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Our Grandsons accident- update pg 3 he is home !

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Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it

Shirley~I,m getting the hang of it Report 18 Mar 2011 16:07

Our grandson Jamie drives a lorry delivering steel all over the country. he goes out on a Monday morning and comes home on a Friday delivering and picking up and redelivering steel. He lives in Kent but is up in Sheffield at the moment.
On Tuesday he was awaiting the reload of his lorry at a suppliers and the steel was loaded on his truck by a crane, one section was being supported by a wooden surport and he was asked to jump up and secure the chains. not strictly his job !!. he was just reaching in with the chains and the surport beam broke and a steel joist came down on his hand. He has lost his ring finger on his right hand, it was hanging on by just a thread and couldnt be saved and his thumb was also crushed, The plastic surgeon has tried to save the thumb by wiring it up but the blood supply isnt right. blood is going into the joint but not returning back. He had leeches attached to it for an overnight feed!! to see if that would get the blood down again. IF not he faces amputaion of the area and one of his toes being grafted in its place, an ten hour operation he has been told. He is so far away that its not possible for his wife to get there especially as they have two girls at home aged 2 and 8. Our daughter .his mum is going to see him on Saturday.

We are all devistated .
