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Rambling Report 14 Mar 2009 12:12

I think we would all hope that whatever terminal disease we (or a loved one) had that we would be able to end our lives with dignity, secure in the knowledge that the earliest and best treatment was available to all who came after us, and that our children would not want for money even if they couldn't have us.

In respect of celebrities making us aware of how illness can strike, I think it is a good thing... as my mum had Parkinsons, she and I were grateful that , to name one, Michael J Fox went public with his battle against Parkinsons some years highlighted that it was not just an 'old persons disease' and could therefore be relegated to the back burner in terms of research ..which I tend to think happens with 'diseases of the elderly'....

If it were me in Jade's position, such a young woman with two such young children...I would use any means at my disposal to ensure their future security...and she seems determined that they have the good education that she lacked which can only be a good thing. Had she had a better education herself, there may have been other ways for her to make money now.

Rose xx

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 14 Mar 2009 12:09

taking a quote from the original post


Children don't need money to keep them safe, love will do that and no amount of cash will ever be as effective.

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 14 Mar 2009 12:07

Max Cliffords own wife died of the same disease four years ago Steve. I very much doubt that he is making much out of the media circus, even though he is managing it.

The statistics are there, younger women are now rushing to have their smear tests as a direct result of the publicity, how many of their own lives can be saved now?

I witnessed my neighbour's demise from cervical cancer, she wouldn't go for her smear tests, she thought it wouldn't happen to her. Jades plight has shown that it CAN happen, to anyone.

I don't think she's St Jade, as said before I've never liked her, and certainly don't think she deserves the celebrity label.

However, take Kylie Minogue. She suffered breast cancer, and she did a lot to raise awareness that this too can be caught with screening, and persuaded a lot more women of all ages to examine their breasts and have them screen wherever possible. She also put a lot of her illness in the public eye, but I dont' see anyone slating her. Is that because she didn't die?


**Janey Report 14 Mar 2009 12:01


I tink it is unfair to judge Jade she is just doing what she can for her kids and I know you would do all you could for yours - what ever you have to do

I know you know my circumstances and I have done every thing in my power to put things in place for my children, my youngest is 10, he does not understand.

Also the media love a story, good or bad and then will do what ever they can to get a snippet of news. And also make a hell of alot of money from it!

You may not like Jade and what she is doing, but it is her choice and that is what it all comes down too in the end. Life is about choices. When your in this position you have to make very big decisions some life changing. And you cant afford to often get it wrong.

So I dont think you can judge or are in a position too!


♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 14 Mar 2009 12:00

But surely that smacks of jealousy Steve....................jade has the ability to earn money for her children, thousands of fellow sufferers haven't.

That is just how life is...............I don't follow the media hype, never have and never will, but would Dizzi have raised awareness about cancer by posting this if Jade hadn't used the media to raise money for her children?


Stevie Report 14 Mar 2009 11:42

Sorry, but I agree with Dizzi on this.

Cancer is a terrible disease that claims thousands of people each year. Causing awful distress for them & their families. The issue Dizzi raised about how faimilies are affected is a valid one. As well has coming to terms with their grieve. Many families are left in financial uncertainty or hardship.
These people pass way with dignity & with the love of their families around them. Not in the glare of the media spotlight.

I've seen little of this raising cancer awarness. But to be honest, whenever Jade appears on TV, I turn over.
I've always found her to be an obnoxious, foul mouth person & I could never understand the media interest. She used to be vilified. But now she has a terminal illness, the media treat her as St Jade. Thats why I find the whole media circus following Jade distubing & sickening. I do wonder much the likes of Clifford, her entourage & the papers are making from this.



Whirley Report 14 Mar 2009 11:41

I say good on her! She's trying to make sure her kids/family are financially secure and why not. God bless her.

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 14 Mar 2009 11:32

I don't follow her story as celebrities don't really interest me.................but she has my best wishes as does anyone else suffering in any way.

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 14 Mar 2009 11:31

Very well said Muffy.

Love her or loathe her, you just cannot slate her for what she's doing, and what she has achieved through this.


