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Blood Pressure Medication.

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TeresaW Report 3 Feb 2010 15:01

It depends what is causing your high BP I suppose. My OH is on Atenolol, which is a beta blocker, but he also has various cholesterol treatments, one being Perindropil, which, when he was on a higher dose, also reduced his BP so that he felt really ill and sluggish. The doctor quickly reduced the perindropil then.

Much of his BP is to do with the diabetes and the high cholesterol levels that come with it...

But not treating changes in BP could be far more dangerous than a few side-effects, so give it a go, whatever he doctor prescribes. If it doesnt suit, it can then be changed.


MrDaff Report 3 Feb 2010 14:52

My BP has always been high.... ever since I was a child, and no reason has ever been found... they did think that when I was going into renal failure and a massive raise in BP (280/198, and anyone who says impossible the machine was broken, well.... not 4 machines, lol, I was mee mah'd into hospital, and I only went for a smear test!!) when I was 33, that was the cause, but it wasn't... it was the BP causing the renal problems, and as soon as it was sorted, then the kidneys sorted themselves out... so I have been down as having volatile BP, which goes high for a while AFTER a crisis is over, lol!! Well.... higher, lol

Where was I? Oh yes.... and I was really slim then, lolol

I must go and find out some more about my pills for you, lol..... they are heart shaped, very pretty!


Daff xxxx

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★ Report 3 Feb 2010 14:43

well as long as you are not bloating or having swollen ankles or fingers , they must be doing their job Ann..


AnninGlos Report 3 Feb 2010 14:43

BC different BP tablets do the job in different ways. Amlodipine is a calcium antagonist. These work by relaxing the blood vessels so that blood passes through more easily.
There are two (I think) other types of medication.
Beta Blockers and Ace inhibitors. I will leave Daff or somebody else to tell you what they do,

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★ Report 3 Feb 2010 14:42

No affects people in different ways.. i have to take ace inhibitors because they work best at protecting my kidneys, the others might protect my heart but not my kidneys..consultant says i am on the best combination for renal problems.. ace inhibitors and a diuretic..


AnninGlos Report 3 Feb 2010 14:39

I expect 2.5 is quite a low dose diuretic stella but they do work in the day too.


ButtercupFields Report 3 Feb 2010 14:38

But, Stella, I thought that High Blood Pressure was the same for everyone and they adjust the medication according to how it suits you or how you body deals with it? Thanks for checking, Daff, I am full of knowledge now:-) lol BCXX


AnninGlos Report 3 Feb 2010 14:37

Sorry Stella you crept in while I was typing and yes, that is very true, I haven't a clue why mine went up. All the time I was taking HRT it was fine and all the time I was pregnant. I never had a BP problem until I was about 58/9 (can't remember exactly) but almost as soon as I came off HRT I went on BP medication.

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★ Report 3 Feb 2010 14:37

diuretics usually start to work within an hour of taking them.. i would check that out..


AnninGlos Report 3 Feb 2010 14:35

I find it odd that the tablets are all so different but I suppose they need to be if we are all different too. Didn't know that about amlodipine and alcohol although it has never seemed to affect my BP (the combination), the last few times my BP has been good, and I only need to go yearly now.the diuretic doesn't seem to bother me, well except for me needing to get up at night which I never used to. And that in itself is strange because I take the tablets in the morning!!

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★ Report 3 Feb 2010 14:32

People take blood pressure tablets for a variety of reasons and different tablets work in different ways. I have high blood pressure from when i had a bladder tumour and it damaged my kidneys . Others have a weak heart or other problems. so what suits one won't necessary be right for another..


MrDaff Report 3 Feb 2010 14:25

The lisinopril gave me a cough, but suited me for 20 years... the higher the dose, though, the worse the cough. And with the other stuff going on, they kept having to x-ray my chest, lol.... so it was better to change.

I was on Lisinoplril with the Amlodopine.... and the Amlodopine mixed with alcohol can further lower your BP... or make it a bit erratic... I'll get the links, but I have just found out something exciting (for me) about lisinopril that I am going to wave in front of my GP when I next see him, lololol so haven't checked the Amlodipine fully yet...

Diuretics are horrendous with me... but I know that they suit others just fine. I was dreadful on any combination which included diuretics.

My latest pill is bisoprolol hemifumarate (Congescoer 2.5mgs)

As I said, I don't seem to have too many problems with it.... and the last time I went my BP was reassuringly perfect, an unusual occurrence, lol

Strangely..... I was taken off all BP drugs while I was ill, as my BP was very good during and after treatment, bordering on the low at times, and the non existent twice, lol. It started to go up again about 6 months after my last chemo..... I find that very odd!




ButtercupFields Report 3 Feb 2010 14:10

Thank you Stella:-) XX


ButtercupFields Report 3 Feb 2010 14:09

Thanks Ann, am taking a note of all before I go back to him. The puffy ankles I can deal with as long as they dont blow my tattoo up too salmon would look like a whale.....:-) lol

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★

**Stella ~by~ Starlight**★..★..★ Report 3 Feb 2010 14:08

i started on Nifepedin about 20 years ago and boy did they make me ill.. then i went on Enalapril, but they stopped working after a few years and since then i have been on Lisinopril and a water tablet, they work well for me , but i do have a permanent cough.
When i complained about it a few years ago the doc said "stop complaining woman they are keeping you alive"... i thought he was horrible at the time but in retrospect he was


AnninGlos Report 3 Feb 2010 14:03

I think they often give you two in tandem BC. I am on 10mg Amlodipine plus 2.5 mg Bendroflumethiazide. The latter is a diuretic. I do occasionally get puffy ankles but otherwise these two suit me and keep the BP down and I have been on them about ten years.



ButtercupFields Report 3 Feb 2010 13:45

Hi Bobtail. Thanks for that, yes the Valsartan really suited me which is why I am reluctant to rock the boat. The aternative is giving up


MrDaff Report 3 Feb 2010 13:45

*looks suspiciously at BC* ..... does that mean I don't look young enough to be 35 ish... I will be having a birthday in the summer and I shall be a little older then. *huge smile*

It took me a little while to adjust to the Amlodopine, but I am fine on them now. I have to watch out for puffiness, but I haven't been bothered by that. I take 5mgs daily... I was very tired when I went onto them... but bear in mind I went to the GP with tiredness, fatigue and aches and pains, and they added this drug instead of doing a full blood count!! The rest is history. So the tiredness may have been the Leukaemia coming on, and not the drug.

I was on 20 mgs of Lisinopril daily, and 5 mgs Amlodopine...

I will go upstairs and find out my new drug... I have been on it just 3 months, and it seems to be doing the trick. I still take the Amlodopine.


Daff xxxx


ButtercupFields Report 3 Feb 2010 13:36

Maybe Amlodopine combined with something else, Daff. Gosh I didn't realise how young you are! Nearly as young as Hayley! lol

But I am so wary of any medicines that I told him I would think about it...XX


MrDaff Report 3 Feb 2010 13:33

*puts on Nurses outfit*

Right.... I have tried a wide variety of BP pills.... been on them since I was 33, two yars ago (;¬)) Currently taking two different types, Amlodopine and a Beta Blocker ... that one is new to me, I was on Lisinopril for 20 years, but as the dose got higher the cough that goes with it became a little troublesome.

I don't know anything about Valsartan.... what are they talking about putting you onto?


Daff xxxx


Daff xxxx

(Lol I lurves you double, lolol)