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~`*`Jude`*`~ | Report | 28 Mar 2011 15:04 |
My sister makes them:o)) |
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MissFitz | Report | 28 Mar 2011 15:02 |
I had a Golly as a child and always thought he was a chimney sweep, thats what my mum always said and I had a black doll I got from a jumble sale at the school which I put in the pram with my white doll and told everyone they were twins, Mum says this gave the neighbours alot of amusement. |
LindainBerkshire1736004 | Report | 28 Mar 2011 14:56 |
I am a childminder and need to have a mix of races for the toys and books I have. I bought a doll in Barbados and admit the children have all loved her to bits, she is basically a rag doll so very cuddly. |
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ChrisofWessex | Report | 28 Mar 2011 14:34 |
If this thread offends I will remove it. However in the paper today is a letter going on about Gollies and the PC aspect. I had one as a child and adored it so much so on holiday in Wales in 2008 we went back to a shop 4 times in order to find it open and purchase a Golly we had seen in there. The owner said she could not get enough of them. Mine is carefully wrapped up in gift paper, in a drawer and the label reads -'for my first g.gchild'. |