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YG Report 25 Jan 2010 20:02

He should have gone to S*** Savers!!

Ooooh, sorry Aunty, you won't have the same opticians adverts as us!!

I'm not thinking straight!! It's the lack of sweet, sugary, delicious tasting foods items that are responsible!!


AuntySherlock Report 25 Jan 2010 20:27

Yes, I do understand that optician. And he was wearing his glasses. They've just set off for this morning's hunting and gathering excursion. I told him to watch out for dinosaur heads on the track!!


LaGooner Report 25 Jan 2010 20:30



YG Report 25 Jan 2010 20:41

Boooooo to you toooooooo!!


AuntySherlock Report 25 Jan 2010 20:41

Hi LG My info says Arsenal is out of the FA cup. How is it that a team can be out after losing just one or two games. I really don't understand your soccer. We have to go for the whole season and then the finals before we are out!!!

Whoops sorry YG. This is a private conversation. Go sit in the corner and suck on this giant lollipop while LG and I discuss red and white stuff!!


LaGooner Report 25 Jan 2010 20:43

Hi YG and Aunty hope you are both well.

Yes we are out but we lasted longer than Manchester United LOL


YG Report 25 Jan 2010 20:45

Splutter, splutter!! You don't have to push it so far down my throat Aunty!!

Tastes good though!!


LaGooner Report 25 Jan 2010 20:46

Oh naughty naughty I thought you were dieting LOL


YG Report 25 Jan 2010 20:56

Moi!! Yes, I am being a very good girl. I lost a pound last week and think I am on target to wave goodbye to some more when I get weighed again on Thursday!!!


RockyMountainShy Report 25 Jan 2010 20:56

OHHHHHHHHHH that why my Dad's in such a bad mood !!! All is made plain now.

It's not good to lose a lot of weight all at once, you know. I lost 10 pounds in a year, and I really don't want it back lol


Mazfromnorf Report 25 Jan 2010 21:04

hello i am passing by >............................................. Aunty is working hard on my behalf


YG Report 25 Jan 2010 21:10

Hi Maz!!

I'm not losing lots at once RMS!! Slow, but sure I hope!!


LaGooner Report 25 Jan 2010 21:11

I am getting weighed in Wednesday and by my reckoning I have lost about one week. Fingers crossed ladies LOL

I am flicking backwards and forwards from tree to here.


YG Report 25 Jan 2010 21:34

I must admit, I was a bit shocked when I got weighed a couple of weeks ago. I am not finding it too bad at the moment as I am just trying to eat more sensible food and allowing myself a treat at the weekend if I want one.

I do feel better, but resisting a scone every morning when the sandwich van comes to work is still testing my willpower, but I haven't given in yet!!


AuntySherlock Report 25 Jan 2010 21:37

Morning all. Morning Maz. Whatcha doin' this morning???

Thought you lot had all run away. Very quiet on the boards today haven't seen one throttling or one poisoning for a couple of days. Just boring old games.

Memo to GR. Please could we have a games board and remove all the A-Z trivia so it does not interrupt my intellectual pursuit. Hey what a good idea.
I'm going to start a new A-Z game. I know I've threatened to do so before. This time I think I've worked out the ultimate game.

A-Z of swear words!!!!! STOP!! Don't start it on this thread. It is worthy of a thread of its own. Who would like to go first???


LaGooner Report 25 Jan 2010 21:45

LOL Aunty me please but I bet it would get whooshed in 30 seconds flat


LaGooner Report 25 Jan 2010 21:46

Oh well done Yg. Keep it up. I am determined this time to get back to a good weight and have not slipped up once since starting back to Slimming world last Wednesday. Been to Aquafit today so should have worn a bit more off LOL


RockyMountainShy Report 25 Jan 2010 21:51


OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH Now I can bother her and there



LaGooner Report 25 Jan 2010 21:53

If I disappear suddenly its cos I have nodded off LOL. I am cream crackered LOL


AuntySherlock Report 25 Jan 2010 21:56

RMS!!!!!!!!! You are on a formal warning.