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Possible Childhood Obesity

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Amy Report 5 Sep 2010 15:03

Yes footie and I was saying how I felt.


jgee Report 5 Sep 2010 15:00

your right there mel ..back in my childhood you was said to be a bonny child and well fed ..


FootieAngel Report 5 Sep 2010 14:53

I have to say things were very different in my day. It was "why isn't this child putting weight on" but you never hear that today! why ~ its the norm to be skinny but that too carries risk which are very real and scary.


Rambling Report 5 Sep 2010 14:25

There is also the possibility that he might not have been ill, but that one of his parents/relatives is...don't know about everyone else but I turn to comfort food in times of stress !

I don't like to see this trend for labelling kids obese at a young age, ( especially when in some of the cases publicised they are so clearly NOT obese) it's not the way to help those who DO have a real problem...

Encouragement to take some exercise for FUN.

Something to look forward to if they are stressed.
Knowing that even if they are and remain 'fat' they are valued as a person.
That they are not considered 'fat AND lazy' the two words used together often and far from being the case.


Merlin Report 5 Sep 2010 14:11

Just one more thing, I think years ago it was what was called ( Puppy Fat )**M**.


FootieAngel Report 5 Sep 2010 14:07

thank you Merlin every child is precious no matter what the circumstances are.


FootieAngel Report 5 Sep 2010 14:06

Amy there really is no need to attack Beverley she at least is saying how she feels in this matter and her reaction is that what many would give. I think she realises now others have had an input how hastily we can all be at time to judge someone even on another's hearsay.


Merlin Report 5 Sep 2010 14:04

Footie, I think that just about says it all, well done.**M**.


FootieAngel Report 5 Sep 2010 13:59

it could be as Julie says that he has "been" ill and yes if has recovered fully or enough to return, yes he will be back at school. He may also have suffered a bereavement and his grief is reflected in the fact he has a couple of excess stones now.The reason of his obesity is at present no-ones business but his own and that of his parents and if it is through lack of care, neglect and so forth that is no reason for the child to be at home and not in school ~ you cannot keep a child home just because he has put on weight! If the latter is the case Im sure the appropriate persons are involved. This child is already going to be feeling his inconspicuiousy (sp) now he has had to return to school ~ by discussing this as an issue with a friend he has already become the subject of gossip. STOP IT! this child's life has already been made uneasy and believe it or not horrific or not you and your friend have added to it especially if you are discussing it in the presence of her son. Please do not judge this child on others standard or his parents , wait til they themselves are willing to make all the fact known or not which is their prerogotive.


MrDaff Report 5 Sep 2010 13:47

Oh stow it Amy. When WILL you ever have anything positive to say?

*watches flying pigs*


Amy Report 5 Sep 2010 13:33

Well Beverley , what are you thinking of putting up a thread to slate a child and his parents who you seem to know nothing about .. just what a friend told you.


Rambling Report 5 Sep 2010 13:30

Dan's 'solid' , I don't doubt for a minute that he will add another 6 inches to his height in the next few years he's taller than me now...but in terms of exercise every day at least 4 miles on his bike, kick boxing twice a week etc .. he goes in fits and starts, chubby and eating a lot, then growing and getting a bit leaner and not so hungry all the time lol ...they do at that age.

But it could be any number of health conditions, of a temporary nature, it's been a tough summer for hay fever sufferers for instance, maybe he has been indoors a lot because of that?


MrDaff Report 5 Sep 2010 13:23

I put on 7 pounds easily every time I have a 2 week course of steroids, and then can't get it off. I have about 3 or 4 courses a year.. so in less than 5 years I have put on an awful lot of weight, and even though I lost a lot with my treatment, as soon as I had the steroids and bp drugs added again... whoosh, up it went!

He may well be on steroids if his weight increase is that dramatic. Poor kid.


Daff xxxxx


SueMaid Report 5 Sep 2010 09:49

Rita - I was thinking steroids. Especially if the child has asthma.

S x

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom

ஐ+*¨^¨*+e+*¨^¨*+ஐ Mildred Honkinbottom Report 5 Sep 2010 09:44

Without actually seeing him yourself how can it be judged hes actually put on 2 stone ?

Kids tend to burn up fat pretty quickly, and even sitting at home each day for 6 weeks eating more than normal crisps/choc etc wouldnt put that amount on in such a short time in a child of that age..

My daughter is 11 and apart from Butlins for a week, shes spent most of the holiday indoors, apart from going round to visit friends houses, or walking to town with me on the odd occasion. (her choice)

Shes not a skinny girl anyway, but shes filling out a bit all over as puberty hits. Yet shes eaten more bikkies, more choc & crisps at home than she normally does & has only put on around 4-5 pounds, which matches her height & weight range.

I would imagine the boy has either had a growth spurt & the height has to even out a bit to match his weight.

Or hes got a medical condition if he has put on so much weight in a short time (Thyroid probs could be one cause - use of steroids are another amongst many)

I hope the parents don't say too much in front of their kids about this, kids are cruel, even friends can be brutally honest without meaning to hurt. Its a shame if talk about his size gets back to him.

Going to a new school, or starting a new term in a different year is stressfully enough as it is for the poor lad :o((


StrayKitten Report 5 Sep 2010 09:34

there is lots of resons this child may have put on weight,
im sure he wont be feeling to good about it himself
without people judging who havent even seen him, let alone know the reason for it,



SueMaid Report 5 Sep 2010 09:23

I agree - poor child will have enough to cope with. Maybe I'm wrong but 2 stone sounds an awful lot of weight to put on just over summer holidays if it was down to eating and lack of excercise. Could be medication?

S x


Uggers Report 5 Sep 2010 09:13

Poor kid whatever the reason. Most overweight kids are painfully aware of it and very unhappy about it - all made a lot worse by the horrible ordeal of buying school uniforms:(


StrayKitten Report 5 Sep 2010 09:06

there could be many reasons this child has put on weight,
a child round here has, but hes spent most of his school holidays, seriously ill in GOSH, and he lives in midlesbrough he has put weight on due to this,

which isnt the childs fault and the last thing he needs is people judging him because hes put weight on, he cant help it, and im sure he will ifnd it hard enough getting the weight of without extra pressure from adults and other childen assuming hes just lazy



Beverley Report 5 Sep 2010 09:03

I haven't actually seen this child but my friend had. As the conversation we were having was about childhood obesity, I assume it is weight rather than height.