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I used to be able to ...........................
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Sue | Report | 14 Sep 2009 18:39 |
A few people on here know I was a hurdler and belonged to the Junior Olympic Gymnastic Club in the 60s. I know, I know, it's unbelievable looking at my body shape now :-(( |
Jac | Report | 14 Sep 2009 18:39 |
Oh dear - dont ever look back at what you used to be able to do - just be grateful that you can do what you can do today!! |
~♥footie~angel♥~ | Report | 14 Sep 2009 18:24 |
once upon a time we were able to do things we can no longer do today for instance I miss my footie I officially retired (quite old) from the sport in 2008 ~ I miss it but can no longer do it my knees creak too much (occupational hazard), back in the 70's I was a champion gymnast for my district I could contort and manipulate myself to do all sorts of wierd and wonderful things safdly 4 years later I had a slight imbalance and as balance is a key feature in gynastics along with a small accident I was unable to continue in that, however my teacher introduced me to running ~ middle and long distance and cross country (fantastic) but seeings my pyshic is no longer the right shape for it I miss that also ~ is there anything you once did and can no longer do? |