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Stray cat dilemma

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Annina Report 4 Oct 2009 19:30

Sorry. this is not about Geneology,but I need advice. You may,or not, know that I always have fresh food out to feed "my"wildlife.Most of these are fat,domestic cats, but one sa,bedraggled little wretch tears my heart out. He trusts me to stroke him,and I've even managed to "frontline him.I keep telling him to come and share my home,but do I force the issue,lock him in for a few weeks until he gets the message. Winter is coming,and bonfire night,which lasts 3 months round here,Or do wait for him to make his own mind up.
I hope this message makes sense,I can't figure out how to send a long message.

One of these,however, is a sad neglected stray that is learning to trust me.
Now, he is only too welcome to come and share my home with me,And is thinking of doing so