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Where will we be in a million years from now?

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FootieAngel Report 26 Mar 2010 21:11

ah DL but where would you time travel through? ~ through time, space or both? ~ I love quantam physics me x


Darklord Report 26 Mar 2010 21:09

There is the subject of time travel to consider.



SueMaid Report 26 Mar 2010 21:08

Kay - it's funny you should mention that. I've also noticed the number of young men with receding hairlines. Some in their early 20's. My eldest son is very thin on top and he's 32.

Sue xx


Eldrick Report 26 Mar 2010 21:05

you might be right. After all, what use is hair? It's just a fashion accessory now.


Kay???? Report 26 Mar 2010 21:03

Well I think we are evolving now in lots of ways.

But one area that I have noticed in the past few years ,,,,,,,,is

Baldness in young men,

I'm sure there were never so many when I was growing up,have these evolved to be the first of male gender make up.}}}}


StrayKitten Report 26 Mar 2010 20:51

lolol x


SueMaid Report 26 Mar 2010 20:50

I've tried to stop Stray - but then I keep coming back.

Aunty Sue xx


StrayKitten Report 26 Mar 2010 20:47

it could be aunty sue, hmmmm, shall we all stop then?? haha x


FootieAngel Report 26 Mar 2010 20:45

Hi Eldrick,

good to see you back ~ an interesting thought and mind provocking! Is there really life on other planets? Who can tell? Maybe these planets are much cleaner and healthier than this one? And what of technology? Will this be our new saviour? Will this give us new life? Or do we rely on being human? Will the new world protect us from harm, hurt, illness, growing old ... or even death? And will we cease to be? Will others take our place on this mortal coil?


Darklord Report 26 Mar 2010 20:45

Good Evening

I suppose it depends on which way we take ourselves,

There is Artificial Intelligence to consider, afterall what effect will this have on our evolution.
Also nanotechnology and its future impact
Genetic Engineering is one of the more pressing issues as to how the human race will evolve.

Then there is Transhumanism.

All the above is better explained on



SueMaid Report 26 Mar 2010 20:41

So.....all my research on my ancestors may be for nothing?



StrayKitten Report 26 Mar 2010 20:40

i think we will all be cyborgs like in terminator haha x


Rambling Report 26 Mar 2010 20:39

PS and I still won't have found THAT missing rellie :)


Rambling Report 26 Mar 2010 20:38

I think, that it is entirely possible that the human race will have been wiped out by, probably, a natural disaster, the planet will re-invent itself.....forests will grow , swamps, new mountains and / canyons, new areas of sea / land...and new species which have evolved from what remained.....

but I won't worry about it :)


McB Report 26 Mar 2010 20:33

We will all have grown a third arm

To hold the mobile phone !!!!!!


**Ann** Report 26 Mar 2010 20:32

A bit heavy for a Friday night Eldrick lol



Eldrick Report 26 Mar 2010 20:30

Evolution having physically shaped us for several million years, where will we be in another million or so, assuming the human race manages to survive that long? (which is but a blink of an eye in terms of real time)

I anticipate that we will evolve into an atrophied form of our present selves, due to increasing and relentless dependence on technology and robotics. Uninterrupted, I think we will evolve to have tiny limbs and large skulls, possibly becoming virtually immobile due to our physical characteristics being eroded.

However, I think it’s fair to assume that at some stage a cataclysmic event will occur – an asteroid strike, global nuclear war or something like that, some sort of extinction event. It’s happened at least 7 times in the history of the planet so it’s pretty sure to happen again.

What then? Will the selfish gene kick in and Natural Selection take place to enable only the fittest to survive and pass on their genes to re-evolve as we are in our present form? Or will the human race perish altogether, apart from those who have colonized distant galaxies, that is.

Can you tell I’m bored?