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LaGooner Report 9 Jan 2010 22:41

Mine won't play with toys very much they are damn lazy.

RMS well it was either Kenny getting steamed up or one of the pets loose with my laser LOL


YG Report 9 Jan 2010 22:47

Kenny could well have been hot and bothered if he's been kept away from Bessie!!!


LaGooner Report 9 Jan 2010 22:49

LOL YG but of course he would be.


RockyMountainShy Report 9 Jan 2010 22:51

Cats either like toys or they don't.

Who is Bessie? Is there a list of these creatures names somewhere, just so I can send it to the police (secretly of course) There is no way I am getting involved.

Do you think they're enjoying their holiday?


LaGooner Report 9 Jan 2010 22:55

Bessie is Kenny's missus.


RockyMountainShy Report 9 Jan 2010 23:02

Well, I'm sure they haven't kept them all together. They wouldn't want a mass escape attempt, would they?


YG Report 9 Jan 2010 23:04

How can they be enjoying their holiday when they are locked up!!!

LG, I need Cuddles over here for a while to lay against my back door!! Can her I borrow her please if I promise to take good care of her!!


LaGooner Report 9 Jan 2010 23:04

I am sure they will make a big escape soon. They are very resourseful you know


LaGooner Report 9 Jan 2010 23:07

I'll send him over hang on just got to try and roll him up into the catapult. Right stay boy ..>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. just hope you have a window or door open ready LOL


YG Report 9 Jan 2010 23:14

omg, I forgot about that!! Everywhere is shut, locked and bolted and stuck up with masking tape to keep the draughts out!!


LaGooner Report 9 Jan 2010 23:19

Whoops. Hang on I'll adjust him by radar and see if I can aim him down your chimney. If not brace yourself for the impact


RockyMountainShy Report 9 Jan 2010 23:21

Cuddles is now flat and not very cuddly any more.



LaGooner Report 9 Jan 2010 23:22

Oh he's a tough old thing he will be fine


LaGooner Report 9 Jan 2010 23:24

Latest News. Cuddles is fine he managed to catch hold of a branch of a tree at YG's and is patiently waiting by the door to be let in. Best kep the cats out of the way YG he could well be hungry after his adventure


YG Report 9 Jan 2010 23:25

The chimney is fine!!! He may be a bit sooty but I'll put him in the bath!!!
He can share the bed with the cat for the night afterwards. He'll be ok.

I'm leaving you two night owls now to go and hug the hot water bottle, seeing that there is a distinct lack of firement and air &sea rescue teams. I'll have to dream yet again!!

Enjoy the rest of your day RMS and sweet dreams LG. Sleep well x


RockyMountainShy Report 9 Jan 2010 23:31

YEAH FOR CUDDLES quick reflecxes (sp) are good

Night YG and everybody


LaGooner Report 9 Jan 2010 23:37

Nite YG happy dreams LOL. Catch you all again soon x


YG Report 9 Jan 2010 23:38

No sharing the bed with the cat then LG!! Straight to work at the back door. No rest for him!! Nite nite xx


LaGooner Report 10 Jan 2010 09:13

Morning all. Hope you had a draught free night YG LOL


+++DetEcTive+++ Report 10 Jan 2010 09:56

Morning all...and welcome home Aunty. Loved your holiday description and sorry about the lack of tropical cruise, your secret desire for next year.

Hope all are well. Did the boakins do their job and keep out the draft YG? don't block all avenues for fresh air. We don't want you coming down with carbon monoxide poisoning, particularly if your boiler is a bit creaky.