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I am so worried re swine flu and son

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Sylvia Report 30 Dec 2010 23:30

Chris that is a good sign your son having the fish. Doctor saw my daughter again today and told her it takes about a month to fully recover, but she does feel a bit better thank goodness. Today I am full of cold but hopefully thats all it will be.
Thinking of you and your son and anyone else who is poorly


ChrisofWessex Report 30 Dec 2010 12:11

Kemp - I feel more relaxed? for want of a better word. Like Julia - feel that he asked for battered fish and ate it is one step towards recovery and hope that in a few days when the new pills kick in will be easier. Haven't heard from him yet today as he is sleeping so erratically - told him to phone us rather than us ring and waken him.

Thank you all for kind thoughts and do hope that anyone else who is poorly or has someone poorly improves soon.


KempinaPartyhat Report 30 Dec 2010 11:21

Chris is your son any better ???

hope things are better and you are less worried about him


AnninGlos Report 30 Dec 2010 10:07

Apaprently the flu jab is only 80% successful in preventing against swine flu, but if you get it having had the jab it is not so bad.


MarionfromScotland Report 30 Dec 2010 09:30

I hope you all get well soon.
This time of year is bad for spreading things about.All the gatherings and kisses and cuddles etc.Crowded shops transport too.



Julia Report 30 Dec 2010 09:01

Good Morning Chris, and those also nursing patients of the 'flu.
I hope your son is feeling a tad better today. A fish from the chippy is a good sign methinks. It may regenerate his taste buds, and lead him on to more solids, which will help in the fight of this terrible bug.
I have my 'flu jab every year, and have also had the pneumonia jab. This was because I had bronchitis a few years ago.
The 'flu jab is no longer the domain of the elderly and pregnant mothers. Many people can have it. Indeed, I met a young girl, about 19, last week in hospital, diagnosed with'flu, but she had had the jab. I asked how she was able to have it. She said she was nursing her mother who had cancer.
So, onwards and upwards for the poorly ones and ((((((((((HUGS)))))))
Julia in Derbyshire


ladylol Report 30 Dec 2010 07:46

hope everyone will soon be back to normal, i had swine flu couple of weeks ago, my own faulty id boasted i didnt need flu injection as id only had flu in my teens twice , ive a reduced thingy but managed luckily to keep out of hosp even tho i was rattling, bit worried then as it sounded like the death rattle but i managed, more concerned about 24 yr old daughter i could see how ill i waS BY LOOKING at her bless her she is at day 4 now just waiting for a decent time to phone xx good luck everyone and thinking of you xxx oh thingy was immune system xx


ChrisofWessex Report 29 Dec 2010 23:21

At least mine is a grown man Dawnie, even more worrying when it is children. It is a nasty flu reminds me of the Asian one in late 1957 - I was pregnant with his sister. Hope the kiddies are on the up soon.


Dawnieher3headaches Report 29 Dec 2010 23:11

Laddo had it never seen him so ill he spent 9 days in bed and 5 days on is still weak and not back to normal self. Never known o much food in house he normally ges through it so quickly. The onething he is having a lot of is milk will look like a cow soon. Tiddler had it as well but not a bad.

Dr told me to get them to eat they could have whateve rthey wanted as long as they ate and 1st sign of wheezing or trouble breathing up casualty.

seems to be so much of it about


ChrisofWessex Report 29 Dec 2010 23:02

Oh Sylvia - you and me together. At least we have'nt any children to worry about.

Hope she will begin to pick up soon. Perhaps son will listen to Mummy and have the flu jab next year! Like your dau he is very weak and apart from homemade veg soups and home cooked ham both of which I knew he would nibble. Tonight when OH was sorting him out he asked him to go to chippie and get him a fish so apparently he ate it.

There are those who are going down like ninepins for best part of 2 weeks and those are the ones apparently with swine flu - at least two others about which are not so severe.

Take care of yourself and hopefully our patents will be up and about soon and then we will have our goose!!!


