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I am so worried re swine flu and son

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Julia Report 30 Dec 2010 09:01

Good Morning Chris, and those also nursing patients of the 'flu.
I hope your son is feeling a tad better today. A fish from the chippy is a good sign methinks. It may regenerate his taste buds, and lead him on to more solids, which will help in the fight of this terrible bug.
I have my 'flu jab every year, and have also had the pneumonia jab. This was because I had bronchitis a few years ago.
The 'flu jab is no longer the domain of the elderly and pregnant mothers. Many people can have it. Indeed, I met a young girl, about 19, last week in hospital, diagnosed with'flu, but she had had the jab. I asked how she was able to have it. She said she was nursing her mother who had cancer.
So, onwards and upwards for the poorly ones and ((((((((((HUGS)))))))
Julia in Derbyshire


MarionfromScotland Report 30 Dec 2010 09:30

I hope you all get well soon.
This time of year is bad for spreading things about.All the gatherings and kisses and cuddles etc.Crowded shops transport too.



AnninGlos Report 30 Dec 2010 10:07

Apaprently the flu jab is only 80% successful in preventing against swine flu, but if you get it having had the jab it is not so bad.


KempinaPartyhat Report 30 Dec 2010 11:21

Chris is your son any better ???

hope things are better and you are less worried about him


ChrisofWessex Report 30 Dec 2010 12:11

Kemp - I feel more relaxed? for want of a better word. Like Julia - feel that he asked for battered fish and ate it is one step towards recovery and hope that in a few days when the new pills kick in will be easier. Haven't heard from him yet today as he is sleeping so erratically - told him to phone us rather than us ring and waken him.

Thank you all for kind thoughts and do hope that anyone else who is poorly or has someone poorly improves soon.


Sylvia Report 30 Dec 2010 23:30

Chris that is a good sign your son having the fish. Doctor saw my daughter again today and told her it takes about a month to fully recover, but she does feel a bit better thank goodness. Today I am full of cold but hopefully thats all it will be.
Thinking of you and your son and anyone else who is poorly


ChrisofWessex Report 31 Dec 2010 12:35

Not good news this morning and I am having jitters again. Phone call from son re breathing. OH gone to him, phoned and spoke to GP, waiting for visit. This is what I was afraid of, he needs more attention than we can give him. OH explained to GP he was a fulltime carer for me and although trying his best could not be in 2 places at once.

He had made a cottage pie to take to him later this afternoon but went then at 10.30.


ChrisofWessex Report 31 Dec 2010 13:09

Call from OH - Dr just been, prescribed ventolin and steriods - well between those and antibiotics should help his breathing, I know that from personal experience. Just hope he will begin to pick up it has been a long 12 days so far.


MarionfromScotland Report 31 Dec 2010 13:23

What a worry. I'm glad Dr has been back again.
i think you have to keep on at them till they get to the bottom of it .
I expect they are run off their feet just now.

Hope this works for him this time.



ChrisofWessex Report 31 Dec 2010 13:27

I do hope so Marion if not will be a quick toss as to which of the three us cut a throat first!!!! I expect Gps have been run ragged for a couple of weeks now and instead of easing up according to news is gaining impetus.

See what you said on earlier post Marion re gatherings, festive kissing etc.
Son wakened up ill on Monday the previous Saturday he was in London at a Paul McCartney concert.! 48 hours is a good incubation time.


MarionfromScotland Report 31 Dec 2010 13:46

Might well have been there he caught it.You can see how some who had tks looking forward to it,werent feeling good but went anyway.
Ive had one son with a stinking cold its about away now. Tomorrow the other one will be here and he now has a stinker.

(swallows bottle of vit C) LOL


ChrisofWessex Report 31 Dec 2010 13:49

I know how you feel its OH I am concerned about!!!!! I just feel so frustrated in that I can do nothing to help. I always used to say the family's health was my business!!


KempinaPartyhat Report 31 Dec 2010 14:11

I,m so pleased you called the GP again ..My son is still taking his ventolin and he was ill 3 days before christmas eve it will take time for this to dry out the lungs but hopefully he will pick up soon



MarionfromScotland Report 31 Dec 2010 14:17

With us Mums it never ends...then theres Grandkids another worry. Oh well thats what us Mums are all about lol


AnninGlos Report 31 Dec 2010 14:51

At least the doctor is calling Chris which is good. Hopefully all the new meds will work, I hope so anyway and also hope your OH stays well.

We actually braved the sales in Cheltenham today but I was very wary of getting into a huddle with others. However you can't stay home all the time or you'd get paranoid. (I bet I get a cold now!)


SheilaSomerset Report 31 Dec 2010 22:28

Hope he feels better soon x


Sylvia Report 31 Dec 2010 23:27

Chris, I hope your son is soon well. My daughter is a lot better today, but very weak, and now its my turn, oh well it shouldnt be to bad as I had the flu jab.


ChrisofWessex Report 1 Jan 2011 00:45

Sylvia - hope you are not too bad. Fingers crossed. Thank you all for your support.

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond

Purple **^*Sparkly*^** Diamond Report 1 Jan 2011 07:19

Hope the new meds help your son get better soon Chris. I am touch wood, lots better now and hope I don't pick up anything else so I can go out, I haven't been out the house except into the garden, since Christmas Eve.
I got a bottle of the hand sanitising gel, the sort you use without water, it is supposed to kill 99.99% bacteria - maybe your o.h. could get some and use when he leaves your son's house and again before he comes inside if he has been shopping, it's touching door handles of shops and all the trolley handles etc that can pass the germs on I think, as well as the airborne ones. I also got a spray bottle of antibacterial cleaner from Morrisons that kills lots of bugs, including 99.9% flu bugs.

I need to get shopping before the sales are over!

Take care and hope your hubby will be ok to keep on ministering to your son and you too without making himself poorly.


Sylvia, hope your daughter is on the mend now and you can avoid the bugs.


ChrisofWessex Report 1 Jan 2011 12:18

Thanks Liz OH taking precautions as much as he can. After visitng hospital daily for 6 mths in 09 (nearly said last year) he got used to it but it is valuable advice to everyone. But like you say trolley handles etc can carry the germs and one does not always think of that.

Glad you are on the mend, whilst this weather is so iffy inside is the best place to be - remember Liz peeps with germs could be at the sales!!!!