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Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 20 Mar 2010 22:15

I'd be a moderator.

(OK I have a "small" history but mainly caused by either defending those who are being attacked or taking the p out of those doing the attacking - otherwise I think I behave in a reasonable fashion ...)


No responses required!



Whirley Report 20 Mar 2010 22:10

Sheila, ya


JoyBoroAngel Report 20 Mar 2010 22:10

pmsl @sam


there is only me that would pass that lol


SamInKent Report 20 Mar 2010 22:08

A like button,


spell check,

and a breathalizer

S xxxxx


SheilaSomerset Report 20 Mar 2010 22:04

That sometimes some people would observe the following quote :-
'Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt'.

That some people did not use this board to air personal vendettas, stir up bad feeling, or garner sympathy (not the genuine support cases, just those playing 'small violins').

That some people actually thought out an argument rather than base it on ignorance or blind prejudice.


Whirley Report 20 Mar 2010 22:03

Mods, I agree. but they need to be a part of the community ie and not peeps behind the screen..

GR could easily pay for such folks........there's no one on our current boards that could qualify ( no offense but we all got history etc..) so GR could afford a couple of Mods.....(who are outside of to speak)

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 20 Mar 2010 22:02

Mrs G I am having on of me visions about you........I see..............OMG

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 20 Mar 2010 22:00

Oh and anyone who even ACTS like a drama queen gets the boot ...

(smirks at Hayley)


Justine Report 20 Mar 2010 21:57

1. Moderators, to stop the usual trouble makers in their tracks, and to make sure everyone posts on the correct boards. If they can do it on the Success Board why not on the others. Ok, cut the amount of boards down. Trying to Find could be merged with Records Office. Lets face it how many folks do go to the RO. Most of us sit at home doing Look Up's online. The Tip's board is great, leave that alone, but stop folks asking for look up's on it.

2. ISP tracking so banned members cannot rejoin and to stop those who have multiple accounts and we know if a member is on/off-line.

3. When making contact with a member we know when they were 'Last Active' if they are a paid or not member.

Please can i have a 4th?
A board just for A-Z's, Quizzes etc. Also perhaps a board for Condolences, Positive Thoughts and all those that are ill, God Bless them.

Not forgetting a board for Birthdays etc.


Whirley Report 20 Mar 2010 21:46

Let's have aboard exclusively for rows...............and lets face it.......we all like the odd bun fight lol lol

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 20 Mar 2010 21:45

yeah and no grumpy people **smirks at mrs G **

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!)

Jill 2011 (aka Warrior Princess of Cilla!) Report 20 Mar 2010 21:43

No multiple accounts ... well, if you are building two separate trees then fair enough, but if you are opening another account just to wind people up then - NO.

Board name changes subject to GR approval. (Please GR I am fed up with being Mrs Grumpy and want to change it ...)

And maybe something around the delete and RR buttons - most people delete threads that are irrelevant or duplicated so most of the time it's acceptable. The RR button maybe ought to show who has reported the thread/post. I know that on the odd occasion that I have hit the RR button I have always said so - either on the thread or by pm to the poster, but if it showed on the thread who had hit the RR button wouldn't it calm things down a lot?


Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 20 Mar 2010 21:33

Better records to search, more information, even a little back ground in to the census,


suzian Report 20 Mar 2010 21:31

Definitely number 3, Muffy

I spent ages working out who's who

Sue x


SueMaid Report 20 Mar 2010 21:30

The removal of the delete button would make most people think twice before they post.

The RR button is too easy to use and causes us to speculate as to who has pressed it. I'm sure innocent people have been accused at times and the guilty ones sit and gloat.

A way of preventing multiple accounts.

Aunty Sue xx


Alko Report 20 Mar 2010 21:29

Freedom of speech :))))))))))))))))))


StrayKitten Report 20 Mar 2010 21:29

defo smilies

add an ignore button

and multiple id's not allowed



ButtercupFields Report 20 Mar 2010 21:26

The RR button. It is giving people inflated ideas of their own importance.....


Whirley Report 20 Mar 2010 21:26

I deleted in error..............

The tracing of multiple accounts via the IP address.................

well that's the west country off GR


AnninGlos Report 20 Mar 2010 21:21

Some sort of ID maybe computer ISP whereby you were unable to re-register if you were banned.
Then two the same as yours

although I would remove the RR button, it doesn't work and causes trouble

Name changes subject to GR approval.