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Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 16 Nov 2010 10:16

But they dont! Its their own pockets most of them fill first. I truly believe that they dont have a clue what it is like to manage on a small amount of money for years, Its not the same as the publicity seeking one week living on benefits that some have tried. When your shoes or your coat wear out and there is NO money to replace them, or no money to keep the car on the road that you need to get to work.


TheBlackKnight Report 16 Nov 2010 09:53

I think it's wrong.
It's just another way for them to take from the poor and needed, and make the rich richer.
Charitys need every last penny they can get.
Many health issues need charity funding, to find ways to cure millions of suffering people that are suffering in so many bad a cruel ways.
Maybe our Goverment should remember they work for the people not the other way round.
Thats just my view of course.


Eeyore13 Report 16 Nov 2010 00:13

Nothing like throwing in a book keeping nightmare as well?
I hope the smaller charities can cope.How much will the public be able to contribute with the VAT increase being heaped on as well.Maybe the Goverment will fully fund all of the health/research charities & the air ambulances,life boats etc ....I'm not holding my breath on that one :(

Jean (Monmouth)

Jean (Monmouth) Report 15 Nov 2010 19:13

They expect the charities to pick up the slack that they are not able or willing to deal with. Why make the job more difficult?


Eeyore13 Report 15 Nov 2010 18:44

From April 2011 the Government will be reducing the amount of Gift Aid a charity can claim on donations from UK taxpayers from 28% to 25%.

Why won't they stop & think about what they're doing. I know they have to get the money from somewhere but this seems so wrong.