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Migrants Benefits

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ChrisofWessex Report 6 Mar 2011 22:21

Sue - one benefit particularly enrages me - e.g. a man arrives here from Romania (could be any country in E.U.) his wife and 8 children are still in Romania - then explain to me how he can claim child benefit for each of his children and get it. Talk about streets paved with gold.

That is wrong.

I suppose I am a migrant of sorts - am only second generation born English - roots are in the Isle of Man.

That is wrong.


SueMaid Report 6 Mar 2011 22:35

I do agree with you on that one and it's something that wouldn't happen here in Aus. Do you have different rules regarding who is an immigrant and who is a refugee?

Having looked up the rules for migrants claiming benefits - a family can claim child endowment immediately but they cannot claim for any other welfare benefits for varying lengths of time. Our immigration rules have tightened up a great deal over the years.

Now refugees have a whole different set of rules. I do however get annoyed when people say that living in a detention centre is luxury compared to what they had - a prison is a prison however well fitted out.



SueMaid Report 6 Mar 2011 22:40

Rita - I'm not in the least upset about the word 'migrant'. I migrated to Australia with my parents in the 1950's. My concern is the generalisations that make all migrants sound like scroungers. Of course there are - and always will be - people who are out to rort the system including people who are British through and through. Happens here in Australia - we all know people who are out for what they can get.



ChrisofWessex Report 6 Mar 2011 22:44

Rita - We are an island nation - OH was upset with the tunnel insists that piece of water was there for a purpose!!!!


SueMaid Report 6 Mar 2011 22:45

Oh and the person who sent me the lovely little message about being a bleeding heart - that term has been used to death. It means nothing and is generally meant to be insulting.



ChrisofWessex Report 6 Mar 2011 22:46

Sue - that was not nice. If we cannot exchange opinions and facts without resorting to personal slights, it is a sad case of affairs.


SueMaid Report 6 Mar 2011 23:10

No it isn't nice Chris and Rita but it doesn't matter. I think this thread has promoted a fair exchange of ideas.



SueMaid Report 6 Mar 2011 23:14

Of course it's difficult to compare the immigration rules between Britain and Australia. Much more difficult to come into Australia when we are quite isolated. Still we get our share of illegals.

Immigration is quite difficult now. We have a points system with the idea that whoever migrates here is productive and not a drain on the welfare system. You must be sponsored by someone already living here.



ChrisofWessex Report 7 Mar 2011 11:36

SueM - we need those rules, I think the populace would be happy with that but our governments do not seem to listen and as a country I feel that we are heading to hell in a handcart!


Rambling Report 7 Mar 2011 11:55

I'm a bleeding heart ..I thank God and my parentage for it :) and I have at least one 'economic' migrant in my tree (Irish.)

I want to ask one question, ( loads but one will do for my BP)

Did everyone who is up in arms about migrants from within Europe make their feelings known by voting at the last election for the only party who would take us out of Europe and nullify the 'deals' we have made to accept those migrants ?( UKIP that is not the rascist party that I would have to spit if I named it that is lol) Did you? If not why not?

Do you vote in an MEP? If so , why so if you disagree with what they are 'signing up to' ?


ChrisofWessex Report 7 Mar 2011 12:12

RR - Political and religious discussions always cause rows no matter where they take place - suffice it to say I always have put my money where my mouth is. Who I vote for is between me and the box.

I lobby whoever my MP is about issues I feel strongly about and I ALWAYS vote. I feel that voting should be mandatory as I believe it is in Australia.
If you do not cast your vote you cannot moan.


Rambling Report 7 Mar 2011 12:25

"Politics religion" AND migration Chris !

I don't want to know who people voted for...i was just making the point that if one votes for any party that is commited to Europe , then at some point one is going to have to either come to terms with the status quo OR make ones protest felt in Party HQ.

Regarding nephew is there at the moment,, on a work visa...he has a skill that is required and was sponsored by a firm .. but could one of 'their own' have done the job? yes for sure. I am sure there are people in Aus who wonder why he is there?


ChrisofWessex Report 7 Mar 2011 12:37

Up to the seventies - could still be going on for all I know - if a non N.Irish person was offered a job there, the firm had to prove that they had advertised widely and were unable to find a suitable applicant born in N. Ireland. When that person arrived in N. Ireland he had to apply for a Work/Residence Permit which would be backed by the company he worked for. This Permit had to be applied for yearly up to a maximum of 10 years. Deductions were made if the applicant had served any length of time in HM Forces. This rule was enforced and applied not only to non UK born applicants but those born in England/Scotland or Wales.

I have said before on these boards I have no desire to be a European and never have had. People were conned into voting for a Common Market (a different kettle of fish to the European Union) as it would mean free trade amongst countries and would assist businesses who were swamped with paperwork when exporting.


Angelsong Report 7 Mar 2011 15:11

Rule Britannia.


Angelsong Report 7 Mar 2011 15:44

I was just thinking that in Rule Britannia we have what used to be the typical British race, Rita. It was what we stood for, and were proud to stand for our national identity. But I totally agree that we should keep out of Libya, and a whole raft of other countries.

Claire in Lincs

Claire in Lincs Report 8 Mar 2011 09:53

Thankfully i can say that i am not repsonsible for putting the current goverment into power,,i voted English Democrats....because i am english...not british..


ChrisofWessex Report 8 Mar 2011 12:30

A British citizen with an unprouncable name who burned the Poppies has been fined £50 and is laughing about it. So he should - he lives rent free and receives nearly £800 per month in benefits.

Although the Magistrat was upset about the offence he could have fined him much heavier - why not?


InspectorGreenPen Report 8 Mar 2011 13:30


Picking up on your last comment, interestingly it wasn't the current government who agreed to the EU8 country members living over here getting benefits from this this year. It was the last lot....l

Perhaps they knew then they wouldn't be around to take the


Angelsong Report 8 Mar 2011 14:38

Chris, that is disgraceful. Rent free and £800 in benefits. One of my sons works all hours, to pay his rent, and provide for his family.

We have to fork out for council tax, with no concessions. Why doesn't this government put a stop to the freeloading, and yes, we did not vote for them, or their predecessors.

Claire in Lincs

Claire in Lincs Report 8 Mar 2011 23:00

Insp Greenpen

Thankfully,,i didnt vote for them either,,