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Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
Deb | Report | 21 Nov 2008 23:42 |
thankyou all for you replies i really do appreciate them. i know i have along long way to go and any advice is most welcome. |
Deb | Report | 21 Nov 2008 23:24 |
Elaine i am ashamed of my attitude towards my wife |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 21 Nov 2008 23:19 |
TheBlackKnight | Report | 21 Nov 2008 22:50 |
Mr Tealy You have to ask yourself many questions, and if you find you can't answer them all honestly, then you need to seek some help. To control somebody who you love to the exstent of makeing them so unhappy, is to take away that persons right to decide what they should do, that persons Freedom and given right make choises and shape that persons own destony. |
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Darklord | Report | 21 Nov 2008 22:48 |
Divorced Mine best £14000 I ever spent |
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~flying doctor~ | Report | 21 Nov 2008 22:46 |
Mr Tealy, I wish my OH had the guts to do what you have done but he would not contemplate going for any therapy you see it is the therapists that have something wrong not he. I do realise that there are two sides to a story and he may think my stregnth is a threat and this is why he tries to demean me. I would have given him the earth but over the years I have had to control my emotions so much because any signs of weakness made him worse. If I was ill he would pounce and as I was living next door to his mum who was also a control freak they would both have a go at me but they say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and I will believe I am the stronger I must or go under. Elaine. |
Deb | Report | 21 Nov 2008 22:45 |
Sharron what made you keep going back and why |
Sharron | Report | 21 Nov 2008 22:17 |
I had a narcissistic mother and suspect the old man may be that way too,but not as bad. Having returned to my very insecure and jealous ex nineteen times.The twentieth time he told me to get out and stay out ai did.He was amazed.Apparently I was disloyal. |
Deb | Report | 21 Nov 2008 22:12 |
Mrs tealy here |
Sharron | Report | 21 Nov 2008 21:56 |
Elaine,that sounds like extremely hard work.I'm sure the rewards are enormous. |
~flying doctor~ | Report | 21 Nov 2008 21:52 |
I am not brave but i will not give in. Yes my husband is a control freak but i know what his childhood was like and I know he is a very insecure man, I think it is fear that makes him like he is. On the other hand I had a super childhood with loving parents so I am by far the stronger of the two. I have worked with dogs and find that training dogs has given me the ability to teach without losing my cool. This also works with children, loose your temper and you get nowhere. The same goes for an insecure man. If I feel that I am going to snap I take my two dogs for a walk (good for me and space for OH to cool down) I must admit there are times when I bite back but I am getting better they say practice makes perfect and I am trying hard. Elaine. |
Deb | Report | 21 Nov 2008 21:45 |
Goodness me Elaine i thank god that i came to my senses |
UzziAndHerDogs | Report | 21 Nov 2008 21:44 |
Maria yes you are right about how many sides to a story but there are some cases if you take to long to listen you have a death. |
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Amanda, | Report | 21 Nov 2008 21:33 |
Hi Elaine, |
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Maria | Report | 21 Nov 2008 21:27 |
I saw a bully a few days ago. A "big bully" who made his girlfriend and his mum scared of him. |
~flying doctor~ | Report | 21 Nov 2008 21:22 |
I too live with a control freak. He is always right, anything that happens is always someone elses fault (usually mine). He argues with the radio and tele, every thing is mine my house, my cars etc. he treats me his wife like a victorian father would his children. Fortunately he has stopped hitting me and I am quite a strong person but I am tuned into the car coming in him getting up in a morning and look to see if there is anything that will annoy him. Sometimes the no word of the day for instsnce knife will set him off, the trouble is I do not know what tjhe word is until it's too late. It's like walking a tightrope. Elaine. |
Sharron | Report | 21 Nov 2008 21:07 |
I will bring up my thread about Narcissistic Mothers for you.It may have no relevance at all but you never know. |
Deb | Report | 21 Nov 2008 21:04 |
i have just realised that being a control freak means you feel you have to prove to yourself and others that your right all the time, and forceing your point of view instead of just being your natural self. I think this boils down to being insecure and having parents who are also very controlling. I have now to take a step back and take in others peoples needs and wants in life, especially my wifes. |
Sharron | Report | 21 Nov 2008 20:41 |
Isn't this a wonderful thread? So much hope.So positive. |
UzziAndHerDogs | Report | 21 Nov 2008 20:35 |
Mr Tealy well done for being able to see |
Researching: |