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Christchurch (NZ) Quake

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Persephone Report 22 Feb 2011 02:37

Annie are you watching TV3. It is bl**dy terrifying. They are just doing a recap. But prior to that they were trying to get bodies out of the collapsed buildings.

Parademics have been flown in in copters etc. They have set up triage posts in about three areas. It looks like a war zone. To me I would also be worried about another one happening.



Persephone Report 22 Feb 2011 01:28

Christchurch people are on the constant alert Sandie.

This one has done damage in the city - the Avon River which runs around by the Uni is fairly murky. The water in the city has been cut off/ so public loos are closed. The radio building and the church across from it have toppled. This one has been shallower than the major one last year but there is a lot more damage to major buildings/assets etc.

Two buses have been crushed by falling buildings and some people are trapped in buildings.

The news is flat out doing bulletins trying to keep us up.

Darn someone came to the door when I was in the middle of listening and typing.

I thought I better look in to see if Huia had posted it up but see Annie has done instead.

Update Annie - was just told Christchurch Hospital is okay - and had not been evacuated.


*$parkling $andie*

*$parkling $andie* Report 22 Feb 2011 01:01

I don't have relatives there but do have 'GR' friends in NZ I do hope they have not been affected in anyway, also yourself Annie.

6.3 is very high and with buildings down there are unfortunately likely to be fatalities:(...............less us hope that if there are that they very few..Hopefully none.

Annie from NZ

Annie from NZ Report 22 Feb 2011 00:20

Hi All

There has just been a 6.3 quake in Christchurch, NZ.

Apparently all phone lines to Christchurch are down. There has been damage to buildings, some are down, and the hospital has been evacuated.

If you have relatives or loved ones in the area you may only be able to reach them on cell phones.

Hopefully no-one has been hurt.

Thought you would all like to know.
