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I'VE HAD ENOUGH !! last update ever, lol.

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Elisabeth Report 20 Nov 2010 20:36


I really don't know what to say - apart from the fact that I am thinking of you, and hope that things end up not so serious when Ed has had all the tests. You really didn't need any more worry piled on you.

Massive hugs to you.

Elisabeth xxxx


JoyBoroAngel Report 20 Nov 2010 20:34

MUMMO what can i say
but i am thinking of you
i to am sick of the bad luck throw at us lately
lets hope yours is sorted soon

good luck Eddie
our fingers are well crossed for you hun
(((hug))) for mummo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

*** Mummo ***

*** Mummo *** Report 20 Nov 2010 20:30

When will my bad luck finish.
Eddie was taken into hospital at lunch time, he blacked out for a few minutes and was really giddy and said he felt awful so l rang a ambulance and to cut a long story short they think he has a perforated bowel or a blockage there, he looks like his 15 months pregnant and he had been in A & E for 4 hours having X rays, blood tests and a (ECG just to make sure thing were ok there after his last heart attack), he has now been put on a surgical ward but l have come home as l hadn't eaten since breakfast and as l'm diabetic l needed some food and my tablets and they were waiting for another doctor to see Ed then if he didn't need a op tonight they would feed him , he is going to phone me later when he hears anything.
Sorry if this message seems all over the place but l'm just devastated,
can't believe this has happened and what did Ed say .........well l haven't been on this ward before at QA hospital.
Thanks for letting me get this off my chest, think l'll go and have a cup of tea now.