Muffyxx Report 14 Mar 2009 11:18

It's hardly Jade's fault if others haven't the same earning power as her.

She's had her treatment on the NHS same as the vast majority of others........haven't read anywhere that she's had more than anyone else or preferential treatment. ....

The poor woman is doing what she thinks is right for her two boys before she dies..........My heart goes out to her and EVERYONE in this situation ....the money will help the boys in practical ways I'm sure.....but I bet they'd give every penny back to have their Mummy an ideal world it would be great for every child that loses their mum to have a financial nest egg like that but it isn't going to happen. Lifes not fair Jade is showing at the moment.

Never had much time for Jade .......and I haven't liked the in your face coverage of her illness tbh.........but I understand totally why she has done it .........AND what it has done to raise awareness cannot be underestimated...... she's saved a good few lives there.

I also agree that more should be done re the prostrate cancer......a screening programme is long overdue imho xx

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 14 Mar 2009 10:52

That is so true Kitty, no amount of money will cover the loss Jades little boys will suffer. Every mothers day they will remember her and feel that huge hole, in exactly the way Prince William described about his own situation yesterday.


MarionfromScotland Report 14 Mar 2009 10:52

Well I say good on her for making sure her kids are ok.
I think she has gone a bit far with it, she should have had more time with her kids.
But maybe thats her way of coping and thats why she is still here.

I doubt there is anyone on here who doesnt have a family member or friend who has died of cancer.
Jade was in the position to make money, and It will help others in a round about way.
She always was' mouthy' so why stop now lol


X Lairy- Fairy

X Lairy- Fairy Report 14 Mar 2009 10:43

i totally agree with TW .
Also jade is famous and in the public eye .
if she was joe bloggs she wouldnt have got the money that she has soo rightly deserved .
God bless jade and all the ppl suffering in the world

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 14 Mar 2009 10:40

And in the end all the families, rich or poor will still bear the burden of grief won't they:(

Money and possessions can never ever fill the gap left by a loved family member.


Penny Report 14 Mar 2009 10:07


Dont think anyone disagrees with that.


I guess she didnt earn it - thats all Jade is doing. All Jade has ever done to earn money has been media stuff, in in her last days/hours/weeks/months she can carry on earning, good for her. No one is going to pay her anything else - dont suppose she gets SS[p from anyone, nor her 'employer' carry on paying her while she is ''on the sick'' terminally ill.

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&#

₪ TeresaW elite empress of deleted threads&# Report 14 Mar 2009 09:55

Happyploughman, I fully agree to that.

I lost my dad four years ago to prostate cancer, and it was horrible to watch. He had no symptoms until it had already spread and caused secondary cancers and kidney failure. It is certainly a silent stalker.

If men were given the opportunity to have a simple blood test every five years, many prostate cancers can be caught in the early stages, and so many lives can be saved.


~♥footie~angel♥~ Report 14 Mar 2009 09:43

I think its a very delicate issue, most of our lives have been affected by it and given the circumstances we all react differently x

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 14 Mar 2009 09:40

I agree with TW too....................any high profile person who suffers any disease wii bring publicity to that disease and so highten the public awareness of it.

Terry Pratchett is speaking about his struggle with Alzheimers for example and that might help to get things moving re drugs and funding that will help other sufferers and their families.

We all do our very best for our children and Jade is doing just that..........she is simply trying to do ensure they have a better start in life than she did.


happyploughman Report 14 Mar 2009 08:23

Yes perhaps they will consider screening for prostrate cancer as well seeing one man dies every hour from it. Just a urine sample is needed and if nothing else is considered important to them it would possibly save money in the long run.


Maggie Report 14 Mar 2009 08:02

I have to agree with Teresa. I lost three close family members to cancer in a very short space of time. I never had much time for Jade but admire what she has done for her children - given the chance I'm sure we would all do the same. She has also brought the issue of cervical cancer affecting young women too into the open and as well as many women now rushing for a smear test, I read the Government are considering lowering the age for smear tests