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I used to be able to ...........................

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Sue Report 14 Sep 2009 18:39

A few people on here know I was a hurdler and belonged to the Junior Olympic Gymnastic Club in the 60s. I know, I know, it's unbelievable looking at my body shape now :-((

I played every other sport except tennis (which I hate). There is no doubt that these activities either caused or worsened my OA. I gave up my last sport (badminton) in 1997.

Still I enjoyed it at the time.


Jac Report 14 Sep 2009 18:39

Oh dear - dont ever look back at what you used to be able to do - just be grateful that you can do what you can do today!!

Jac xxx


~♥footie~angel♥~ Report 14 Sep 2009 18:24

once upon a time we were able to do things we can no longer do today for instance I miss my footie I officially retired (quite old) from the sport in 2008 ~ I miss it but can no longer do it my knees creak too much (occupational hazard), back in the 70's I was a champion gymnast for my district I could contort and manipulate myself to do all sorts of wierd and wonderful things safdly 4 years later I had a slight imbalance and as balance is a key feature in gynastics along with a small accident I was unable to continue in that, however my teacher introduced me to running ~ middle and long distance and cross country (fantastic) but seeings my pyshic is no longer the right shape for it I miss that also ~ is there anything you once did and can no longer do?

This thread was prompted by two things 1. I'm in the middle of reading Dawn French's book "Dear Fatty" and have just read the chapter where she's explaining to her niece why she is how she is and 2. In class today we had the discussion "what would you do given the opportunity" this spilled over to staff room most of us wished not for our youth back but to do things we were once able to do with ease

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