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Medical corner!!!!

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SueMaid Report 5 Sep 2010 21:21

Hope you are feeling much better Ann - I also go home after a visit to the doctors and then think of a number of things I should have asked. Being in pain can sure muddle your thinking.

Why oh why do people keep responding to a WUM?!?

S x


Katherine Report 5 Sep 2010 21:00

Hi Ann,
Hope you feel better after a good nights rest.
At this moment in time I am looking after my nearly twenty year old son who has a virus which he has worked out is either meningitis or the black death.
I've had to take his temperature three times and supply him with cooling strips for his fevered brow in the last hour. Go to the shop for painkillers, lucozade, etc. Run him a cool bath and then his quilt cause he's hot. He wasn't this much trouble when he was little.
All I can say is he'd better not give it me as I'm working all next week.

Katherine xx

ps I think you might be right Wend


Kay???? Report 5 Sep 2010 20:56


Youll need a second dose of Anti bios to combat what the first lot may cause,,,,,,,you'll be rattlin for a week or so,,,,}}}}}}}}}get well soon.

youre not using a 32 aa extra small to support your back are you,,,,ha ha ha


Cath2010 Report 5 Sep 2010 20:43



Wend Report 5 Sep 2010 20:41

As most of us know, Ann of GG has a great sense of humour. I've never seen her on here complaining about her lot - she's always cheerful. She has come on to-day, feeling rough, and wanting support. That she has got, 99.9%, because everyone likes her. There is one saddo who seems to have had a total sense of humour bypass, never has health problems, and delights in denigrating others. I'm a bit suspicious - have GR invented a roving, brainless robot to pop up on threads just to cause trouble? . . . . whoosh, said my bit . . . I'm off.


Cath2010 Report 5 Sep 2010 20:12

Ann of GG,
hope you feel better soon.
Plenty of friends on here to cheer you up.
Cath x


maggiewinchester Report 5 Sep 2010 19:49

Hi Ann,
I hope you feel better soon - sounds like one hum-dinger of an infection!!!
It may be an idea to get a sample bottle from the receptionst and take a sample to be tested whe you've finished the antibiotics - just to be sure the infection has cleared.

In my youth, after a bit of alcohol, I used to get a pain one side of my lower back but decided as I had 2 kidneys, the other one must be alright!
Found out 2 years ago that I only have one kidney - and despite my abuse of it in times gone by, it's perfectly healthy.
However, if I get so much as a twinge now, I take a urine sample to the doctor's receptionist and ask for the urine to be tested - then pick up another sample bottle for next time!
Usually no-one phones, so I know I'm okay.
Once left work as I felt rough and sitting was very uncomfortable on my back. Dropped a sample off on my way home, and was called later in the afternoon and told to see the doc.
I had blood in my urine and probably a kidney stone!


AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 18:19

nice one - always use Bravissimo - never had a note though but shall keep a lookout!!!!

Hi Puss - it sure is painful but easing now I'm glad t say

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 5 Sep 2010 18:17

It must be awfully embarrassing if it wasn't him that put the note in but someone else playing tricks on him.


ButtercupFields Report 5 Sep 2010 18:14

Just to cheer you up as you swig your cranberry juice, Ann,I found this article for you (*whispers ...the firm is called Bravissimo)... BCXX

'A BUSTY shopper was stunned when her mail-order bra arrived with a sleazy request for a "private show".
Emily McNulty, 23, found the hand-written message - including a phone number and two kisses - inside the box with her 32JJ bra.

The misspelled note read: "Hey Georgeous, Nice stuff! If you fancy giving me a private show, call me on 07841 ******, Matthew J xx".

Emily dialled the number and spoke to a man who answered as Matthew Jones. He hung up when she asked about the note. When she rang again, he didn't answer.'


ladylol Report 5 Sep 2010 18:09

ann ogg, i remember having this infection, i managed to mask it for a few days because we were packing to move house, the day before the move i was in so much pain i was crawling round the floor i didnt no where to put myself, id stupidly let it go to my kidneys and ended up in hospital, poor specky the removal men didnt turn up either so he ended up moving all by himself, this was a few yrs ago now, so i can appreciate how much pain you are in and im glad youve come on for a natter it always helps to talk to others who have suffered tooxx ps hope you feel better soon xxx


AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 18:03

now if I was after sympathy I would ask if there is any for a 32 JJ bra size!!! now that does need sympathy believe me!!!


AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 18:02

I really do feel a lot better psychologicaly at least - just to know I havenlt damaged my back - at my age that would not be good!!!

that's what I love about this site so much - such a lot of caring people as was amply demonmstrated by Izzy's posting and the fantastic response she got - not that I am putting myslf in that category by any means - this is a mere pinprick in comparison with young Ashley - a hero in the true meaning of the word

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 5 Sep 2010 18:00

Amy has spoilt a very good joke (actually i don't do good jokes lol) I was going to tease Ann that she's trying to compete with Janey's medical thread whereas Ann has got good advice and sympathy on her thread, JC got teased and a lot of stick. I wouldn't have believed that someone would virtually accuse her of posting it for attention.


AnnCardiff Report 5 Sep 2010 17:59

and they sure did Annie - thanks for that

I'm a good googler - think Amy should google to see if there is a site for unpleasant people with twisted minds!!


ann Report 5 Sep 2010 17:53

Hi Amy,yes you are right Ann could have googled it.She might of frightened the life out of herself with some of the medical jargon though.The chances of people on here having a infection of that kind might be able to reasure her that she will be fine. Annie


ladylol Report 5 Sep 2010 17:53

hope you feel better soon ann xxxxx

*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 5 Sep 2010 17:52

The lady , Anne was asking for advice from friends.
Is that a problem ----, poster at 17.41 ?

I hope not . She was genuinely in pain and not asking for sympathy as you are now suggesting.

Let it end there please.

Hope you are soon feeling better Anne:) xx


jgee Report 5 Sep 2010 17:51

maybe amy you could google on how to be polite .. im sure it will be there to help you..

are you being rude to get attention...

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~  **007 1/2**

~~~Secret Red ^^ Squirrel~~~ **007 1/2** Report 5 Sep 2010 17:48

Hi Amy, The difference between googling and posting here is interaction, Ann can ask communicate with those answering her questions.

Have you got a problem with people on here Amy? you seem very hostile to everyone you respond to. One would have thought you didn't enjoy your time on here at all as you appear to have nothing in common with any of us which is quite odd as we're all different.

Have you thought about starting your own threads in something that you are interested in?