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Another healthy current affairs debate gone

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UzziAndHerDogs Report 5 Jun 2010 18:38

I haven't read through the whole of this thread, just enough about gun laws etc.

I was as a publican once held up by a shotgun, ..I didn't ask if he had a licence for it, actually I asked bugger all so shocked was I ! but I do know he didn't have, nor do so many shooters.

I do think they need to re-think the gun law but how I am not sure.
Me a publican so no problems could hold a licence for a gun. .. I nearly did, and I thank my OH for refusing to let me. I just might have retaliated after some moron pulled one on me.
It is said if you are being robbed give, but it ain't that easy sometimes, I wasn't being robbed at gunpoint, I refused to be robbed at knife point and called the cops, I was being threatened by gun because I had security in there after and it went wrong .

so even if the gun law is changed it may stop the likes of me going dolally with a weapon but it won't stop those who want a gun.

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 5 Jun 2010 18:19

his word will be "hangover " CarolB ....lolol

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 5 Jun 2010 18:11

do you get to join the dots up Eldrick and colour them in :)))


Eldrick Report 5 Jun 2010 15:50


Oh well, back to the gun book. It's got lots of pictures in it.


TeresaW Report 5 Jun 2010 15:48

Well according to some you are LOL


Eldrick Report 5 Jun 2010 15:41

you make it sound like a bad thing...


TeresaW Report 5 Jun 2010 15:37

Sorry, you far from young rogue...:-)


Eldrick Report 5 Jun 2010 15:34

Less of the old, please.


TeresaW Report 5 Jun 2010 15:33

PMSL, you old rogue Eldrick,


Eldrick Report 5 Jun 2010 15:14

Me, I'm wilting. I've just had to sit in the garden for an hour with my feet in a bowl of John Smiths, making daisy chains to get in touch with my feminine side.

But I got sick and read a gun book instead.


TeresaW Report 5 Jun 2010 15:02

Good grief, has this thread made it through the night??? *faints*

I didn't expect it to still be here lol.

Well, now we know that Eldrick deleted the original thread for good reason, and we've stopped discussing gun law in depth via wikipedia (that lovely site where anyone can add an article, but not gospel), then perhaps we can carry on with other things.

Eldrick, you are many things, mysoginist you are not.
Kitty, you make the best hardcor...errr....scones in the world, nasty and mealymouthed you are not.

So...who's wilting under this heat?


Susan10146857 Report 5 Jun 2010 13:36

Kitty the mealy - mouthed bigoted rubbish cook.......Nah! doesn't have that same ring to it.

You can have some of mine Kitty but it is a bit wrinkly :-)


ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 5 Jun 2010 12:23

I just hate seeing people talked down to, and made to feel small just because they hold a differing opinion.

And the accusations of attacking which seem to follow frequently, even if the accused is retaliating to being spoken to like a 2 year old.

Same accusations - different people.- always its the other person in the wrong,...same old...same old..

Kitty, you've apologised to keep the peace, don't bother doing so again its not worth getting yourself reported, as other "attackers" have been, no doubt with an in depth RR to abuse for good measure..


maggiewinchester Report 5 Jun 2010 12:00

I'm also a bigot, underhand coward and mealy-mouthed.
Haven't been called a misogynist yet - *lowers voice* strange that one so pernickity should take my board name at face value - but perhaps that's because I type in a high pitched voice. LOL

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 5 Jun 2010 11:24

Anyone got any old skin they don't want? LOL

As for hot kitchens, don't get me started on those!!! *checks fire extinguisher use by date* :)))



Eldrick Report 5 Jun 2010 11:21

lol Kitty. You just need to grow an extra few layers of skin, that's all.

I agree, minute disection of posts is boring and soooo yesterday. It went out of fashion here in the good ol' UK ages ago. Likewise mind numbing tedious irrelevant c&p'ing is an anaesthetic to me.

But don't worry - I'm pigeonholed as a misogynist because I don't subscribe to feminist ideals and a one sided view of the real world. So be it. I don't give a toss, to coin a phrase!

One thing I would point out, however, is that it isn't really acceptable to sling simpsons type invective - you know, the 'Doh's' and 'uh's' and other such twee stuff, then complain when people respond in kind. Heat, kitchen, get out, etc spring to mind.

Silly Sausage

Silly Sausage Report 5 Jun 2010 11:14

PMSL @ if that makes me a bigot, mealy-mouthed attacker or an underhand coward, then so be it as a description of Kitty I dont think so

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥

♥ Kitty the Rubbish Cook ♥ Report 5 Jun 2010 10:45

I was quite prepared to let this subject lie, hence deleting 2 of my posts, a mistaken attempt to let the thread get back to how TW started it.

But I will risk the wrath of any members fed up of seeing it on page one by saying again what I said last night.

I was actually agreeing with Eldrick's post, where he put it so much better than I could.

I don't like posts on a discussion thread that are very long, are full of C&Ps to hammer home a point of view.

I also dislike posts being picked apart because another member disagrees with someone else's view.

if that makes me a bigot, mealy-mouthed attacker or an underhand coward, then so be it.

I didn't think I was that interesting to be honest:))



maggiewinchester Report 5 Jun 2010 00:56

LOL!!!! Ooh sorry - not too loud lol


maggiewinchester Report 5 Jun 2010 00:48

When it comes down to it, people have their own views and opinions and have a right to them, without being lambasted and told in intricate detail how wrong they are if they don't agree with a particular view.
Just saying 'Oh is that your view - well, here's another one' usually suffices on a chat forum.
That way people can chat - my view - your view - the 'in the middle' view, perhaps a 'because' and short explanation of why that view is held.
