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Janet Report 10 Oct 2010 12:51

Another gripe I have are the people, usually women, who queue at the supermarket, put their goods into their trolley and then just stand there waiting for the check out to say how much it cost.
Then, and only then, do they decide to find their purse and sort out the money as if they have just discovered that they have to pay for it. Why can't they get the purses at the ready as soon as they have put the goods in the trolley.
Years ago I remember my non banking friends complaining about people who wrote cheques at the check out , complaining that they wasted everyone elses time. Now it has done full circle with the cash paying customers standing like statues waiting for some amount to be spoken before finding their purse.-JLe


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 10 Oct 2010 12:47

Dog owners who don't clear up after their dogs...grrrrr


AnninGlos Report 10 Oct 2010 12:43

On a roll here Lol!!

People who, when realising I wear hearing aids, raise their voice (so to me they are shouting) and start to talk very slowly and positively as if I can't understand not can't hear.


AnninGlos Report 10 Oct 2010 12:41

Oh thought of one. On a split path with symbols one for cycles, one for pedestrians. Those who can't read, cysclists who cycle down the pedestrian side and expect me to move over to let them through. (it happens!). And it probably happens the other way round too. Why don't people make it easy and stick to the correct part of the path?


AnninGlos Report 10 Oct 2010 12:39

Sheila Lol! I was just doing that this morning, my OH thinks it is hilarious, he tells everyone how I tidy the tollies. But it only takes a minute to push them in together. And it isn't rocket science to work out which ones go it?
I think a lot of my petty grumbles are here already, although i ahve never suffered from yours BC. Mine is more the opposite, we always use one tea bag for two of us, don't like it too strong. SiL always uses one each!!!


Mauatthecoast Report 10 Oct 2010 12:38

lol Harry you sound just like my OH who hates those small papers of sugar,and says there's never enough in them.

My grumble is... why do folk cross the road inbetween moving traffic,with a crossing only feet away! putting their lives at risk and giving drivers a big problem....last week saw a very elderly couple,both with walking sticks doing just that...I find it unbelievable!

...that's my fraction of your thousand replies ;o)


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 10 Oct 2010 12:33,...... gawd what a fright!!



Julia Report 10 Oct 2010 12:32

My gripe - when you buy something in a container that is capeable of being used again, either for storage purposes or in the freezer, as I like to do, and it takes a feet of engineering to get the sticky label off without scratching the container to death.
Julia in Derbyshire


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 10 Oct 2010 12:31

One thing l really hate is when you hear a mother or father etc saying to a child..."if you do that again,l'll take that toy away and throuhg it in the bin" or something simular, then NEVER doing it. Or ... "No you can't have that toy"...ten minutes later the child has the toy....grrrrrrrr

jude :o) x


Janet Report 10 Oct 2010 12:30

People on buses who leave their shopping on the seat at the side of them and have to be asked to move their bag in order to let someone sit down.
This happened to me yesterday and there was only this one seat left. I asked the lady to move her bag.....nothing.....I then touched her hand.....nothing, then for one awful moment I thought she might be drugged up but by now everyone was watching. I decided to lift her shopping onto her lap. At which point she jumped sky high as she had been asleep. I actually felt sorry for her as she was embarrassed........ I was just glad she was alive.-JLe


~`*`Jude`*`~ Report 10 Oct 2010 12:24

Ooops Sheila thats hurts to walk sometimes so l leave it in the car park, but not in a

jude :o) x


Sharron Report 10 Oct 2010 12:15

12am 12pm What bloody time do you call that?!


SheilaSomerset Report 10 Oct 2010 12:09

I really hate it when people put their shopping trolleys back 'any old how' - I sometimes sort them out and stack them neatly. Even worse are people who can't be bothered to put them back at all and leave them to take up a parking space!!

Gwyn in Kent

Gwyn in Kent Report 10 Oct 2010 12:08

Talking about toilet rolls......
Why do some of them have to be stuck down so hard that it takes a few 'unrolls' to get the paper moving properly and untorn?.
What a waste of glue and paper.



Elizabethofseasons Report 10 Oct 2010 12:00

Dear Harry


Hope you are okay.

My grumble, people who are paid to do their jobs and then do not take responsbility of their role.

Take gentle care
Very best wishes


ButtercupFields Report 10 Oct 2010 11:57

Yoo Hoo! Rach:-)) XX


Luckylainey Report 10 Oct 2010 11:53

It annoys me when other people don't change the toilet roll and leave the empty cardboard roll. lol xx

Thank you Harry


RoseoftheShires Report 10 Oct 2010 11:52

~~~waves to BC~~~


ButtercupFields Report 10 Oct 2010 11:50

I can't STAND it when friends make a cup of tea in my home and leave the teabag aside... for 'another cup.'

Thanks Harry, I didn't realize I could be so petty! LOL BCXX


RoseoftheShires Report 10 Oct 2010 11:40

People who judge before knowing the full facts REALLY annoy me
Thanks Harry lol