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Migrants Benefits

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maggiewinchester Report 5 Mar 2011 00:54

Okay Bob-my blood pressure has just broken the machine!!....


Bobtanian Report 4 Mar 2011 23:41

did you also see that eu Mps have just given themseves a raise of over 1000 euros a month to go with their 7000 odd euro monthly salary.....


ChrisofWessex Report 4 Mar 2011 22:28

Maggie - nothing changes - the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.


Grabagran Report 4 Mar 2011 20:40

Robert How'd you know I don't live in Leith? lol
When you do come back, claim the Asylum seekers money, and you can stay in the new hotel on Calton hill for a night


maggiewinchester Report 4 Mar 2011 20:37

It's about time our governments realised we are no longer the 'British Empire'!!
Russia is quite capable of fending for itself, as are China and India.
It's no longer 'our' responsibility to ensure their poor don't die - we have plenty of our own!

maggie - who's just learnt that her rent is going up by over £20 a month.
Can't wait to see how much the council tax goes up.
How much has my pay gone up by in the past 2 years - zilch!
...and I'm getting the same pay rise for the next 2 years!

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 4 Mar 2011 19:50

They are getting rid of the Quango's but one of the people who works for one of the quango's got £200.000 for redundancy pay.
The government have paid around £2 million in redundancy for the people that worked for the quango's..


Robert Report 4 Mar 2011 14:51

Hi Leith Lassie (who doesn't live in Leith any more),

When Scotland gets independence I am going to come back to Scotland -where I was born- and sneak over the Border and claim asylum--And get £250 a week!!

When a British old age pensioner reaches 80 the pension goes up by 25p per week and it is taxed.
Asylum seekers do NOT pay tax


Merlin Report 4 Mar 2011 14:39

They say its Overseas Aid.Will they then kindly explain to the British Taxpayer How India can afford to buy up our Industries,i/e Steel and Land Rover Jaguar.Its a disgrace and should be stopped,especially as our own Charities have to get the begging bowl out all the time and lots of things are being cut or underfunded.About time they go their priorities right, and got rid of the "Quangoes/Jobsworths" handing it out.**M**.


ChrisofWessex Report 4 Mar 2011 13:41

It is even worse Claire - have just read in today's paper that we give aid to China and Russia. Why??????????? Letter coming on - M.P.

Claire in Lincs

Claire in Lincs Report 4 Mar 2011 08:51

This situation makes me seeth..

Charity begins at home...Why the hell is the goverment sending money to India when we cant even look after our own?
We need schools repairing..more nurses..more money for operations and drugs for cancer.

Last week i was approached by a charity collector .wanting contributions for overseas aid,,,Well the goverment have already paid out millions on my behalf so Im damned if I'll contribute anymore.


InspectorGreenPen Report 4 Mar 2011 08:17

It appears it was the Labour Government are largely responsible.

See article in the mail


Angelsong Report 4 Mar 2011 07:08

Ooops Chris, my mistake, Robert mentioned the amount of money in his post. Apologies to you and to Robert.


ChrisofWessex Report 3 Mar 2011 22:28

Angel am confused - I never mentioned any amount of money!


Angelsong Report 3 Mar 2011 22:22

It is all an absolute shambles. Your statement Chris about the £250 a week to immigrants is outrageous. My pension is well below half that amount.

Time the government really listened to the people in the UK


Grabagran Report 3 Mar 2011 19:57

This makes me sick. When you think of the people who are genuinely sick, losing their benefits until they've had a medical, it's taking the s..t out of people born and bred here.

 Sue In Yorkshire.

Sue In Yorkshire. Report 3 Mar 2011 17:31

Like Ann in Glos says the financial aid going to India is frozen for the next four years but to me if they can afford a Space programme they can afford to feed their own people and we shouldn't be giving money to India.

The Indian government should use the money they are paying for the space programme to build decent accomodation and feed their own people..

Their billionaires should help pay some money towards feeding their own people.

Yes it's right that immigrants get £250 a week and pensioners such as a few of us(including myself) fget just over the limit to get council tax/housing benefit.I am a penny over the amount to get the perks.

We haven't enough money in this country to be keeping are own never mind sending it abroad.

Charity begins at home as far as I am concerned.

Also if EU people(mainlymen) come over here they can claim Child benefit to send back home to their wives.

We don't know for certain every one of them have children.


ChrisofWessex Report 3 Mar 2011 17:02

They are also the country with the largest number of billionaires.


AnninGlos Report 3 Mar 2011 17:00

They are still sending financial aid to India at least for the next (I think) 4 years but it will be frozen at the current amount. Watching last night on TV a minister (didn't catch who he was) defending this, he said India was both a rich country but had a huge amount of poor people these are who our money is supposed to be helping. My argument is, how do we know that the money goes to help the poor and is not used to further their space programme etc? We know from our own local governments and civil service that if money is not ring fenced it is syphoned off and used for other things. (I have worked in CS finance and believe me it is true.)


ChrisofWessex Report 3 Mar 2011 16:49

Robert that has really upset me as I do not even get a full pension. Plus all the other perks they get.

I cannot apply for housing benefit/tax credit and too old to have children, if I was well enough I would take up the oldest profession!!!!!!!

Apparently they are not going to send aid to India and China and somewhere else or are thinking about it. We cannot afford our warships/army/police never mind a nuclear programme which India has.

Charity begins at home for me for thee not for every Tom, Dick and Harry.


Robert Report 3 Mar 2011 16:20

Old age Pensioners, having paid tax and national insurance all their lives get around £100 per week pension.

Illegal immigrants/ asylum seekers get I believe £250 per week!!!!!