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LaGooner Report 6 Jan 2010 15:59

Just watching the weather going to freeze tonight more snow forecast for tomorrow.


YG Report 6 Jan 2010 17:33

Evening everyone! Well, I finally made it to work!! Was told by the HR Manager to work from home, but my line manager was going in so I decided I'd better show willing!! Couldn't get the car locks unfrozen and was blocked in by next door neighbour's son so set off and caught the bus. Unfortunately it takes two buses and I wasn't sure if the second one was running as it is on minor roads, so the HR Manager picked me up outside As** and brought me home tonight.

That's fine, but the lazy little 21 year old that I work with who could have caught the bus decided to stay at home!!!! Arrrgghhh!!!


LaGooner Report 6 Jan 2010 17:49

Typical of some of the youth of today LOL. No Stamina and staying power. I have been sitting on my B** most of the day oh what a great rest.


YG Report 6 Jan 2010 17:51

Well what can I say to that lol!!!


LaGooner Report 6 Jan 2010 18:00

Well I have more energy than my 2 oldest Grandsons. They are tired after just walking 10 mins down the road LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Jan 2010 18:02

hi its snowing here gizmo sinks in the snow its over him now but still goes out
son was in by three hence i have lost this lol he is having a bath at the moment


YG Report 6 Jan 2010 18:06

We have only had a quick snow shower today. Supposed to be a good day tomorrow then more snow on Friday.

You are right about today's generation LG. No commitment.


Mazfromnorf Report 6 Jan 2010 18:09

teachers have made it in
but young mums in the area phoned in saying they couldnt get their cars out within ten mins of school lol ,Durham is running out of grit though


LaGooner Report 6 Jan 2010 18:26

See Maz 10 mins in the car. Lazy devils no wonder the kids have no energy and good health. Rant over !!! LOL


YG Report 6 Jan 2010 18:31

Why didn't they walk then!!


LaGooner Report 6 Jan 2010 18:44

LOL Yg that just reinforces my point


YG Report 6 Jan 2010 18:51

Sorry, got led astray on other board!!


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Jan 2010 18:55

Well done YG to have safely negotiated roads to work and back! And I so agree (sort of) about the youth of today.

Problem child was collected by car to go to the cinema earlier. But she had to walk to the end of the road as her lift wouldn't drive on parked cars, on the flat, where else should he attempt it?

(Have you looked at what we have said? Does it remind you of your parents? In my day........... Lol)


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 6 Jan 2010 18:57

PS YG. I bet what you were distracted by has gone...whoooosh! lol


YG Report 6 Jan 2010 19:01

You are so right DET!! Disappeared before my very eyes while I was meditating!


YG Report 6 Jan 2010 19:02

It was me that deleted!! Being trigger happy again!!


LaGooner Report 6 Jan 2010 19:37

I did that earlier on comes of having frozen fingers LOl


YG Report 6 Jan 2010 19:55

Could be LG! The radiator in the lounge has now gone from being luke warm at the bottom to luke warm over three quarters of it!! The heating is staying on all day at the moment. Oh woe is me!! Bankruptcy!!


LaGooner Report 6 Jan 2010 20:18

Sound like your rad needs bleeding out. It has probably got a load of air in the system. Mine has been on full bore all day too but what the hell LOL


YG Report 6 Jan 2010 20:21

Plumber thinks its scaled up with age. I'm having a combi system fitted when they do the refurb and will have to wait until then, otherwise it will be a real mess taking it off and draining it. The pipework is stuck to the skirting boards so it will be difficult for him to get to the 't' piece to disconnect and the carpet would have to be taken up.