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Blood Pressure Medication.

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MrDaff Report 3 Feb 2010 22:39

Hi Island... you are having the butterfly... check if it is the blue one... they use a green one too, but the blue one is finer.

And.... maybe you do need to have a word with the GP, but more importantly, the phlebotomy department needs to be informed.

If a member of staff is hurting someone so much that it has raised a fear that was never there before, then that needs to be addressed.

There is a complaints procedure, and really, you need to make a complaint. Otherwise the fear could well grow..... knowing that this nurse might hurt you again won't help... but if you tell them, and she doesn't take your bloods again, you will feel much safer. xxxxx

BC...why do we put up with rubbish doctors?? We'll all hold your hand while you sort them out!


Daff xxxxx