licencing you are either a licence purchaser or a licence evader - so I think the BBC should have to take some action here if they want to look credible. I don't see how they (admittedly they've outsource the threatening letters etc to Capita, but I imagine most of the licence fee goes to the BBC) can compel people to pay to watch TV and use that money to retain their "stars" after things like this happen.

Even politicians don't get away with it forever.

Paul Norfolk Dumpling

Paul Norfolk Dumpling Report 28 Oct 2008 16:34

Regardless of if they done wrong or not, what interested me is the fact that apparently before all the publism about this, OFCOM only recieved 2 complaints about it.

Now the media have become interested in it, there's been nearly 5000 complaints.

Now, these 4998 people who have complained only after hearing about it on the news, or through other media need to get out more!

I think they're moaning for the sake of moaning really!

Like I say, regardless of whether I think Russell Brand & Jonothan Ross done wrong or not!


Kay???? Report 28 Oct 2008 16:38

Maybe grown men and women have done more stupid things,,but not on BBC2 radio air with thousands of people listening in,,!