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LaGooner Report 27 Jan 2010 12:05

My mother reminised but it turned out to be all lies. She was always one to try and make herself out better than she was. (MUTTER MUTTER) as you probably gathered I could not stand the woman !!!. Mother in law was a great source of stories and info it is such a great shame she is not with us today bless her. It took me about six months to trace my paternal grandad with the smallest of hints from Auntie who is not my blood related Aunt (Very long story there and very interesting as it turns out) LOL. He did not die until I was 11 and I am so disappointed I never met him as he sounded like a lovely man. (according to aunt a real Gent)

The cell seems boiling compared to outside today as a matter of fact I think it has been getting colder as the day has gone on and our cheerful young lady in the bank says it may snow tomorrow. You can imagine what I said to her LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 27 Jan 2010 14:25

hello I am confused lol just posted on trying to find I have a note book with questions and make notes all to often she comes up with the answer with out realising it ,i have left my specs at work and using a spare pair lol so may not last on here long


Mazfromnorf Report 27 Jan 2010 17:47

lol we are due snow later tonite


YG Report 27 Jan 2010 18:16

Get your sledge out Maz!!

Pauline $(*-*)$

Pauline $(*-*)$ Report 27 Jan 2010 19:04

Oh no!! I didn't look at the forecast, I hope it doesn't come over this way.

Mind you, it's been freezing today, it definitely feels like snow is in the air.

I haven't been on here today so I thought I'd have loads of posts to catch up on. Where have you all been? You haven't left me very much to read!!


YG Report 27 Jan 2010 20:02

And I've been at w***!!!!


RockyMountainShy Report 27 Jan 2010 20:07


hhmm lets see .......................... OH 6 degrees in Bristol "comfort level 2, passing clouds and nippy" -4!!! thats more like it! Oh but thats on Sunday.


LaGooner Report 27 Jan 2010 20:10

And I've been at Brownies Pauline

Evening all.


AuntySherlock Report 27 Jan 2010 20:14

Morning Maz. Well done on the new thread. Lets see how the multitude cope with your elusive lady.

The weather here. Thunderstorm yesterday arvo. Mild this morning heading for another warm to hot day with the promise of temps in the mid to upper 30C for the next few days.

In other words, another great day in paradise.

Hi Pauline, You are right about the lack of scintillating prose on these boards. Everyone seems to be so busy and involved in all sorts of deep and meaningful activities like scrubbing floors or finding rellies or watching losing matches or sorting work problems.

And with that I too must awaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!


LaGooner Report 27 Jan 2010 20:16

Ooooooo Aunty below the belt LOL. They might do better tonight.


YG Report 27 Jan 2010 20:19

You mean they've been allowed out on the pitch again!! Oh no!!


LaGooner Report 27 Jan 2010 20:21

Cheek LOL. How are you?


YG Report 27 Jan 2010 20:45

I'm ok, but really tired tonight. Had a heavy couple of days at work.


LaGooner Report 27 Jan 2010 20:51

Early night for you then my Girl LOL


Mazfromnorf Report 27 Jan 2010 21:05

hello bricks and more bricks lol just had the youth group not stopping cos footy is on and the cats are losing


YG Report 27 Jan 2010 21:15

I don't think so LG!! I'm not sleepy, just physically shattered. Been running round like a headless chicken and I'm getting on a bit to do that too often!!

Lol, Maz, get them all knocked down!!


Mazfromnorf Report 27 Jan 2010 21:18

lol yea ok They are losing again they dont get through the season at all lol


LaGooner Report 27 Jan 2010 21:26

I am feeling quite weary too but still getting a bit more tree done at same time as popping on and off here. Just writing a a bit of info I have been sent and trying to add 2 and 2 together and come up with 5 LOL

My ladss are still at goaless draw


YG Report 27 Jan 2010 21:36

My tree is sitting here very lonely waiting until I retire!! i can't be bothered in an evening to start having to think again!!! I'm terrible, aren't I!!

I did download a gedcom file last week to transfer my GR tree onto, but I still haven't done it yet. Maybe this weekend!


LaGooner Report 27 Jan 2010 21:38

I have done a lot of work on mine as by chance I had contact with a relation of my MIL's. Solved 2 family mysteries at the same time.