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Migrants Benefits

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ChrisofWessex Report 3 Mar 2011 14:44

I must stop posting - however this got the blood boiling. On teletext at lunchtime it states that as from May of this year citizens of 8 countries who have joined the EU will be eligible to claim full benefits. It is estimated that this will run into millions of pounds.

In our paper today article on Gurkhas and their families. It highlights where once they won the battle to stay in UK, word flashed around Nepal and money was begged, borrowed etc to get to UK.

One lady who can barely sign her own name, and cannot speak english, spends £40 a month phoning her 12 children and borrowed £6000 to get here. She stated she was told the government would give her a house and money and a sewing job. Is returning in April

There appears to be an agency in Nepal (UK based I think) which charges £500-£700 to fill in immigration documents. They must be coining it in and giving false hope.

Can anyone tell me if France/Germany etc end up paying huge state benefits/housing to immigrants? Or are we again the soft touch?