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Profile | Posted by | Options | Post Date |
Jackie | Report | 23 May 2009 02:57 |
Hi Janey |
Researching: |
SylviaInCanada | Report | 23 May 2009 02:12 |
glad to hear himself is home |
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MrDaff | Report | 23 May 2009 00:15 |
Lump on his head? I'd give him lump on his head for the scare he has given you!! |
J* Near M3.Jct4 | Report | 22 May 2009 23:18 |
Janey - have sent you a PM. |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 22 May 2009 23:07 |
JaneyCanuck | Report | 22 May 2009 22:37 |
And he's home! He improved steadily overnight, he was back to much his regular self this morning, and they decided it would be less hassle to evict him than to set him up in an infectious disease room on the wards (he probably does have a virus that was the trigger). But not before a lengthy harangue from the diabetes nurse. It really is pretty annoying to keep being told to do things you know you're supposed to do. Diabetes nurses have to be a special kind of annoying people, I think, to do the job. |
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Sue | Report | 22 May 2009 18:06 |
Good grief woman what a trauma! |
SylviaInCanada | Report | 22 May 2009 17:57 |
Good lord Janey! |
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****MO***Rocking***Granny**** | Report | 22 May 2009 10:56 |
Hope you manage to make No,1 tow the line in future |
Dianne | Report | 22 May 2009 10:56 |
There's something else he might like to consider too Janey. I don't know whether you have children or not, but because my mum dies at a relatively young age (61) I have had an awful struggle to get life insurance for myself. |
Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond | Report | 22 May 2009 10:55 |
Hi Janey, mine had a sort of wake up call when his driving licence was taken away cos of poss epilepsy,last August. The 5 months of cycling to work etc helped hugely to rub it in but his illness wasn't quite so lifethreatening as your No 1's illness. My o.h's turned out to be bleeds on the brain so had to be stricter with himself over tablets for blood pressure, daily soluble aspirin and now cholesterol medication and diet - yeah ok, so why do you eat several eggs a week for your food to take to work etc and still eat the wrong things, even tho I do my best to arrange suitable meals here. He has also cut back on the secret drinking, stopped altogether most of the time in fact. If he hadn't been a bit sensible I would have resorted to the 2x4 as well, believe you me! He is actually still cycling to work most days through choice altho the weight loss isn't happening as quickly as he thought it would, a difference to begin with but nothing happening now, I can't understand why not unless he is eating even more forbidden foods at work than I know about! |
Glenys the Menace! | Report | 22 May 2009 10:53 |
JaneyCanuck | Report | 22 May 2009 09:33 |
Yes, Daff, the right moment for the 2x4 must be carefully chosen, I think. |
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MrDaff | Report | 22 May 2009 09:32 |
Janey, I do hope he continues to make progress... the 2x4 has far more effect when they are awake and fully compos mentis, I find!! You take care of yourself and get some rest... |
JaneyCanuck | Report | 22 May 2009 09:31 |
DET - thanks, info is always welcome. We did look into them -- not covered by Canadian health plan and me being self-employed we don't have supplemental, but it could be got just for cash. (They're a few $000.) But the thing is that what they don't do is monitor blood sugar - they just administer the insulin once you've tested and set the dosage. |
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Guinevere | Report | 22 May 2009 09:27 |
God, Janey, how awful. |
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Dianne | Report | 22 May 2009 09:18 |
Hi Janey |
Berona | Report | 22 May 2009 08:59 |
You sure don't need this and I hope it has the necessary effect on him to wake up to himself and do what he is told to do from now on. |
JaneyCanuck | Report | 22 May 2009 08:47 |
Lindy -- print it off, wrap it around a brick, and throw it through the window at him! |
Researching: |
Rosalind in Madeira | Report | 22 May 2009 08:42 |
Very frightening for you Janey and don't blame yourself, he is lucky to have you. |