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Need some advice on 20 year old son

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Libby Report 25 May 2010 21:57

No "keep"? - then no washing, no ironing, no evening meal, no showers (hot water needs to be paid for) etc, etc.

Stand by your guns and good luck



Kay???? Report 25 May 2010 21:53

Have you looked to see if anything is wrote across your forehead?

perhaps drive off without him and drive past him.......!


McB Report 25 May 2010 21:50

Stick to your guns Esta,

He needs to learn there's no such thing a free lunch.


Esta Report 25 May 2010 21:47


I have a 20 year old son living at home (21 next month) After 5 years of sitting an home refusing to get a job I have now finally forced him to do so under threat of throwing him out. He has always refused to pay any board and keep as he said he never had enough dole. He is now into his second month working and I have asked him to contribute.

He says that because he is now out working 9 hours a day and pays for his own lunch (we drop him off and pick him up from work) he doesn't see why he should pay anything as he goes to his girl friends a couple of evenings a week (he doesn't stay overnight at her place).

Am I being unreasonable or is he really just taking the absolute micky out of me now.

He says he hates living at home but refuses to move out because its too much hassle for him. When I have offered to help him find a place and move out he says that I'm throwing him out and he makes me feel really guilty.

I need a sanity check!