Sylvia Report 29 Dec 2010 22:10

Oh Chris, I know just how you feel. Our eldest daughter is just the same. Started 11 days ago. After 4 days the doctor went to see her and said it was swine flu and something else but not sure what. To late for tamiflu but had antibiotics for chest infection. She is so weak and up to today not eaten anything, but had lucozade and water. She has lost so much weight.Her legs wont support her she is so weak. For health reasons I havent been to see her and also feel very guilty, but had her 7 year old staying here to keep her away from it. I dont know how long they carry the infection but daughter is seeing doctor again tomorrow.
I pray your son soon feels better and look after yourself x


ChrisofWessex Report 29 Dec 2010 17:43

Thank you all - I know I cannot be near him or him here until he is noninfectious even the first day when he thought he had a stinking cold was 'unless this clears up Friday I will not be home, don't need you in ICU again' . It is just so hard and the one who is bearing the brunt is OH, he is my rock, he is the rock for all of us. He has to stay clear or we are all up the swanee!

Kemp - he is a bit wheezy at times too and has a ventolin inhaler. He is drinking plenty of lucozade and flavoured water apart from tea. We know he has gone through 4 of large lucozade and 6 of large water in past week, so he has plenty of fluids.

I checked the new antibiotics on net and they are prescribed for chronic bronchitis and pneumonia so they must be strong and hopefully kick in quickly.


KempinaPartyhat Report 29 Dec 2010 16:16

Chris son was the same down to a T

It took two lots of antibioctics and an inhaler but my son is asmatic as well......Let him take these for 3 days and if NO improvement get the doctor again...He must drink coz it helps the antibioctic get round the system....

Now as for you ...LOOK AFTER YOU ,..your son will be in terrible trouble if he passes this to you then you will both be crying. Yes its hard when they have been so ill again my son to a T ..nearly lost him to pneumonia some 20 years ago at christmas to!

Hospital is NOT the place for him ..he will probably get something else which will make his rocovery harder and longer

Look after you and I,m sure it will be fine ...sending you a

Lady Cutie

Lady Cutie Report 29 Dec 2010 15:02

Keeping fingers crossed that these antibiotics
do the trick Chris ..
Hope he feels better very soon


AnninGlos Report 29 Dec 2010 15:00

Sorry that he is no better Chris and I can guess how you must be feeling. Your OH has done a lot for him and kept him going with food that you have prepared, you have done your bit. If you caught it your OH would have twice the problem and not be able to go to check up on your son as much. Hopefully the second lot of medication will knock it on the head. If it is the chest infection dragging him down the antibs should work now, hopefully stronger ones.


MarionfromScotland Report 29 Dec 2010 14:58

Oh good lets hope he gets well soon.:))
Might take a day or two to kick in though.


ChrisofWessex Report 29 Dec 2010 14:51

Dr's been - still has chest infection - different antibiotics. Did not know he had an infection as well. Maybe these will work, fingers crossed.


Rambling Report 29 Dec 2010 14:29

I had swine flu before last christmas Chris, it was worse than I could imagine, the Tamiflu i started about four days in, may have shortened the worst of it but I had the cough for weeks and felt absolutely drained for several months after that. It really is a nasty thing so will take some time for your son to recover. Try not to feel guilty, there really is nothing you can do except get the medical help, even if you could see him , the way he will be feeling he probably just wants to curl up alone.

Hope he starts to feel better soon.


ChrisofWessex Report 29 Dec 2010 14:26

Thank you - at the moment OH has had to go out, so I am indulging in a little weep and worry as he gets upset if sees me crying. We are both worried about him. Have come to the stage I wish they would take him into hospital if only for a few days whilst he is looked after 24/7 but there is such a demand on the hospitals perhaps he is not ill enough. Son had viral pneumonia/pleurisy some 25 years ago and viral bronchitis about 10 yrs. So I worry - so what is new - all mothers worry until the day comes they can worry no more!


Merlin Report 29 Dec 2010 14:21

Chris, see if you can get some "Quinine Tabs" I had that For Malaria.It might work for that. **M**.